Which means or proves what?
no jots or titles no wise pass until all is fulfilled...all is NOT fulfilled...nor is heaven and earth passed
Not what you think it does NOR should you be arguing against scripture! :doh: 1 Corinthians 5:17
ummm...there is NO 1 Cor 5:17...did you mean 1:17 where he says not with fancy words...but preaching the gospel can be with actions right? Ya buddy...there is no 2:17 how about 3:17? “If anyone defiles the temple of Yah Yah will destroy him...for the temple of Yah is holy which temple you are.” So according to the NT or Son’s commandments how exactly to we defile the temple? Oh right just like the OT...SAME LAW...for Native and Foreigner alike. Or did you mean chapter 4:17 where Paul sends Timothy who he circumcised to remind them of his ways in Christ...you know follow Me...as He said...copy me as I copy Christ Paul said...
Hey how about 6:17? Did you mean this? “But who is joined to the Lord is ONE SPIRIT with Him” but you figure that one Spirit has people doing different things different ways different times right?
Read chapter 7 Stephen showed he knew the OT better than them and they killed him for it.
yup Stephen even said the church was in the wilderness back then...imagine that...but you would have the church change the rules?...
The 'false' accusation was about Jesus. They rejected Him. Make sure you don't.
Right these slanderous lying jews claimed Stephen taught Jesus would destroy the temple and change the customs Moses delivered. Luke was clear those jews were FALSE WITNESSES because Stephen did NOT teach that as Jesus did NOT do that...
Jesus fulfilled the Law. If He did not,
He would be unworthy as a sacrifice...
you are still in your sins
I still am...is why I need Him to help me get out of sin...never sinless but to sin less
Is why He kept the law...and said to do so...and Spirit comes to those who obey...
Ephesians 2:8-10 is VERY clear, you cannot be saved observing the laws or 'attempting' to keep them.
the WHOLE OT was clear on that...it was NEVER righteousness by works...always faith first...by faith
Even with Israel...first saved out of Egypt...(a mix multitude of believers too BTW)...and then given the Law...
By faith Abraham...I mean read Heb 11...faith first...
The commandments are known as the ten words the decalouge and translators had a hard time with Biblical Hebrew as it was only present past tense...so they struggled to make something relevant TODAY with future imperative “THOU SHALT”...a better translation would be “you do not” so “you do not steal you do not kill you do not lie” etc...even better would be to understand it as with Me or where I am you do not etc...
The 10 commandments are like an owner’s manual...you dont follow these instructions in order to GET THE CAR...you follow them because you already HAVE the car...you're the owner duh...
Judiazers however were teaching something NEVER TAUGHT in the OT...that circumcision SAVED...one had to be in order to be saved...never did...
Oh and the 10 were NOT JUST GIVEN TO JEWS...but 12 tribes of Israel and foreigners who believed as they did and were saved from Egypt and followed them...ONE LAW for native born and for foreigner..
You don't know much about gardening, but John 15:5
so you gonna graft a carrot to that vine stock are ya? OF COURSE THE BRANCHES BARE THE SAME FRUIT AS THE VINE...in other words DO AS HE DID...duh double duh
And with Paul’s grafting INTO the trunk...it is true you can NOT mix apple branch with orange trunk...they have to be most similar...same family...
You would even have the grafted branch CHANGE THE TREE...?
:Yet you want everyone to 'become a Jew' to be 'one.'
Not at all...since the Law was given to Israel and believing goyim I expect the SAME...you want the PROMISE? But not the covenant rules...
Peter was clear the Spirit saw NO DISTINCTION between believing goyim and jews...because if a believing goyim brought swine meat to the potluck that WOULD BE A DISTINCTION as would demanding Sunday worship was ok...you notice the difference too yes?
There was never and is never a need to be a Christian in your idea of following Him: "Simply become a Jew" is your mantra and gospel and Christ died for nothing. Do you wonder than any oppose you? You are undoing the very work of Christ with your supposed gospel. Read Galatians and Hebrews.
simply become His...thus CITIZEN OF ISRAEL and mind the house rules...HIS HOUSE RULES...dont defile your temple...because you are saved and have inherited...go and sin no more...
Your another gospel another christ has Him abolishing the law...and do what thou whilst as if the Spirit would lead you into NOT keeping His Will...the Law...
...undoing the very work of Christ.
He destroyed that wall that separated jew from gentile which WAS NOT OT LAW to start with...ONE LAW for both...and NOW again and in Him neither jew nor gentile...but ONE
People could become proselytized before Christ came.
yup and after He came they could believe in Him now too...
You are attacking the foundation of Salvation by grace.
ummm grace was in the garden of Eden already when instead of Adam and Eve He killed to make skins to COVER them...sound familiar?
Such is an awkward sentiment. As much as I might want to be Japanese, it is never going to happen. I'll always be a foreigner, even if I was born there.
biologically foreign true... but as a citizen of Japan you would have to keep the same laws as other citizens...
Similarly, not even a Jew can be a Jew today,
if biological jew is a thing they can be that...and still keep their law...but yes that would mean the reject Him
they rejected Christ and yet have lost the priesthood. They CANNOT keep the Law any longer and are held to breaking it.
well there is a NEW understanding regarding that...but I digress...
I am not MAD...I do maintain salvation only in Him and His way...because IN HIM it is a twofer...we are saved...thus keep the law...
There is no 'Christ' nor Christian in your advocacy. You are just preaching Judaism and I'm not nor ever will be a Jew.
Perhaps your histrionics blinds you to what I am writing...perhaps a veil? Because it is you who teach as lying jews did and still do...that Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered...Acts 6:14 You claim the FALSE WITNESS He destroys temples...
Again, flitting about wherever your imagination carries you. A new creation, new-naturally keeps the Law because it is written upon his/her soul. The Law simply tells you where you may need to shore up. I do not need to beat you into not blaspheming His name. Pastor's caught in adultery have forsaken treating younger women as sisters in the Lord. No believer is going to do something wrong with his sister. People in the flesh do something wrong with their sister.
I was asking you what is the faith OF Yahushua? You will indeed DO THAT as that is what is written on circumcised hearts of the inner jew...obviously NOT yours...
not sure what law is written on your heart instead...nice and loving maybe but NOT HIS...the Christ mind serves the Law...as He did...the flesh remains weak in need of prayer discipline and forgiveness...never sinless just in Him sin less...the law remains to point it out...
Of course and he caveated: "...as I follow the Law..."
Yeah, right, no. He said "Follow me as I follow Christ."
Paul said both...lol...oh and Christ is the law...so well BINGO...you do AS HE DID and you’ll fulfill the Law...
Will you divorce your wife? Moses and the Law allowed it. Jesus said not to do it and that God hated it.
He even said dont be mad cuz you be killer...or dont lust cuz you’ll be an adulterer...but see how the LAW REMAINS?
You know, I don't have to tell my kids not to murder. Sorry you have to do it every year. My kids follow Christ "as Paul did." You? Stuck being a Jew, following because you are lawless. I have it written on my heart so I don't have to whip anybody. Every Christian loves the Lord. No longer do they need you to teach them 'know the Lord' because they know Him from the least to the greatest.' (Hebrews 8, 10)
if you say you love Him and do not do as He did you are a liar...
Different. Yep, 'special' dispensation.
junior varsity often plays WITH varsity...but you are trying to tell me they have different rules on the same field in the same game? LOL
so when you go from junior to varsity you can carry the basketball...forward lateral the football...hide the hockey puck? LOL
My kids are all old enough now that I don't give rules. They treat each other with respect and help around the house when they are home from college. Difference? When they were immature they needed rules. Now? Internalized. They may bump against a few rules I used to have, but it doesn't bother me. They have, in themselves, a desire to please us
bravo...up until now you are like the pagans or Buddhists or muslims...
which God? The jealous One that wants His Will to be done? Doubtful
It is enough. I'm not sweating the small stuff anymore. They need to walk with Jesus and my 'rules' aren't much help to them at this stage. They'd become a hindrance to their need to interact on their own, with their Savior, to please him.
They need to DO AS HE DID and asked them to do...because they are citizens of Israel and can NOT change its rules...
:doh: if you are a Jew....
ummm no...if you are on His team you are no longer a jew and if you miss a shot or make a foul...you are NOT kicked off the team...that part is done away with...just stay IN DA COACH
if so, go ahead and divorce as Moses allowed. Me? I'm following Christ. Despite what you think, there is a difference. I'm never going to be a Jew.
no circumcised heart there I tell ya...you got divorce on your mind though
Then go ahead and divorce. Jesus said 'no.' You still think there is no difference between JV and Varsity? :think: You've a lot to learn. I'll not be playing JV ever again. Knock yourself out.
the rules for the game remain the same as JV actually play with Varsity in the same game...you’re not playing COACH’S game...His Rules...His Way
You don't even know your Bible. I'll not take advice from the JV nor the JV coach. I've graduated. You have not and simply want to be a Jew, losing Grace. :nono:
graduated eh? So now you can play lawless? Against what your tutor taught you? Contrary to the game and the COACH? Wow...
Grace was in the OT is why Israel His people WANTED to keep the Law...duh...they knew they were saved and thus out of gratitude they obeyed...
Do you even understand that sin offerings were for UNINTENTIONAL sins? You sin willfully there is NO SACRIFICE!!
Of course He gave them grace...when repentant for breaking the LAW...
Your greasy grace has you skidding all over whenever whatever with NO STANDARD...certainly NOT His
“I keep the Sabbath” He claims...”the way and when I want to”
No, I said I probably have kept it better than you, even though you law-slam it all over the place. Kids under tyrants don't grow, nor internalize. Kids with it written on their hearts do.
you do like to talk about yourself...
Sabbath remains made for man...not just jews...or your rejecting uncircumcised heart
:nono: They stopped sacrificing AND stopped divorcing, for instance. You don't pay attention. Go ahead and 'try' to be a Jew. I'm going to be and stay a Christian in Christ.
what does any of that have to do with Peter reminding the Pentecost crowd that His “game” is for EVERYBODY...gentiles are included...
You mixed your basketball metaphor with football,
good Pharisee...sandlot is actually baseball but is used for informal play
just like you mix specifically Jewish (ONLY) laws
again and again given to Israel...Sabbath specifically to man...the stranger in their gates even...not just jews...
with Christian directives. You don't know the difference between basketball and football in the same manner.
know that JV and Varsity play by same rules in same game...
You don't get it, because you never paid attention. You simply like rules and orderliness imposed extrinsically rather than doing the work of instilling intrinsic values.
LOL...trying teaching either sport without rules...even the intrinsic values that you think you instilled ARE NOT OF HIM...
It likely reflects in your strict parenting style as well.
ok Freud...
It may work if you want to be a Jew, but 'sparing the rod' is O.T.
now who is mixing what...
You missed it: Ephesians 2:15 by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. You simply do NOT pay attention! Why DIDN'T you read the very next verse???
Ok so which OT law of commandments and decrees separated jews from gentiles? As OT was for both...remember even Sabbath for strangers...specifically includes them...
So which ones separated them? Because those were abolished
What was abolished were ORDINANCES later jews devised to keep gentiles from worshipping...these were abolished and now from two believing jew and believing gentile He made ONE...one citizen of Israel...ONE LAW just like in the OT...joined together grows into a holy temple in the Lord...and you want to say there are two sets of laws or we don’t have to follow the rules?

lain: "Rocking the boat" is "all over?" You are lazy.
Lazy is thinking we just need grace...
The law was good. It is simply there for 1) LAWBREAKERS (did anybody REALLY need to tell you not to kill? Or is it written for killers? 2) Is written to give parameters for behavior. What parameters? Love. If you love someone, you are not going to rape them, steal from them, kill them or otherwise harm them. THAT is why love is the fulfillment of the law. What kind of love? The Bible gave it: To treat others as relatives, to love them better than yourself. Love: Unselfishly committed to another's higher good.
sounds like Buddhism muslims Hindu catholics all about common good...be nice to each other is all...give peace a chance...
So when do we get to 1) I AM there is no other 2)dont make any...by corrupting yourself with images and imaginations {like Think NOT but well gonna imagine the law is done away with...grace alone...) 3) use my Name YAH usefully tell all
Oh and yes 4) work six days take a day off...
Do you notice how these FOUR absolutely singles out our Creator? The other six all gods have a form of...every nation understand dont kill steal lie...but these first 4 are unique...no other people or nation had any of these four...one of them is HOLY made so by Him EVEN BEFORE SIN
This kind of jargon troubles me. It carries the weight of not really being a new creation.
It troubles you because a testator demonstrated and taught His last will and testimony the New covenant...NO CHANGES prior and certainly none after...Is why Paul kept Sabbath and told believing gentiles to come back next Sabbath not during the week or the next day...
When Jesus told Nicodemus he 'must be born again' it was not a command. It was a condition of the Spirit that ONLY the Spirit could accomplish. Likewise, a new creation is fully and only made by the hands of God. If you are not one, you are not a Christian nor belong to the Lord. ASK God to make you a new creation if you don't get it. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "IF"
what is new is the Christ of it...He is the goal of the Law...that is new to the jew and certainly to the gentile again welcomed INTO fellowship...and YES the Spirit re makes the both into a new born spiritual body...the Spirit guides INTO keeping the Law...NOT away...into MORE LIKE HIM...NOT less...ALL THINGS ARE NEW...Christ mind does that to jew and gentile alike...
No. You are drawing confirmation bias conclusions with little investigation or verification to your premise.
first full day of the Adamic covenant a Sabbath...first full day of the NEW covenant...the day after He died...SABBATH again...
The sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
right means what to you that you reject it? The whole planet and woman was made for you...reject those too? Do you even listen to yourself?
A car was made for you what you going to do crash it? A cake was made for you...crush it!!
Sabbath was BEFORE SIN...what GRACE...HE knew we might need to rest from sweat of our brow work...
In fact AFTER the fall He cursed animals man the ground all that He made...EXCEPT TIME...its Sabbath...nice eh?
Yup made for man...given by Yah
Jesus both did good on the Sabbath and allowed his disciples to work (pick grain) to feed themselves on the Sabbath. Why? Because they were 'with Him.'
picking grain was ALLOWED despite the pharisees protests...of course He did good on the Sabbath and so what THAT DESTROYED IT?
So we can clearly see that Pharisees are going to defend the Sabbath...right?
Acts 5:20 Gamaliel’s advise to pharisees wishing to KILL was to leave the apostles alone as it might by of Yah...
Being with Jesus is 'sabbath' every day of the week.
you literally can not have a seventh day rest on any other day...what are you some time bending magic man? NO WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT...
The Sabbath was a token rest that is fulfilled, permanently, in Christ. Hebrews says so.
Heb 4:9 actually borrowed from the Hebrew Sabbath as in a Sabbatismos...a SABBATH KEEPING...it could easily have been written in greek to rest every day...but Sabbath being seventh day after six it meant something more specific...not just rest every day or even a “Jesus rest” but it said a SABBATH KEEPING...
Someone extrinsically following Christ cannot keep the Sabbath merely by staying home Saturday.
we cant make the Sabbath holy...it already is...and we can’t keep the Sabbath...it keeps us...
"LOL" you think varsity and JV play by the same exact rules. Well, you don't know football, and in the same manner don't know you aren't supposed to lust after another woman, divorce, or 'be not drunk." Moses allowed a certificate of divorce 'because of hard hearts.''
so you are saying JV and Varisty keep different rules playing the same game on the same field at the same time? LOL
Of course I know its more than just murder or actual adultery...you are just PROVING the LAW remains...and Yahushua did indeed restore marriage as the ideal not divorce...but here you are trying to divorce this from that and that over there...
Hard hearts were given divorce...but nothing replaced Sabbath...a day of rest...how hard is that?
AND He said it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath (or ANY day of the week, for that matter!). :doh:
Because it is self-centered. It is 'lawful' to do good on the Sabbath.
what does that have to do with Lord of the Sabbath deriving His authority validity and power from the Sabbath...NO OTHER GOD HAS IT because no other god created...made for MAN not just jews...
Paul said it was better 'not to marry.' While I am married, you do not 'have' to be. You are 'free.'
free to serve my Master His way...Paul understood it was better to be married...as bishops should be...two become ONE...doing the same thing at the same time...familiar?
Yet, without a regenerate life, that is all you or anybody is capable of, no matter how hard you try to keep the law. It is all in the flesh.
regenerate to what from what? MORE LIKE HIM LESS LIKE YOUR FORMER SELF...less of the world more of His ways...you know like Sabbatismos...
Right. Cart before horse. Without being a new creation, there is no 'keeping the law' because the flesh and the spirit are at war with one another.
uh oh...you are agreeing...the mixed multitude was saved first then given the Law and now with Him fulfill it...SAME LAW JV and varsity
You do know that 'ballers' is basketball?
yup...but any athlete keeps the rules because he is one...
Yet a blanket was lowered for Peter to eat. It was Peter who said "surely not." Answer? "Don't call what is clean unclean." You, clefty, call what is clean 'unclean,' because you are a Jew. I'm not. Don't try to make me a Jew. Being a Christian is enough.
wut? Peter was clear the unclean goyim were ready to hear the gospel to regenerate INTO CITIZENS OF ISRAEL who have a diet plan...they WANT it...as it is healthier actually...
ALAS Christians defile their temples...
He corrects those He loves, but love isn't necessarily 'correction' every time, and there is a fine line between correction and punishment.
Let no one judge you the keeping of new moons...as if goyim keep His calendar...but the body of Christ...they do remember His Holy day and days...
You preach against Grace. There is no 'easy' but a need to strongly admonish you to know the Lord. I cannot 'whip' you into Christ. I cannot 'discipline' you into Christ. You meet Him and are changed by Him or you are not His and no amount of admonishment can change that.
Sabbath was GRACE before the fall...rest before it was needed...to be IN CHRIST is to follow Him...His Way...
And so, according to you, no four year old can be a Christian by analogy. Christ made SURE that four year old could by doing it! I was seven when I came to Christ.
This Coach will help any to score from anywhere...you sure do like talking about yourself...
Yes it WAS! You THINK Jesus needed to hear the Law??? That His nature wouldn't keep Him in obedience to His own nature? When He puts His own nature in a human being, changing them, they 'need' the law to keep from killing people??? :noway:
salvation is in the hearing...do this and live...love me keep my commandments...do My Father’s will...yes yes yes He does work in us...to keep the Law naturally...duh...kinda like it was before sin was pointed out by the Law...before the fall...when there was no killing no stealing no lying no adultery oh and YES A SABBATH...lol
Did you think it meant growing a beard? It is more than just behavior (extrinsic) it is value (intrinsic) of a new nature.
a natural law keeping nature...like in Eden...I SAID THAT...it is MORE than what we look like but how we behave and LIVE like...including what He does...Sabbath...
You say you keep the Sabbath...fruits will tell...work six rest seventh...keep it Holy...
Er, ▲I thought you were "done here." ▲

you sure missed a lot...is ok...Coach says JV graduates often talk big...but got no game...still don’t love the game...
some change times and Law...think they know a better way...