Your opinion on God’s Law.


Well-known member
The Law is about love of God and love of your neighbor, God's instruction to you. Do you live by the Spirit of God?

Romans 8:1-4 NASB.

Salvation is not by the Law.
Love is not a law. It can't be mandatory. Love is a choice, and must be voluntary to be true.

Why do religious Christians keep obsessing over laws and obedience when the gospel is about how love and forgiveness sets us free?


Love is not a law. It can't be mandatory. Love is a choice, and must be voluntary to be true.

Why do religious Christians keep obsessing over laws and obedience when the gospel is about how love and forgiveness sets us free?

Love is obedience to God's commands.


Well-known member
God's Law (Torah law) and the rest of the TaNaKh and also the New Testament writings are all important to know what God's commands are.

You should also observe the Law in the country in which you live, or in the country in which you are.

You spoke of legislation, and I don't know if you are a United States Citizen or not.

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Hi...thanks for the reply.
But, No, it not important to know what all those old laws are now, more about what they were back then.
Thing is, some are no longer needed.
And you either glue yourself to the 613 biblical laws or to modern legislation because otherwise there can be horrible conflict.
I have never met anybody who steadfastly holds to all the old laws, they are always cherry-picked according to self-righteous tastes. 😏


Hi...thanks for the reply.
But, No, it not important to know what all those old laws are now, more about what they were back then.
Thing is, some are no longer needed.
And you either glue yourself to the 613 biblical laws or to modern legislation because otherwise there can be horrible conflict.
I have never met anybody who steadfastly holds to all the old laws, they are always cherry-picked according to self-righteous tastes. 😏
There is nothing wrong with the Law. It doesn't save. Do you believe there are different commands with the coming of the new covenant?

I don't wear tzit-tzit but I observe much of the old covenant. For me it was not about cherry-picking which commands to observe. They are all God's commands.

So, I am both Jewish and Christian, both by choice. Wearing tzit-tzit is a possibility but I have had reason not to. Maybe that will change, but I don't know that it will. Discussion of the new covenant should be involved, and also when if at all someone who is Jewish by convert or otherwise should begin wearing tzit-tzit.

I observe the Jewish feasts, eat kosher foods, observe the Ten Commandments, and more. They are about love of God and love of your neighbor.


Well-known member
Love is obedience to God's commands.
No, it isn't. Obedience is obedience to God's commands. Love is not obedience, and obedience is not love. Look them up in a dictionary. You will see that they are quite different things.


No, it isn't. Obedience is obedience to God's commands. Love is not obedience, and obedience is not love. Look them up in a dictionary. You will see that they are quite different things.

In the Bible love is a command. But it is the individual person who chooses to love.


I see nothing wrong with wearing tzit-tzit.

There are different ways people are obedient to the command to wear tzit-tzit.

I think it would be great to learn more about.


New member
We have all already been forgiven. That's a done deal. We don't need to obey any religious laws, anymore. All we need to do now, if we wish to be saved from ourselves and each other, is to follow the path illuminated by God's loving spirit within us. But even if we don't, we are still forgiven. Unfortunately, we won't learn how to forgive ourselves and each other, and will thereby doom ourselves to our own kind of spiritual hell.

This is a warning, friend: the more you obsess about obedience to religious dogmas and laws, the more blinded you will become to the spirit of love, and forgiveness, and kindness, and generosity that exists within you. And the more you try to obey those old religious laws and dogmas, the less you will be able to be a human expression of God's divine spirit. And that's the pathway to disaster. That's the pathway of the Pharisees.

Amen. So sick of Gentiles trying to be Jews. Just eat your steak and baby backs with a smile on your face. Pretty soon they will all be gone.


New member
We have all already been forgiven. That's a done deal. We don't need to obey any religious laws, anymore. All we need to do now, if we wish to be saved from ourselves and each other, is to follow the path illuminated by God's loving spirit within us. But even if we don't, we are still forgiven. Unfortunately, we won't learn how to forgive ourselves and each other, and will thereby doom ourselves to our own kind of spiritual hell.

This is a warning, friend: the more you obsess about obedience to religious dogmas and laws, the more blinded you will become to the spirit of love, and forgiveness, and kindness, and generosity that exists within you. And the more you try to obey those old religious laws and dogmas, the less you will be able to be a human expression of God's divine spirit. And that's the pathway to disaster. That's the pathway of the Pharisees.

There are the laws of God, and there were the laws of the Pharisees. Knowing the commands of God is a good teacher for living in the spirit of love.
So, while we are here; do you keep the Sabbath for the love of God?

1 John 5:3
In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,

2 John 1:6
And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.


New member
So, while we are here; do you keep the Sabbath for the love of God?

No, we don't keep the Sabbath day! We rest in the perfect, finished and completed work of Christ. There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God and it can only be entered by faith. Christ is our Sabbath rest and Christ is our law of love. The law was a shadow that has been fulfilled and has passed away.


New member
No, we don't keep the Sabbath day! We rest in the perfect, finished and completed work of Christ. There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God and it can only be entered by faith. Christ is our Sabbath rest and Christ is our law of love. The law was a shadow that has been fulfilled and has passed away.
Where are these scriptures?


Well-known member
In the Bible love is a command. But it is the individual person who chooses to love.
You are misunderstanding the quote. A man, a Jew, asked Jesus, another Jew, what "command" he should obey, since Jesus was clearly preaching beyond religious obedience and the man was confused. So in reply TO THIS MAN, Jesus said "I give you only one "command", to love God with all your heart, and your brothers as yourself". Hopefully, the man understood.

Jesus only used the term "command" because that's what the man was asking for. Jesus understood that the man couldn't grasp the concept of living by the spirit of love, because he had lived his whole life steeped in religious dogma, laws, and rules. The man couldn't comprehend how to live without the idea of some "divine command". So Jesus responded to the man, kindly, and gave him his "command".

But what Jesus told the man to do; to love, can't really be done as obedience to a command. It has to be done as a voluntary expression of the spirit.

Many here on TOL are like that man. They cannot conceive of a relationship with God that is not based on religion, and on obedience to religious dogmas and rules and laws. Sadly, they can't understand that love is not a form of obedience. And so they go around preaching obedience to their religion, and their religious laws, obsessively, think that this is obedience to and love of God. But are just blend men trying to lead other blind men into the dark. Because Jesus' message was a message of the spirit. Not a message of religious authority, dogmas, or laws.


New member
You are misunderstanding the quote. A man, a Jew, asked Jesus, another Jew, what "command" he should obey, since Jesus was clearly preaching beyond religious obedience and the man was confused. So in reply TO THIS MAN, Jesus said "I give you only one "command", to love God with all your heart, and your brothers as yourself". Hopefully, the man understood.

Jesus only used the term "command" because that's what the man was asking for. Jesus understood that the man couldn't grasp the concept of living by the spirit of love, because he had lived his whole life steeped in religious dogma, laws, and rules. The man couldn't comprehend how to live without the idea of some "divine command". So Jesus responded to the man, kindly, and gave him his "command".

But what Jesus told the man to do; to love, can't really be done as obedience to a command. It has to be done as a voluntary expression of the spirit.

Many here on TOL are like that man. They cannot conceive of a relationship with God that is not based on religion, and on obedience to religious dogmas and rules and laws. Sadly, they can't understand that love is not a form of obedience. And so they go around preaching obedience to their religion, and their religious laws, obsessively, think that this is obedience to and love of God. But are just blend men trying to lead other blind men into the dark. Because Jesus' message was a message of the spirit. Not a message of religious authority, dogmas, or laws.

Oh, look, the ones keeping the commandments are the ones getting into heaven.

1 John 5:3
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

2 John 1:6
And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

Revelation 12:17
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


New member
So saith the religionists, to whom our obedience is of paramount import.

Christ and the disciples preached the keeping of the commands of God, but you and others seem to be teaching another message. Grace: (In the Christian belief,) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. God's grace does not mean that you are to keep sinning by breaking His commands. Matthew 4:4
Yahshua answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Exodus 20:8
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.


New member
You are misunderstanding the quote. A man, a Jew, asked Jesus, another Jew, what "command" he should obey, since Jesus was clearly preaching beyond religious obedience and the man was confused. So in reply TO THIS MAN, Jesus said "I give you only one "command", to love God with all your heart, and your brothers as yourself". Hopefully, the man understood.

Jesus only used the term "command" because that's what the man was asking for. Jesus understood that the man couldn't grasp the concept of living by the spirit of love, because he had lived his whole life steeped in religious dogma, laws, and rules. The man couldn't comprehend how to live without the idea of some "divine command". So Jesus responded to the man, kindly, and gave him his "command".

But what Jesus told the man to do; to love, can't really be done as obedience to a command. It has to be done as a voluntary expression of the spirit.

Many here on TOL are like that man. They cannot conceive of a relationship with God that is not based on religion, and on obedience to religious dogmas and rules and laws. Sadly, they can't understand that love is not a form of obedience. And so they go around preaching obedience to their religion, and their religious laws, obsessively, think that this is obedience to and love of God. But are just blend men trying to lead other blind men into the dark. Because Jesus' message was a message of the spirit. Not a message of religious authority, dogmas, or laws.

Amen again.


New member
It seems that there are a lot of people who have contempt for the commands of God. Did you know that in the New Testament, the first Gentile Christians went to Sabbath service with the Jews on Saturday? In history the Catholic Church boast of changing the Sabbath in the 3rd century.