Religious Guesswork...........
Religious Guesswork...........
We ought to read Jesus' word to learn how to apply to our daily lives' to live godly or righteously.
You guys don't seem to realize Jesus' main teachings are all about us to live godly with pure mind.
Jesus was mainly sent to give us power to overcome our sins. Jesus teaches us plainly and simply.
The rest of disciples' word are only emphasizing to be obedient to Jesus' commands or teachings.
Convenient faith was already started early Christianity, it seems.
this post is for free light too.
I got it,...while my former commentary still holds

I don't disagree with you in principle,...most differences are in the subtle details and meanings of terms. I don't think any believer in Christ would deny that we are to be pure, holy, good, upright, righteous, DOING God's will.
As far as Paul goes, you and I appear to agree on some points, as there are problems with Paul as we've elaborated elsewhere. Even if you take Paul's writings as 'scripture', one is still encouraged to DO WHAT IS RIGHT,....this is a universal principle, obeying/respecting God's laws and serving 'God' and our fellow man by such principles as taught and LIVED by Jesus. It still includes following the human example of Jesus and living by the 'Christ' within, can look at both 'exoteric' and 'esoteric' aspects of Jesus teaching ( or Paul's for that matter,...just remember to do your best 'cherry-picking'

We can toss the ball farther out, and say that 'eternal life' is just a 'concept' anyways, can mean different things for different people. Some think they know all about it, but maybe we don't know and are just doing religious guesswork or picking out whatever doctrine feels the best :idunno:
Who knows?