Both the written and living 'word' is essential.....
Both the written and living 'word' is essential.....
Jesus does not endorse studying the scripture like most of you do, and so proud of doing it.
Take look at most of you fighting over scripture and don't honor Jesus' simple teachings and commands.
Hello meshak and all following,
I've read only the first 4 pages here,....and would agree with A4T's response (without the name-calling), that Jesus is not discouraging the study of scripture, but only emphasizing that such a 'study' would encourage the student to COME TO JESUS...that he would receive eternal life through such a 'meeting'. I'm sure you would agree that a person must accept Jesus first, and then his teachings, logically so.
Jesus was criticizing them for not understanding that the scriptures were pointing to him as the 'Christ' or 'Messenger' of 'God', the one coming to reveal or represent him.
John 5:39-40New International Version (NIV)
39 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
This is pretty clear in the gospels, more particularly John's gospel, Jesus being the bread of life come down from heaven....the one we must receive in order to have eternal life. So all is really about what the scriptures are revealing, and the prophetic word that is embodied in and as Jesus, who is the one we are to RECEIVE. John's gospel emphasizes a spiritual communion or marriage with Jesus, whereby we come to know that we have eternal life, by the witness of His Spirit within us, confirmed by the prophetic word, which is our salvation.
Jesus does not endorse studying the scripture like most of you do, and so proud of doing it.
Addressed above. Religious writings certainly have their place, and are studied by many of our world's religious traditions, as each religious cult-ure has their own sacred writings. Jesus apparently quotes from the OT and would have encouraged his disciples to know their own scriptures.
Take look at most of you fighting over scripture and don't honor Jesus' simple teachings and commands.
Sure, theres lots of verses and passages thrown out, discussed, debated and variously 'interpreted',....and debates or arguments can get circular, tedious and non-productive after a point. Now as to what Jesus simple teachings and commands are, you know that's pretty 'debatable' around here as well

- and so its back on the hamster wheel again.....