W does not know what it means to walk in the Spirit. Any other madist care to respond?
We both use Scripture but interpret it differently. It is a paradigm vs proof text issue. Stalemate.I do not base my ecclesiology on these proof texts. I have exegeted specific verses for you in the past, re. walking in the Spirit, after having a few shots, from the Holy Ghost bartender, but you wimper away and ignore the evidence. Once burned, twice shy.
Your exegesis is based on a few proof texts without more credible interpretations ,in context. And we cannot dialogue with ad hominem attacks and false accusationsis outside of biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity on the essentials, in light of church history. . I deny your flawed interpretation of the text, to support your cultural bias, as you are stereotyping out of ignorance. False accusations of heresy are not the same thing as proven heresy, which is a logical fallacy, divorced from reality,and superficial understandings, contextually, etc. You lack credibility to make simplistic judgments, as my objection is with ad hominem attacks that are unjust, not wooden liertalisms, isms, that throw the baby out with the bath water. One who clings to preconceived notions, logical, systematic, inconsistencies, presuppositions/assumptions, etc., such as yourself, and sloppy exegets a text, w/o the context, and proof texting, is not the ideal person to arbitrate doctrinal disputes. Your proof texts, using your interpretation, would lead to contradiction, so they must be interpreted somewhat figuratively., in light of metaphors.