ECT Would MAD be more accepted if Gal 2:7 were not in the text


New member
God could have prevented rebellion by creating robots, and cosmic candy vending machines. What is your shoe size again?Why are you impersonating God? You are not Jehovah God, so quit blaspheming lest you get struck by lightning.Adding God and the Bible to your pet peeve doctrine, and hobby horse, lunatic, fringe views, does not validate nonsense.Mutually exclusive views are not equally valid, in context, etc.Are you a Jeffersonian closed Deist, or a Coolidge 7 point Calvinist? Did you fall out of your high chair, hit your head, resulting in dementia? May I recommend a traditional, normative orthrpraxic surgeon?


W does not know what it means to walk in the Spirit. Any other madist care to respond?


New member
Hi and then Gal 2:7 , is wrong when the Holy Spirit has it written " THE UNCIRCUMCISION which is the gospel of Grace !!

Peter's message is called " THE CIRCUMCISION " a message to Jews only !

The Greek Article " THE " is in the front of Uncircumcision and Circumcision and it POINTS to a Different kind of Gospel .

Also notice that in verse 7 , ONLY calls Uncircumcision A GOSPEL and does not do it for Peter and just calls it " THE CIRCUMCISION ??

Because the EMPHASIZE is on " THE UNCIRCUMCISION !!:chuckle::chuckle:


Paul already explained that cicumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing. Why are you trying to make it something?


Well-known member
Paul already explained that cicumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing. Why are you trying to make it something?

Hi , because you do not understand what the Greek Article MEANS nor understand what it means to what in the Spirit !!

INFANTS can not chew meat , so here are a few verse that explain what it means to walk in the Spirit , because they are ONLY written by Paul and no by Peter !!

Walk in the Newness of life --Rom 6:4

Walk HONESTLY -- Rom 13:13 ; 1 Thess 4:12

Walk by Faith -- 2 Cor 5:7

Walk in Love --Eph 5:2

are just a Few , as there are a lot MORE !!:chuckle::chuckle:

dan p

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
W does not know what it means to walk in the Spirit. Any other madist care to respond?

As usual, straw man misrepresentations. I reject the Penty heresy Paul dealt with in context in Galatians. I have given the same verses you must use for your didactic, unbalanced, faulty views, yet you deny I believe them. This is because you misunderstand basic non-Arminianc soteriological concepts (which is puzzling since you are not a Closed End Deist determinist).Pay attention. Your words do not reflect my view (you have exegesis-itis).

My ideas are mainstream free will Deismtheism/Arminian, Wesleyian-ism. Your views are held by some, but not the historic, orthodox church. You are making our views diametrically opposed, when they are actually close (apart from difficult believism, and geasy law-ism,which is a different issue than salvific paradigms. Paul Crouch and Benny Hinn differed on cessationalism, yet both strongly affirm Holy Ghost bartending. The problem is your inability to think and lack of theological sophistication, not my view itself. You are clearly confused about our position because you are importing your wrong, shallow understanding and superimposing it on our views, which is not what you are claiming it is. Be balanced, and think biblical hermeneutics, in context.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
W does not know what it means to walk in the Spirit. Any other madist care to respond?

We both use Scripture but interpret it differently. It is a paradigm vs proof text issue. Stalemate.I do not base my ecclesiology on these proof texts. I have exegeted specific verses for you in the past, re. walking in the Spirit, after having a few shots, from the Holy Ghost bartender, but you wimper away and ignore the evidence. Once burned, twice shy.

Your exegesis is based on a few proof texts without more credible interpretations ,in context. And we cannot dialogue with ad hominem attacks and false accusationsis outside of biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity on the essentials, in light of church history. . I deny your flawed interpretation of the text, to support your cultural bias, as you are stereotyping out of ignorance. False accusations of heresy are not the same thing as proven heresy, which is a logical fallacy, divorced from reality,and superficial understandings, contextually, etc. You lack credibility to make simplistic judgments, as my objection is with ad hominem attacks that are unjust, not wooden liertalisms, isms, that throw the baby out with the bath water. One who clings to preconceived notions, logical, systematic, inconsistencies, presuppositions/assumptions, etc., such as yourself, and sloppy exegets a text, w/o the context, and proof texting, is not the ideal person to arbitrate doctrinal disputes. Your proof texts, using your interpretation, would lead to contradiction, so they must be interpreted somewhat figuratively., in light of metaphors.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Romans through Philemon proves preterists wrong

"Paul also taught that believers were sealed until the Day of Redemption. Since that already took place, believers today do not need to be sealed until the Day of Redemption."-Craigie Tet.

Don't you know, heir, that since 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, and Galatians 2:7 KJV already took place way back there yonder, then it does not apply today?


TOL Subscriber
"Paul also taught that believers were sealed until the Day of Redemption. Since that already took place, believers today do not need to be sealed until the Day of Redemption."-Craigie Tet.

Don't you know, heir, that since 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, and Galatians 2:7 KJV already took place way back there yonder, then it does not apply today?
that is one sick man

PTL it took place and still has the power to save today!

If this were my site, the preterist would be perma banned.


Did you answer me the other day when I asked where I said Peter cited the O.T. when he said it was unlawful for him to go to Cornelius? Did you ever answer that?

Yes, I did.

Here you go:

I already told you.

I'll tell you again.

Peter said it was unlawful because the Pharisees followed the evil Talmud, and it was unlawful according to the Talmud. It was not unlawful according to the Law of Moses.

I asked you to show us from the OT where a Jew and/or Israelite was not permitted to enter the home of a Gentile?


If this were my site, the preterist would be perma banned.

People that have truth on their side are never afraid of debate, and/or the opposition.

Only those who perpetuate a lie (i.e. Dispensationalsim, Mormonism, JW's) are afraid, and want the opposition silenced.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
People that have truth on their side are never afraid of debate, and/or the opposition.

Only those who perpetuate a lie (i.e. Dispensationalsim, Mormonism, JW's) are afraid, and want the opposition silenced.

The only thing that you've "proven," wimp, is that you are satanic, and habitual liar.

patrick jane

Hi , because you do not understand what the Greek Article MEANS nor understand what it means to what in the Spirit !!

INFANTS can not chew meat , so here are a few verse that explain what it means to walk in the Spirit , because they are ONLY written by Paul and no by Peter !!

Walk in the Newness of life --Rom 6:4

Walk HONESTLY -- Rom 13:13 ; 1 Thess 4:12

Walk by Faith -- 2 Cor 5:7

Walk in Love --Eph 5:2

are just a Few , as there are a lot MORE !!:chuckle::chuckle:

dan p

Dan likes words. Faith - Love - Honesty - Newness of Life. Nobody Preaches that but Paul ?