ECT Would MAD be more accepted if Gal 2:7 were not in the text

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Are you an 8 point Lutheran Calvinist?

You underestimate the caliber of scholars that God has raised up to keep the sheep from falling for false teaching and ignorance on important subjects. Why should I trust you as an expert on things, and reject those with proven track records and godly character/insights? Eph. 4:11-13 vs internet wannabees with no training or accountability.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You underestimate the caliber of scholars that God has raised up to keep the sheep from falling for false teaching and ignorance on important subjects. Why should I trust you as an expert on things, and reject those with proven track records and godly character/insights? Eph. 4:11-13 vs internet wannabees with no training or accountability.

Don't be a simplistic simpleton.A proper translation with sound exegesis will not lead to your wrong views re. credible, balanced, church approved Calvinism, as we must not throw out the beehive, with the belfry, into the baby's bath water. Mainstream scholarship has more credibility than your rookie,subjective opinions. A survey of early church history and NT historical background bears this out. Quit proof texting., as we must look at all relevant contexts.The problem is your understanding, not the biblical evidence. etc.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Don't be a simplistic simpleton.A proper translation with sound exegesis will not lead to your wrong views re. credible, balanced, church approved Calvinism, as we must not throw out the beehive, with the belfry, into the baby's bath water. Mainstream scholarship has more credibility than your rookie,subjective opinions. A survey of early church history and NT historical background bears this out. Quit proof texting., as we must look at all relevant contexts.The problem is your understanding, not the biblical evidence. etc.

You armchair theologians could use a course in orthodoxy, orthopraxy, and orthodontics.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You are proof texting an idiom as a wooden literalism

Hank: "Making the passage walk on all fours is not what the author intended. We need to learn the art and science of biblical interpretation, that is to say, to learn to read the Bible for all it's it was intended to be read. The Bible is 66 love letters etched in heavenly handwriting by the lover of your soul."

But they all contain errors, per Hank.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You armchair theologians could use a course in orthodoxy, orthopraxy, and orthodontics.

You are poisoning the wells, and the horses' bathwater.Go start your own anti this and that thread. I am trying to establish positive principles (no of which you have even attempted to undermine biblically; ad hominem cheap shots are more fun and less work, right?).

Are you a 7 point Charismatic Calvinist? Do you even attend a local church or are you a Lone Ranger, contrary to Scripture? So you violate biblical principles and are an island rather than part of a local church? If so, you lack credibility and integrity and are not to be trusted, necessarily. If you are, why hide your affiliation?

Since you have never been involved in translation process, you do not have a clue of how difficult it is to go from the Greek to the English. It is hard to balance style with literalness, etc. (dynamic vs formal equivalence have pros and cons...compromise is inevitable for communication).


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You are poisoning the wells, and the horses' bathwater.Go start your own anti this and that thread. I am trying to establish positive principles (no of which you have even attempted to undermine biblically; ad hominem cheap shots are more fun and less work, right?).

Are you a 7 point Charismatic Calvinist? Do you even attend a local church or are you a Lone Ranger, contrary to Scripture? So you violate biblical principles and are an island rather than part of a local church? If so, you lack credibility and integrity and are not to be trusted, necessarily. If you are, why hide your affiliation?

Since you have never been involved in translation process, you do not have a clue of how difficult it is to go from the Greek to the English. It is hard to balance style with literalness, etc. (dynamic vs formal equivalence have pros and cons...compromise is inevitable for communication).


Are you Open Theist and a Denver fan?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The minute you tell and even show someone with the scriptures that the gospel that is the power to save today is not the same as the gospel that was preached in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, people lose their marbles. They don't want to hear that it's not in the "red letters". They don't want to hear it that their favorite man behind the pulpit lies to them Sunday after Sunday as he hangs his hat in M, M, L, John and even Acts 2,3,4,5...

I would be flogged and escorted out of every church building in my hometown if I stood up & said that.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hank: "Making the passage walk on all fours is not what the author intended. We need to learn the art and science of biblical interpretation, that is to say, to learn to read the Bible for all it's it was intended to be read. The Bible is 66 love letters etched in heavenly handwriting by the lover of your soul."

But they all contain errors, per Hank.

Well, as that great TOL theologian GreaseAndPeace/NewScam/Lostbug once said: "The truth is, the bible is true...". And "make Jesus the Lord of your life," after you listen to Hank, on "The Unbiblical Unanswer Man."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I would be flogged and escorted out of every church building in my hometown if I stood up & said that.

Except "All Souls Church,"as they love to talk about sin, ans "slowin' down...What's your hurry?" Wonder what causes that?


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Well, as that great TOL theologian GreaseAndPeace/NewScam/Lostbug once said: "The truth is, the bible is true...". And "make Jesus the Lord of your life," after you listen to Hank, on "The Unbiblical Unanswer Man."

In addition to talking you out of believing your Bible, Hank can help you add strokes to your golf score to impress the boys at the Esquire Club.


New member
The main reason why I think MAD should be see as false to everyone in the mainstream denominations is because it is a denial of life in the Spirit walking by faith. This is key for me, regardless of whether there were two gospels.
When I first cottoned on to what was lacking within MAD theology, it surprised me bigtime, because the message of grace within MAD preaching is faultless. But something just didn't seem to sit right, and it nagged away at me until it twigged.

No repentance, no faith, no life in the Spirit.
It's a theology that sympathizes with the natural / carnal man. And so the grace message within MAD is all about disarming the power of sin through the law, in order to settle the flesh down to where there is no longer any obligation upon the believer to be anything, do anything etc
I came down pretty strong on all the madists, because we regard this kind of sympathy for the flesh, instead of overcomming power in the Spirit, as being little more than gnosticism. However, I've been thinking on this recently, and if this is the only way that madists can feel free from legalism, they will fight to the death for what they regard as being justified. The problem is, the justification within mad i see is actually justification of the flesh, not spirit. This is where faith is lacking.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
In addition to talking you out of believing your Bible, Hank can help you add strokes to your golf score to impress the boys at the Esquire Club.

I shorely caint figger how this "the church" would blackball a nice guy like you:


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes sir, I learned from Breenism that there are 3 covenants:

1. Old
2. New
3. Slow Down What's Your Hurry

You need to learn how to get some milk, first, before eating this man's meat, or another man's meat. And your getting upset, as your jaw is clenching.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Two Doctors shorely can't be wrong about me...

House churches seem to be your hobby horses, as your wrong view/ exegesis you are using to compensate for a flawed understanding of redemption based on turning metaphors into wooden literalisms.Saying Pentecostalism is a cult, speaks out of ignorance and stereotype (charismania is not classical Pentecostalism; individuals on the lunatic fringe does not represent mainstream adherents). Pentecostalism is rooted in first century orthodoxy/orthopraxy. Some are guilty of fleshly emotionalism, but this is an unfair stereotype of genuine experience with the Spirit.Ignorant bias, you are guilty of.To affirm one biblical truth does not necessitate rejecting other biblical truths.


What was the topic?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The main reason why I think MAD should be see as false to everyone in the mainstream denominations is ...

Your ideas are unbalanced, so buzz off.Take a hermeneutics course, pulease, to resolve any nuanced disagreement. You have bigger fish to fry since you reject much of the NT as Church Age truth. No wonder your perception of the gospel is distorted. You are making a typical unbalanced, rookie mistake.God is not reduced to an experiment like genetic fruit flies,and to pontificate and win an argument more than have mutual dialogue, is not credible.I believe it in context, not as a proof text for your views.


Can anyone refresh my memory, as to just what were we discussing?
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