Worship In The Flesh


New member
I said
lolol You are posting like an idiot. One who doesnt know the Holy Spirit with no more than your own opinion which is worthless without scripture. Jesus said that God blinded the Jews. Your a Jew. Everyone else can see your blindness but you.

[Rom 11:25
[25] For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
[Rom 12:16
[16] Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

Your own opinion puts Sabbath into Romans 14 where Paul writes your opinion does matter as to which day you wish to fast or eat...it is not about the Sabbath HOLY DAY COMMANDMENT...but a disputable matter...Sabbath was never in dispute with the jews...

So to opine or not to opine is the issue...when and where...and about what...

Chose ye this day whom ye will follow...

You follow jewish false witness that the custom of Moses was changed by Yahushua...so you are more jewish...

Seperating jews from goyim...replacing the wall He abolished...dividing His people His house...

Paul and Peter are clear NO DISTINCTION between believing jews zealous for the Law...myraids of them...and believing goyim crowding synagogues every Sabbath...

But Squeaky’s gospel is “do whatever thou whilst”...LOL


Your own opinion puts Sabbath into Romans 14 where Paul writes your opinion does matter as to which day you wish to fast or eat...it is not about the Sabbath HOLY DAY COMMANDMENT...but a disputable matter..

.Sabbath was never in dispute with the jews...

So to opine or not to opine is the issue...when and where...and about what...

Chose ye this day whom ye will follow...


follow jewish false witness that the custom of Moses was changed

by Yahushua...so you are more jewish...

Seperating jews from goyim...replacing the wall He abolished...dividing His people His house...

Paul and Peter are clear NO DISTINCTION between believing jews zealous for the Law...myraids of them...and believing goyim crowding synagogues every Sabbath...

But Squeaky’s gospel is “do whatever thou whilst”...LOL

I said
lolol I do feel sorry for you. You have to live in that logic. Your a walking oxymoron.


New member
I said
lolol I do feel sorry for you. You have to live in that logic. Your a walking oxymoron.

Says the one who claims to love and follow Him...but then “do whatever you want” as long as you are convinced of your own opinion


Says the one who claims to love and follow Him...but then “do whatever you want” as long as you are convinced of your own opinion

I said
lol You are so full of guile. Manipulation and perversion. Your full of lies. I follow the law of Christ.
You should really try the new testament God because you are of your father.

[Jhn 8:44
[44] "You are of [your] father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own [resources], for he is a liar and the father of it.


New member
I said
lol You are so full of guile. Manipulation and perversion. Your full of lies. I follow the law of Christ.
You should really try the new testament God because you are of your father.

[Jhn 8:44
[44] "You are of [your] father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own [resources], for he is a liar and the father of it.

You said do whatever you want as long as you are convinced...despite one of the commandments coming over from the OT...

Probably the only commandment that is optional...I mean do we choose when we can steal or not or lie...you choose to lie a lot... maybe choose to make idols too?...you have...you also offer false worship...I guess that is optional too...

All those poor poor martyrs unaware they could have compromised and chosen to go along to get along or is that get along to go along...anyway

Where were you when the church burned Sabbath keepers to death? They could have heard you telling them it was optional...


You said do whatever you want as long as you are convinced...despite one of the commandments coming over from the OT...

Probably the only commandment that is optional...I mean do we choose when we can steal or not or lie...you choose to lie a lot... maybe choose to make idols too?...you have...you also offer false worship...I guess that is optional too...

All those poor poor martyrs unaware they could have compromised and chosen to go along to get along or is that get along to go along...anyway

Where were you when the church burned Sabbath keepers to death? They could have heard you telling them it was optional...

I said
lol Your a liar.


New member
I said
lol Your a liar.

And just like you insist in poor grammar for whatever reason you continue to refuse correction on this...

So why did so many NOT COMPROMISE if the Spirit told them that following Him His way was optional?

Maybe the Spirit did NOT tell them? Forgot? Changed His mind to divide the house between those that understood it was NOT an option to KEEP the commandments of Yah and you Squeaky your “do what thou whilst...it’s an option...based on your opinion..as long as you are convinced”

Answer the question...are other commandments also optional...strongly suggested? Recommended?

Do you cause others to stumble? Do you teach the least of these CHANGED?

Obviously you think you can make an IDOL and give FALSE worship...BARE FALSE WITNESS TOO...

TOOK HIS NAME FOR NOTHING eh? Stealing worship from Him...

All because of your own opinion...

Changing both times and law...adding to the Word here and substracting from It there...

All those silly martyrs...should have known it was all optional...LOL...


And just like you insist in poor grammar for whatever reason you continue to refuse correction on this...

So why did so many NOT COMPROMISE if the Spirit told them that following Him His way was optional?

Maybe the Spirit did NOT tell them? Forgot? Changed His mind to divide the house between those that understood it was NOT an option to KEEP the commandments of Yah and you Squeaky your “do what thou whilst...it’s an option...based on your opinion..as long as you are convinced”

Answer the question...are other commandments also optional...strongly suggested? Recommended?

Do you cause others to stumble? Do you teach the least of these CHANGED?

Obviously you think you can make an IDOL and give FALSE worship...BARE FALSE WITNESS TOO...

TOOK HIS NAME FOR NOTHING eh? Stealing worship from Him...

All because of your own opinion...

Changing both times and law...adding to the Word here and substracting from It there...

All those silly martyrs...should have known it was all optional...LOL...

I said
lolol Your an idiot. The Spirit does tell me to avoid stupid questions.


New member
I said
lolol Your an idiot. The Spirit does tell me to avoid stupid questions.

You think asking why millions of martyrs did NOT compromise is a stupid question?

Wow squeaky

and then add insult to injury claiming the Spirit tells you?

Your fruit reveals you indeed believe Him HIS WAY is optional...and what is holy and sacred and based only opinion...

No surprise from one who wishes to divide His kingdom and seperate His people...and deny what was done for him...you’d rather steal worship and falsify Him His ways...


You think asking why millions of martyrs did NOT compromise is a stupid question?

Wow squeaky

and then add insult to injury claiming the Spirit tells you?

Your fruit reveals you indeed believe Him HIS WAY is optional...and what is holy and sacred and based only opinion...

No surprise from one who wishes to divide His kingdom and seperate His people...and deny what was done for him...you’d rather steal worship and falsify Him His ways...

I said
lolol You really are an idiot.


New member
I said
lolol You really are an idiot.

I don’t let anyone judge me my shadow keeping but the body of Christ...

I don’t let any one deceive me with persuasive words...or cheat me my reward with philosophy or empty deceit by the traditions of man and not the tradition of Yahushua...

I certainly won’t let your another gospel... another Christ of the optional...sway me...

I was warned about people like you who would persecute and ridicule me for His Name’s sake...

Those that do not do what they say...

You say you are a Christian...you are a Pharisee...they chose different options too...made them up...added to the Word...


I don’t let anyone judge me my shadow keeping but the body of Christ...

I don’t let any one deceive me with persuasive words...or cheat me my reward with philosophy or empty deceit by the traditions of man and not the tradition of Yahushua...

I certainly won’t let your another gospel... another Christ of the optional...sway me...

I was warned about people like you who would persecute and ridicule me for His Name’s sake...

Those that do not do what they say...

You say you are a Christian...you are a Pharisee...they chose different options too...made them up...added to the Word...

I said
lol You are an idiot. You are the one that is useing persuasive words and carnal logic to deceive. I'm the one that quotes the verses and follows the Holy Spirit in the new testament.You are the blind Jew who is a Pharisee.


New member
I said
lol You are an idiot. You are the one that is useing persuasive words and carnal logic to deceive. I'm the one that quotes the verses and follows the Holy Spirit in the new testament.You are the blind Jew who is a Pharisee.

Copy Him...Squeaky...copy Paul as he copied Him...His Sabbatismos...

don’t copy me my posting thanks...


Copy Him...Squeaky...copy Paul as he copied Him...His Sabbatismos...

don’t copy me my posting thanks...

I said
You are projecting. What you are guilty of on others. You have it all backwards.I have the Word abiding in me, I quote it all the time. You dont have the Word in you, that is why you can only guess or use your own opinion. God said He blinded you but you cant see it.

[Rom 11:25
[25] For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
[Rom 12:16
[16] Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.


New member
I said
You are projecting. What you are guilty of on others. You have it all backwards.I have the Word abiding in me, I quote it all the time. You dont have the Word in you, that is why you can only guess or use your own opinion. God said He blinded you but you cant see it.

[Rom 11:25
[25] For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
[Rom 12:16
[16] Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

You claim one of His Laws is optional...your opinion following jewish false witness that Yahushua changed the customs of Moses...


You claim one of His Laws is optional...your opinion following jewish false witness that Yahushua changed the customs of Moses...

I said
lol This is what makes you a Pharisee. Peter said it best. Now I will ask you why do you want to hang the yoke of the old testament law on Christians?

[Act 15:5-10
[5] But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command [them] to keep the law of Moses."
[6] Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter.
[7] And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up [and] said to them: "Men [and] brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.
[8] "So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as [He did] to us,
[9] "and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
[10] "Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?


New member
I said
lol This is what makes you a Pharisee. Peter said it best. Now I will ask you why do you want to hang the yoke of the old testament law on Christians?

[Act 15:5-10
[5] But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command [them] to keep the law of Moses."
[6] Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter.
[7] And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up [and] said to them: "Men [and] brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.
[8] "So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as [He did] to us,
[9] "and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
[10] "Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

I highlighted what the yoke was in yellow...that yoke was something that was NEVER taught in the OT...never put on the neck of any who follow Him...that goyim HAD to...those that followed Him WANTED TO...

Goyim that went with them weren’t even required to be circumcised to be saved from Egypt...

The yoke was commanding them to do so...the yoke was commanding them to do so merely to fellowship...the yoke not even placed neither on the fathers or the disciples could bear was that they HAD to keep the Law in order to be saved...the OT was FAITH FIRST...not KEEP LAW FIRST...DUH

And like the Sabbath that was given to the goyim within their gates the Holy Spirit now fell on ALL WHO OBEYED...NO DISTINCTION...BOTH JEW AND GOYIM...

See the house was NOT divided between those wanting to keep and those opting in or opting out...as long as they were convinced of their own opinion...

And so 4 things which were already required of the goyim in the OT were now in the NT highlighted for FELLOWSHIP...3 of those 4 things dealt with dietary laws even...

Oh and James concludes the Acts 15 jerusalem council fully expecting the goyim to continue to crowd synagogues to hear Moses preached and read in every city EVERY SABBATH...

You already agreed ALL 10 were brought over into the New Covenant Squeaky...

Looks like the goyim WANTED to hear Moses read every Sabbath...they opted IN...

In fact the first European was baptized on the Sabbath...see? Those goyim following the Way Paul was were not anti semitic or racist like the christians NOW who reject all that as too jewish...and follow European manners and culture and traditions...having changed both times and laws...

Ironically following jewish false witness that Yahushua changed the customs of Moses...

That was false...Yahushua did not do that...

Is why Heb 4:9, Isaiah 66:23, Matt 24:20

Oh and Acts 15:21...


I highlighted what the yoke was in yellow...that yoke was something that was NEVER taught in the OT...never put on the neck of any who follow Him...that goyim HAD to...those that followed Him WANTED TO...

Oh and Acts 15:21...

I said
lol You need to take a break your lies are getting rediculous now. The yoke was the law of Moses.


I highlighted what the yoke was in yellow...that yoke was something that was NEVER taught in the OT...never put on the neck of any who follow Him...that goyim HAD to...those that followed Him WANTED TO...

Goyim that went with them weren’t even required to be circumcised to be saved from Egypt...

The yoke was commanding them to do so...the yoke was commanding them to do so merely to fellowship...the yoke not even placed neither on the fathers or the disciples could bear was that they HAD to keep the Law in order to be saved...the OT was FAITH FIRST...not KEEP LAW FIRST...DUH

And like the Sabbath that was given to the goyim within their gates the Holy Spirit now fell on ALL WHO OBEYED...NO DISTINCTION...BOTH JEW AND GOYIM...

See the house was NOT divided between those wanting to keep and those opting in or opting out...as long as they were convinced of their own opinion...

And so 4 things which were already required of the goyim in the OT were now in the NT highlighted for FELLOWSHIP...3 of those 4 things dealt with dietary laws even...

Oh and James concludes the Acts 15 jerusalem council fully expecting the goyim to continue to crowd synagogues to hear Moses preached and read in every city EVERY SABBATH...

You already agreed ALL 10 were brought over into the New Covenant Squeaky...

Looks like the goyim WANTED to hear Moses read every Sabbath...they opted IN...

In fact the first European was baptized on the Sabbath...see? Those goyim following the Way Paul was were not anti semitic or racist like the christians NOW who reject all that as too jewish...and follow European manners and culture and traditions...having changed both times and laws...

Ironically following jewish false witness that Yahushua changed the customs of Moses...

That was false...Yahushua did not do that...

Is why Heb 4:9, Isaiah 66:23, Matt 24:20

Oh and Acts 15:21...

I am just wondering. While circumcision was optional in the last days of Israel, do you think it is recommended for today? I feel it is better to be so, but optional.