The speech was foul quasi fascism, which is what he brings to the party. Closest thing to Buzz Windrip I've seen in my lifetime.
Except for maybe an Obama speech you could be right...
The speech was foul quasi fascism, which is what he brings to the party. Closest thing to Buzz Windrip I've seen in my lifetime.
I am actually worried
she won't get the nomination
I am also worried
trump will run 3rd party
Yep.....You should be concerned that your precious RINO establishment isn't backing anyone but, another Romney/McCain/Dole unelectable milquetoast candidate like Jeb...
Dude... when are you gonna wake up?? Your swimming upstream. Stop blaming the voters and start looking at the Republican leadership. It's they who seem hell-bent on sending candidates to general elections that CAN'T win.I am actually worried
she won't get the nomination
I am also worried
trump will run 3rd party
Except for maybe an Obama speech you could be right...lain:
Sooooo you don't know history, current events, or literature.:chuckle:
I do know current events & the literature (It can't happen here) that you are speaking of, I guess you just don't want me equating quasi facsim to your quasi fascist currently residing in the white house. I know maybe I used just as much hyperbole as you did but hey! it sounded just as absurd as your post did, no?. :chuckle:
"Your" quasi fascist? Uh, Obama's our president whether you like it or not. I'm no fan of POTUS, but Trump represents something far worse and uglier than anything Obama's ever trotted out.
Trump's taken a genie out of the bottle we'll never be rid of, and I think he's going to do actual, serious harm. If the best you've got is "well Obama too blah-blah-blah" then we shouldn't bother to try having a conversation, because that tactic's a waste of time.:smokie:
I think he's going to do actual, serious harm
• Chicago Daily News: “The trouble with Reagan, of course, is that his positions on the major issues are cunningly phrased nonsense — irrationality conceived and hair-raising in their potential mischief… Here comes Barry Goldwater again, only more so, and at this stage another such debacle could sink the GOP so deep it might never recover.”
Obama is a quasi fascist of the first order
Trump on the other hand I would agree needs to tone down the rhetoric in some respects but, as it relates to the illegal immigration problem, the economy, foreign trade, outsourcing of jobs to any country other than the U.S., national security & sovereignty I agree with him whole heartedly and hope he keeps driving the points home.
Trump is only a symptom of the anger the American people have towards a government that has ignored the will of the people for too long, he is saying all the things that the American people are feeling & doubling down on that.
Nope, not really.
I guess thrice-married bloviating narcissists are the new black.
Well he sure as hell doesn't speak for me. Bigots and xenophobes have their man, I suppose.
He's a bully. And Americans don't see themselves as an underdog anymore, so, he appeals to our worst.
hehe!The South was never known for its intelligence.![]()
Doesn't seem to matter to anybody currently now does it?
Then vote for Hillary, Biden, or Sanders...seems to be your only choice at this point.
If evangelicals are willing to hold their nose for this guy they're bigger hypocrites than I thought.
Well, no. As it's trending now I probably won't vote for president.
Dude... when are you gonna wake up?? Your swimming upstream. Stop blaming the voters and start looking at the Republican leadership. It's they who seem hell-bent on sending candidates to general elections that CAN'T win.
I never said I was smarter than anyone. I did say the south does not show up as any mental giant when it comes to IQ scores. Does that mean the great-great grandson of a slave owner knows more than a city-dweller on everything? Of course not.Hi Aikido,
I don't know about studies doing IQ distribution. And I don't trust the actual intelligence of those who don't know stats and tests can be problematic in their set up and inaccurate for that reason, among others.
I knew a blind high level mentally retarded young woman who scored lower on her IQ test than she should have simply because she, being institutionalized most of her life, didn't know certain things like what a bar of soap was.
And you may think people in the South are not as smart as you are in general but that would be a kinda retarded way to look at things, don't you think?
I mean how smart is that when you have the writer of "To Kill A Mocking Bird" and the writer of "Gone With The Wind", and the writer of "Breakfast At Tiffany's" all giving you reason to think the South has much more than just the best football players?
I will continue to blame people like you
who just whine
cannot tell us what we can do
you cannot even tell us what you are going to do
besides whine about the republican party
They are not looking for a church pastor Granite
they are looking for someone who will lead, who doesn't need the establishments money to pander to, and that in a nutshell is what has got most progressives on the right & left all up in arms.
Don't be a quitter...I am sure that the progressive Right or Left will have a more polished liar that you can stomach come election day.
Trump resembles a few of those more than you might think.:chuckle:
Yes, there's a certain appeal demagogues have. Some things never change.
Voting for president's becoming a more and more obvious farce and waste of time with each election.
Maybe in your eyes...not mine.
Seriously though, the current political climate in this country was created by the very people that voted for progressive farce candidates (left & right) since Reagan left office in '88. They have taken us to a place where a Donald Trump would even be considered as a viable can thank the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obama's for the state of American politics today, they created this monster.