Because I am a carny. Circus folk. Nomad, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.
I always knew that about you.
Because I am a carny. Circus folk. Nomad, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.
As the next President of the US, I am nominating ...
we go in and voila'... no more ISIS
So you didn't vote for the last one that ran on the Republican ticket? Chrys is not going to like that. :nono:I don't want ANY Mormon for president.
I imagine that they likely find some Catholic teaching bizarre. It doesn't follow that either of your will ever think that applies to your own expression of faith.I don't have a problem w/ individual Mormons, as long as they honestly do not see anthing WRONG w/ their "church" (so called) but most of them have to suspect after X number of years in that organization that...
You mean like demons possessing people?well, things like this:
yeh, right... There are spirits floating around everywhere who just need a body to inhabit (This is what they teach)-- hence their position against birth control
Though there is precedent in Israel on the point Mormons haven't believed in that for a very long time. Not orthodox Mormons anyway.yeh, right.. men should have more than one wife (but women should never have more than one husband...)
Name one person actually killed for leaving the Mormon church in your lifetime.yeh, right.. whoever leaves the upper offices of said org.. should be killed. I'm serious, they have a ritual (that the higher ups do) that teaches exactly that..
That's what a number of Protestants say about Catholics, you know.only people accustomed to lying to themselves stay in that org very long
yeh, it's pretty bad when the lesser of 2 evils is a MOrmon..So you didn't vote for the last one that ran on the Republican ticket? Chrys is not going to like that. :nono:
I imagine that they likely find some Catholic teaching bizarre. It doesn't follow that either of your will ever think that applies to your own expression of faith.
demons are preternatural beings, not humans (although... oh never mind)You mean like demons possessing people?
The Catholic Church never taught polygamy. Nor did it ever change a dogma from the 1st century to now...Though there is precedent in Israel on the point Mormons haven't believed in that for a very long time. Not orthodox Mormons anyway.
There is that book about the Mormon murderName one person actually killed for leaving the Mormon church in your lifetime.
That's what a number of Protestants say about Catholics, you know.
The Catholic Church never taught polygamy. Nor did it ever change a dogma from the 1st century to now...
There is that book about the Mormon murder
so? Why should I care what a bunch of ignorant don't-want-to-be-knowledgeable-about-what-I-am-talking-about people think?
couldn't care less
Short of drawing pictures I can't imagine how that could be any clearer.
I was paralleling the notion that spirits are in search of bodies.demons are preternatural beings, not humans
The Bible demonstrates that some men God favored had wives. I didn't say the Catholic church taught it.The Catholic Church never taught polygamy.
What book?Nor did it ever change a dogma from the 1st century to now... There is that book about the Mormon murder
Because it exposes a problem in your thinking about people who believe things finding those beliefs false. You think it should be obvious for Mormons and they might think the same about Why should I care...
Because it exposes a problem in your thinking about people who believe things finding those beliefs false. You think it should be obvious for Mormons and they might think the same about you.
Could you elaborate on this part? Let's pretend you're in the Republican primary at a debate and the moderator gets curious about specifics.
I've got to say, the less I know about that Cruz fellow the more I like him.lain:
Because it exposes a problem in your thinking about people who believe things finding those beliefs false. You think it should be obvious for Mormons and they might think the same about you.
don't fully get this, but will respond to what i THINK u are saying
It has been revealed t me that i really have little patience with those who don't u/stand Catholicsm and that sometimes it is only ignorance, not malice or ill will on the part of the ignorant anticatholic
However, most anticatholics are malice filled and so i don't talk to malicious people and so there is therefore an end to the conversation
maybe i should not be that way, but i fail to see why i should deal with someone who not only is hateful but shows no intention of ditching the malice