Why would God need a hell?

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New member
As the bloodlust of Christianity continues and they harp on hell in their message, there is hope for unbelievers in the blood of Christ. They are saved from the wrath of Christianity through our Savior, who is no respecter of persons and how they do not believe. Rom. 5:8, while we were sinners, he died for us. While you rejected him, he still died for you. While you hated him, he still died for you.

You are NOT excluded from his great salvation!


Well-known member
As the bloodlust of Christianity continues and they harp on hell in their message, there is hope for unbelievers in the blood of Christ. They are saved from the wrath of Christianity through our Savior, who is no respecter of persons and how they do not believe. Rom. 5:8, while we were sinners, he died for us. While you rejected him, he still died for you. While you hated him, he still died for you.

You are NOT excluded from his great salvation!
:nono: I don't care what you believe. It isn't important 'what I believe' (or want to believe). The ONLY importance is "what is."

You started this thread out as a 'me' 'my opinion' fest. It is many pages of "time for just Mickiel (and Freelight) now." Who cares what you or I think? Can I make Hell exist if it doesn't? :nono: Can you make Hell disappear? :nono:

Further, can you make God remove Hell, because you don't like it? :nono: Does that God 'cease to exist' because you seem to 'think' you can make up a better one? :nono: (else you'd be god). Why do you think your God is the perfect one? What makes your sense of right and wrong perfect and the right and wrong of the Bible, less perfect?

You can 'make-up-a-god' at the god factory all you like. Israel literally did this with actual knick-knacks as a visual. It is no less offensive if you have a doll or not, if you make up a god in your own image.


New member
We can hope for all things , 1 Corinth. 13:7, and we can " Against Hope believe in Hope", Romans 4:18. This is why I hope for the salvation of every human, pray for it and search the scriptures for it. It fills my heart and opens my view of God.
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New member
We can hope for all things , 1 Corinth. 13:7, and we can " Against Hope believe in Hope", Romans 4:18. This is why I hope for the salvation of every human, pray for it and search the scriptures for it. It fills my heart and opens my view of God.

Most people will end up in hell! You don't read the full truth. You cherry pick like your at a salad bar. It's all or nothing kid!

Cherry picking = nothing
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New member
Most people will end up in hell! You don't read the full truth. You cherry pick like your at a salad bar. It's all or nothing kid!

Cherry picking = nothing

This attitude above written by a Christian, is classic Christianity; they are conditioned to think most created humans will end up in their hell, God would not sanction such a people to spread his good news. His controlled mindset is locked on hell and the failure of all God has planned. In Isaiah 53:6, " All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the sins of us All!" All our sins have been covered by this great salvation, and the great Christianity is ignorant of that.

I will continue to pick cherries from scripture in this thread , I have picked over 250 of them so far, and one cannot pick a cherry that is not there to pick. I totally refute the Christian contention that most of humanity will end up in their hell; I am too full of salvation cherries to believe such trash.


New member
As the bloodlust of Christianity continues and they harp on hell in their message, there is hope for unbelievers in the blood of Christ. They are saved from the wrath of Christianity through our Savior, who is no respecter of persons and how they do not believe. Rom. 5:8, while we were sinners, he died for us. While you rejected him, he still died for you. While you hated him, he still died for you.

You are NOT excluded from his great salvation!

Your blaspheming days are over...


Eclectic Theosophist
Your blaspheming days are over...

lol. Serioulsy.

Mickiel is criticizing a particular style, version, caricature of 'Christianity', not 'God' ....and holding that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of all, or will eventually/ultimately be....as the divine love and will triumphs, thru the victory of God thru Christ over all creation. 'Christian Universalism' can be supported biblically.


Eclectic Theosophist
Cherry pickers anonymous

Cherry pickers anonymous

This attitude above written by a Christian, is classic Christianity; they are conditioned to think most created humans will end up in their hell, God would not sanction such a people to spread his good news. His controlled mindset is locked on hell and the failure of all God has planned. In Isaiah 53:6, " All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the sins of us All!" All our sins have been covered by this great salvation, and the great Christianity is ignorant of that.

I will continue to pick cherries from scripture in this thread , I have picked over 250 of them so far, and one cannot pick a cherry that is not there to pick. I totally refute the Christian contention that most of humanity will end up in their hell; I am too full of salvation cherries to believe such trash.

Well, with so many cherry-pickers here we ought to all feel in good company :crackup:


New member
This attitude above written by a Christian, is classic Christianity; they are conditioned to think most created humans will end up in their hell, God would not sanction such a people to spread his good news. His controlled mindset is locked on hell and the failure of all God has planned. In Isaiah 53:6, " All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the sins of us All!" All our sins have been covered by this great salvation, and the great Christianity is ignorant of that.

I will continue to pick cherries from scripture in this thread , I have picked over 250 of them so far, and one cannot pick a cherry that is not there to pick. I totally refute the Christian contention that most of humanity will end up in their hell; I am too full of salvation cherries to believe such trash.

It isn't my attitude and it isn't my hell. God created hell. There is no "good news" without a hell. Otherwise its just news where nobody pays any attention to God's glory. My mindset is locked on Hell? It's your thread buddy! I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. My goal is to keep you out of hell, but you are call Jesus a liar because he said: Luke 13:24 Matthew 7:13-14. How could I give you good news. It doesn't mean anything to you. You just want everything to be about you. God love us, but God owes us nothing. And it isn't about you. It's about him. Can you handle that. Can you count the cost. Can you deny yourself, take up your cross everyday and follow Jesus. I hope that someday you will, but for now. I got no more to say about it.


New member
Well, with so many cherry-pickers here we ought to all feel in good company :crackup:

Strangely, if you post too many scriptures with too much salvation, some Christians get angry with that and call it " Cherry picking scriptures." If God did not want a scripture to be picked , why would he inspire it to be written in the first place? If its in the bible, its fair game and fair hope.

In my view, salvation can be shrunk by the way it is interpreted , or magnified; I would rather magnify salvation than to shrink it.

Because God is to be magnified , and I think so is his salvation. If I am to be accused, then let me be accused of believing that with God, ALL things are possible; and the salvation of all of humanity is the best possible thing I have ever considered.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It isn't my attitude and it isn't my hell. God created hell. There is no "good news" without a hell. Otherwise its just news where nobody pays any attention to God's glory. My mindset is locked on Hell? It's your thread buddy! There's only one problem with your Isaiah 53:6 scripture. It's this: John 10:26. Words of Christ when the Jews came to him accusing him of making them doubt. So, you are calling Jesus a liar because he said: Luke 13:24 Matthew 7:13-14

Why would there be no good news without a "hell"?


New member
It isn't my attitude and it isn't my hell. God created hell. There is no "good news" without a hell..

I can't believe that a believers mind can get to the point that they actually believe there is no gospel, no good news without a hell. This is how far hell is engraved in in the Christian mentality, that there is no good news without eternal misery. And at the root of this is the ugly notion that God is willing, or has willed to co-exist with this inane misery for eternity.

Like keeping a sore spot on your body that will never heal, when you hold the power to heal it.

And this sore spot has been preached to humanity for 2,000 years. And most of humanity has swallowed it hook, line and sinker!


New member
I would love to share the good news of the gospel, but nobody wants to admit they are a sinner and on the road to destruction. They want a rosy message that tells them lies like "Oh God understands if you rob and tell lies and break his commandments and drag Jesus through the mud! It makes me sick! The worst judgment God can put upon a man isn't locusts or plagues. It's when he withdraws his hand of grace from you because, though you knew the truth, you ignored it and rejected it so much until he rejects you. Don't think it can't happen. Remember the flood. Remember Sodom?


New member
I would love to share the good news of the gospel,

Don't think it can't happen. Remember the flood. Remember Sodom?

Let me share this; Heb.8:12, " For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I REMEMBER NO MORE!"

Remember that God will remember your sins no more!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I would love to share the good news of the gospel, but nobody wants to admit they are a sinner and on the road to destruction. They want a rosy message that tells them lies like "Oh God understands if you rob and tell lies and break his commandments and drag Jesus through the mud! It makes me sick! The worst judgment God can put upon a man isn't locusts or plagues. It's when he withdraws his hand of grace from you because, though you knew the truth, you ignored it and rejected it so much until he rejects you. Don't think it can't happen. Remember the flood. Remember Sodom?

Why would there be no good news without a "hell"? Can you specifically answer on that? Or if it would be easier put another way: Why would "hell" have to exist in order for there to be good news?


New member
Let me show you what good news really means. In Isaiah 45:23 God vows that every knee will bow to him and every mouth shall confess to him. In 1 Corinth. 12:3 it says no man can confess that Jesus or God is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit! Do you see this GREAT NEWS? Every human will confess to God, because every human is predestined to do so by the Holy Spirit of promise!

God is truly Great, FAR greater than I had first realized! He is actually going to do it! He and Christ are going to save everyone!

Its just hard to believe!
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