Why would God need a hell?

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New member
In John 3:16, " For God so loved the world;" that's right, God SO LOVES this whole world; he so loves us all; the world here is not nature or animals, its humans. Our reality in living is a love affair with God, a love affair because of God; we exist because of the love of God. And that love will not exclude unbelievers from being with God; Christianity is just teaching that it will, because they don't know any better; they don't know how the love of God is. They don't know how inclusive God's love is, how forgiving it is; how merciful it is.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In John 3:16, " For God so loved the world;" that's right, God SO LOVES this whole world; he so loves us all; the world here is not nature or animals, its humans. Our reality in living is a love affair with God, a love affair because of God; we exist because of the love of God. And that love will not exclude unbelievers from being with God; Christianity is just teaching that it will, because they don't know any better; they don't know how the love of God is. They don't know how inclusive God's love is, how forgiving it is; how merciful it is.


16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.



New member
In John 17:2 the Father gives Jesus " All Flesh", all humans were given to Christ, he is responsible for us all. Of course greedy selfish religions will teach that only they belong to Christ; they can't help it, they are fashioned like that. In John 6:39, " And THIS IS THE FATHERS WILL, which sent me, that ALL he has given me I will not loose any of them!" Hey, this is Universalism, its academic, all are saved! And its God's expressed will, its biblical!

Its the real Good News!

patrick jane

In John 17:2 the Father gives Jesus " All Flesh", all humans were given to Christ, he is responsible for us all. Of course greedy selfish religions will teach that only they belong to Christ; they can't help it, they are fashioned like that. In John 6:39, " And THIS IS THE FATHERS WILL, which sent me, that ALL he has given me I will not loose any of them!" Hey, this is Universalism, its academic, all are saved! And its God's expressed will, its biblical!

Its the real Good News!

You'll be disappointed to find out you're wrong - as many as, is not all. Besides, Jesus was speaking of His flock and disciples, not the whole world. You should really read Romans thru Timothy again, like you mean it this time.


New member
The Christian hell is a bondage, and one of the greatest spiritual traps I have ever seen. Extremely well done and designed to cripple people in their consciousness. It gives Atheist all kinds of evidence as to how religion damages man. In John 8:32 Jesus said you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Knowing the truth about hell frees the conscious mind, it heals the conscious belief.

Hell is a bondage, it gives a slave mentality to a persons spirit. It hides the truth. It blocks the view of God and how he really is.


New member
Jesus is greater than any prophet; notice more closely his prophecy in John 12:32, " If I be lifted up from the earth, I WILL draw ALL men unto me!" A stunning universal prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled. Jesus was lifted up, or crucified; but there has never been a time since that in which every single human was drawn to Jesus.

The term " Draw" in John 12:32 is the Greek " Helkuo", which means " To Drag!" So Jesus really meant that a time will come when he would " Drag" all humans to him; in other words, force them to submit, something that scares Christianity because of their free will doctrine. Christianity does not want to face that it may have been deceived, its far too much pride there.

Jesus promised to drag ALL humans to him, a stunning universal prophecy; I wish I live to see it.


New member
Life is not a free will choice, its a gift from God that nobody could reject. This is just a fact, just as eternal life will be the same thing, a gift that nobody can reject; religion does not understand that, because they must fit their free will doctrine into the equation. Jesus did not ask to be given life, God just brought him into existence, notice closely John 8:42, again Jesus teaching, "I Proceeded forth and came from God"; in other words, he was " Birthed by God", which is why he was called " The first BORN of us all." God gave Jesus life, look at John 5:26, " For as the Father has life in himself, so has he GIVEN to the Son to have life in himself." This means Jesus was NOT always alive! Or God would have not had to give him life.

Life is a gift from God that cannot be rejected. You are simply brought into existence with absolutely no choice in the matter; eternal life in the Kingdom will be no different. It will not be the result of choice, it will simply be THE Result. THE will of God. Religion does not understand this.

In fact, the REASON why we exist, is because after God birthed Jesus, Jesus turned out so well, it made God want MORE children! And the mind of God has been pregnant with humanity ever since.


New member
Religion is prejudiced against the ungodly , they want them condemned. In Romans 5:6 the bible is clear that Christ died for the ungodly, or the unbeliever, this is WHY they are saved. But the negative thing is that the ungodly have been exposed to religion and its condemnation , we can't get the ungodly away from the influence of religion. So their consciousness, for now, is seared with religion. That is just how it has to be for now. But their salvation is stored away in heaven, where religion cannot take it away.


New member
So what then, are believers better than unbelievers? Is salvation now reduced to an " Us verse's Them " thingy? Rom. 3:9, " What then, are we better than they? All are under sin." We all need the grace and salvation of God, shame on religion for barking against unbelievers.


New member
Religion has muddied the waters of salvation, and they teach a damnation hell for the unbelievers Jesus came to save. Rom. 5:6, Christ died FOR the ungodly; this is why Christianity cannot take salvation away from unbelievers; Jesus died FOR those who reject him.
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