very imaginative - do you write fairy tales too?
You're simply a Universalist
eitherIts not as 'simple' as it appears- there are different sub-divisions within each category, and different kinds of universalists.
-you will be saved
-you won't be saved
-it is that simple
There are many key points among the 150 listed, have you honestly considered them?
This thread is not about me.
Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.
Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.
Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.
You are making Jesus out to be a liar.
please don't say that
You don't even realize all those gems are coming from Jesus teachings.
And He says you can go to the Father only through Him.
You are making Jesus out to be a liar.
You are trying taking credit for Jesus' word or teachings.
shame on you.
I don't agree with how you view Jesus teachings, but I don't accuse you of making him to be a liar, and I am tired of you accusing me of doing that. I will no longer address you;
Peace on your journey.
A Christian will insult you in a quick minute and judge you very harshly, its their nature. They have a zeal of God, but not according to correct biblical knowledge. They go about trying to establish their own righteousness, by putting others down...