Why would God need a hell?

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New member
We believers really don't know God, we just like to think we do. Job 36:26, " Behold, God is Great, and we know him not!"

The whole world is deceived, Rev. 12:9, and believers are not excluded from that deception. That's why doctrines like eternal hell punishing exist.


Eclectic Theosophist
enough pot shots, how about some real research on the issue?

enough pot shots, how about some real research on the issue?

very imaginative - do you write fairy tales too?

There are many key points among the 150 listed, have you honestly considered them? If you want to engage in an honest dialogue, you need to seriously read and research the propositions or points that are being shared intelligently. Are you up for the challenge? Are you up to that academic level of real discussion or still on the Romper Room level?


New member
-you will be saved
-you won't be saved
-it is that simple

There are no choices, there will be no options; the salvation of all of humanity was determined before the earth was created, and no Christian opinion will have anything to do with it.


New member
Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.

it is not over until it is over

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.

and it's really really important for you to tell everybody!


New member
Who can separate unbelievers from the Love of Christ? Nobody! I mean the Christians are trying, they really are trying to herd unbelievers into their hell and separate them from Christ. In Rom. 8:35 NOTHING can separate anyone from Christ!


Again the word of God in Romans 8:29-30 " Who he foreknew he predestinated to be conformed to Christ." Now, who did God foreknow? Everyone! God knows everyone, because he created everyone, so he predestinated all humans to belong to Christ. Glory! The Christians can't remove this salvation and they can't reduce it. Its a done deal.

You don't even realize all those gems are coming from Jesus teachings.

And He says you can go to the Father only through Him.

You are making Jesus out to be a liar.

You are trying taking credit for Jesus' word or teachings.

shame on you.


please don't say that

That's what essentially he is preaching.

Jesus says "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

He has been saying everyone will be saved without Jesus.

this is what UR is all about.


New member
You don't even realize all those gems are coming from Jesus teachings.

And He says you can go to the Father only through Him.

You are making Jesus out to be a liar.

You are trying taking credit for Jesus' word or teachings.

shame on you.

I don't agree with how you view Jesus teachings, but I don't accuse you of making him to be a liar, and I am tired of you accusing me of doing that. I will no longer address you;

Peace on your journey.


I don't agree with how you view Jesus teachings, but I don't accuse you of making him to be a liar, and I am tired of you accusing me of doing that. I will no longer address you;

Peace on your journey.

I will point out when you disgrace Jesus with your preaching.


New member
A Christian will insult you in a quick minute and judge you very harshly, its their nature. They have a zeal of God, but not according to correct biblical knowledge. They go about trying to establish their own righteousness, by putting others down, they are the largest blockade to salvation that I have ever seen. But Christ is the end of this behavior, he will stop it in due time. He'll stop them from condemning people.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A Christian will insult you in a quick minute and judge you very harshly, its their nature. They have a zeal of God, but not according to correct biblical knowledge. They go about trying to establish their own righteousness, by putting others down...

that seems more than a little insulting and harshly judgmental


New member
The very last verse in the bible is universal, " Rev. 22:21, " The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ALL!" This the biblical message is for, its for ALL! Salvation and grace is for everyone.
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