The test concerning facts that would back up the historic assertions grand claims in this observable kingdom, need more than just hype if the exclusive christian assertions being implanted in the minds of people (without full disclosure) passes the honesty test, and that the claims are religiously emoted instead of factually accountable.
Meh, nobody is 'making' you do anything. I'd simply tell you to read the Bible. God said you'd find Him, if you sought Him. He is found in the scriptures. He is not found 'within.' Paul, Peter, John, Jesus, tell us the man without the Spirit is carnal. Jesus told Nicodumus we must be born again. It is extrinsic and happens to us. It is not intrinsic happening in us. That is the part the 'works' crowd get's wrong. I cannot be a new creation on my own. It is not 'in' me. Jesus said He'd come into us. Hebrews says He will be with us and in us who believe. So, before Jesus, "NO-life." Read your bible, I'm not your guru. This stuff is all in that book - the paper plastic one
I might be when it comes to some issues if we are raising God from the dead letters that have allowed you to bypassed you're rational thought process on justice and punishment.
As with above, the carnal man (man who is not born-again, not filled with Christ) cannot be rational or moral. We have a broken semblance but these Eastern spiritualists are embracing the 'broken' part of themselves and calling it 'god.' :nono:
God is Spirit by the way so I don't see the need to be all concerned about people getting spiritual, unless one has some religious agenda that needs their converts to stay under the yoke of the flesh to keep them coming back for treatment instead of a cure.
Doesn't really happen. It might have, long ago. Remnants of it are not fact today. When the answer is "stop attending there" I don't think you or I can blame anybody or be victims anymore. Just my opinion and 2 cents. You have a right to object. I have a right to object right back. In the end, however, only what is true, matters, between the both of us, all of us. The rest is cognizant dissonance and emotional fluff packaging material to be thrown away and burned.
Plenty of people who have never seen a Bible in the past or present that haven't become bad people like the sin dogma wants to yoke man with, which is part of the agenda to keep people mentally weak spiritually and except the debt scheme of transference to the unborn.
I believe you misunderstand. It is a 'condition.' We are born this way. Romans 1, I think, both explains how the one without Christ 'can' understand God, as well as gives hope that God can reach him/her. We are both concerned about the same thing, but with different conclusions and answers to those concerns. I give money to third world countries. That's how I deal with the need. Anymore, there aren't that many who have never heard the gospel or have no access to the bible. It is available even to those who just have computers, wherever they live.
You are reliant on a paper and plastic reality that binds you're soul in a artificial existence, you may not honestly grasp that fact but it's easy to test to see if you are actually institutionalized to this worlds pyramid scheme/matrix that you are a citizen of.
A 'narrow' gate ensures that we conform, not to the image of this world, as necessity. Romans 8:29 We are to be transformed/conformed.
Wisdom isn't a man, its something that man can receive spiritually without help from religious education, the boast factor that has infected you're white washed house to the point of being putrid. It's that artificial man of temporal existence that is the enmity with the Spirit because its phony Lon, And I beginning to have my doubts that you have ever even had an in-counter with the God in the living, either that or its been awhile..
Again, you've been on TOL too long and think this is Christianity across board. We simply say "love you" to one another at church and encourage one another in Sunday School. Whitewashed tombs are whitewashed tombs. I agree with you on that. I don't 'think' that's what is going on at TOL though. It is a debate website. We may fellowship a bit, but the main goal is debate, as iron sharpens iron. This is the sparring yard. It is not the whole church. Know where you are? :think:
Don't read it, The stone (Christ) is a cap stone not a corner stone.
You have way too many objections to keep track of. Is this one important? You need to be clear and not have so many gloss-overs. Pick and choose your battles. I realize you are full of angst and often emote, but it doesn't help to have so much, so many and only in snippets. Pick a few and flesh them out a bit further, try to ignore a few. You can skip anything of mine you like. You don't have to try to hit everything. On this one, I've no idea if it is important to you or not, or what you are trying to say.
But the goal is to get past letters in books, we should have them on our heart the seat of emoting grace and justice for all regardless of religious creeds or nationality that are temporal states.
Other than hanging around 'spirit within' Eastern Spiritualists, we might agree on some of this, but I have to be reserved because Spiritualists will use the same language, but mean something entirely different than Biblical Christianity. If you are not preaching that the carnal man, in his/her broken state, can be spiritual with 'god within' pantheism, that'd help get us past a hurdle. Pantheism is not Christianity and incompatible with it. I know that's yet another narrow door, but I believe it 'has' to be gone through. This thread is about Pantheists vs Christianity. If you are debating me, make sure this is the topic you intended. I'm also trying to make sure you know what is at stake for me. Pantheism cannot be a part of Christianity as far as my understanding of scripture and the result of being a new Creation in Christ. Christ extrinsically came to me. He is a separate being than me. In sin, I was out of fellowship with Him. Again, there are doors that must be traversed.