You said something at the very beginning that actually supports what I believe, but you don't realize it.
I was hoping that you would give up the false beliefs you have about God the Father and Jesus having two different bodies when the scriptures say one body.
Ephesians 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
It is easy, just believe what is written.
There is only one body.
So are you going to stop saying there are two bodies?
There is only one Spirit, so are you going to stop saying there are two?
I actually agree with your scripture quote: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling."
I agree with your conclusion: "There is only one Spirit." In fact these two truths are the basis for my conclusions about the identity of the Father and the Son.
There is one Spirit: Yes! We refer to him as Elohiym or God in KJV. He is invisible and requires no body to live and move and work. Evidence found in Genesis 1. Yet, he chose to create one body due to his own desires and purposes. The leaders of Israel referred to it and it was said: " They saw the body of heaven in His clearness."
This body belonging to the ONE invisible Spirit can be considered to be the glory of God or God's glory. Especially when it appears powerfully in all his goodness and glory. After all this heavenly body can dwell within intense light and even in fiery furnaces and burning bushes.
Yes, yes, there is only ONE Spirit and ONE bodily form! But God could manifest this ONE bodily presence in multiple realms and intensities. Dreams, open eyed visions while seeing things in heavenly places or future events, and sometimes just out right and plainly. One culminating event was when the Spirit of God manifested his ONE image on earth having the essence of human flesh.
Who was this who was seen in human flesh? He was the ONE God! Isaiah 43:11 tells us that there is no Savior besides God. Without God personally coming in the form of his image named 'the LORD' there could be no Savior.
So how does this affect who is the Father and the Son?
ONE: ONE Spirit of God had only ONE image. In the OT people saw the ONE image belonging to the invisible God and referred to it as LORD/YHWH/Jehovah/God Almighty for a few examples ...[BTW, I loved your references for me to his being called Father in the OT. I had not run across those.]
TWO: This heavenly form belonging to the ONE God is known as the Father LORD, BUT ... but who was simultaneously with the Father from the beginning? THE WORD! How do I describe 'the WORD' ? Well, the WORD was God but it was the audible voice of God. Sure God could speak to men by vibrating mountains or rocks or whatever, but often he spoke through the mouth of his heavenly body as well. It was by God's WORD that things were created.
THREE: When God came in flesh we are told that Jesus was also speaking the very words of God ... The WORD had come in flesh and he was with God in the beginning
and was God as well.
FOUR: Now for the conclusion. When anyone saw the Father in the OT they were seeing the form the WORD would have when he was manifested in earth!!! When they had seen the Father they had seen the pre-incarnate form of the Son! Why pre-incarnate? because no one had ever seen
God the Son of flesh at that time. They had only seen the presence of God the Father. It took John the B to proclaim the arrival of God the Son. I can diagram the verse John 1:18 to show you how I know this is a fact.
Now, if the invisible but audible WORD was with God and was God and was present, even though he was hidden within that glorious image, when the Father appeared, then the Father might could have said: When you have seen me you have seen the presence of the Son. You future religious people, who say you know me, you will recognize me when I come as the Son of flesh. But if you have never seen my shape or heard my voice you will NOT recognize me. Is it any wonder that Jesus basically said this to religious leaders trying to persecute him: YOU, [religious leaders] have never seen my Father's shape or heard his voice. If you had you would have known who I AM!
WHY? Because Jesus had the same ONE image which God the Spirit had formed for the Father and now used a second time as God the Son!!! This makes so much sense to me because there is ONE Spirit and only ONE image would represent his oneness. The miracle/mystery is that the Spirit used the one image at least twice. To manifest the Father and the Son.
Now the prayer Jesus prayed in John 17 [ which I think he prayed aloud in the ears of his disciples for their and our personal enlightenment] was asking that the Father allow him to have the same glory he had once HAD OR SHARED WITH the Father before the world was. The WORD shared the one image of God with the Father from the start!
I believe that God has allowed the glory of the Father to remain and has allowed the Son to have that same glory for himself as well. This is why the Son can sit at the right hand of his Father in heavenly places. I think they will mostly look so much alike that I plan to remember that MY Lord is the one to the right of The LORD Father.
I know you can't forget the recount King David made which showed this sort dual personality/ or presence of the ONE God to be true. He said: The LORD said unto My Lord. And Moses, distinguishing between the two, made a reference to My Lord as well. Even Abraham must have gotten the idea for Jesus stated: Abraham saw [comprehended] my [future] day and rejoiced in it. For even before Abraham I AM.
You and I do agree so much. I think there is only some minor point that is a stumbling block between your thoughts and mine. Hope you come back and find this post. I still am so busy in life.