Why Some Are Hell Bound

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The Christian facade obscures the updated Egyptian religion

The Christian religion, started by the God-man Jesus Christ, conquers the Egyptian pagan religions and all others.

, but that does not seem to be a problem for Catholics and the daughter churches.

Christ conquers paganism? Not a problem at all. It is the Truth.

Do you have a problem with that?

The trinity concept began with the Sumerians.

Can you offer any evidence of that?

Hopefully something more than groups of 3. Showing groups of 3 really would just show a common number....not the concept of the Trinity.



New member
Can you offer any evidence of that?

Egypt’s history is similar to Sumeria’s in antiquity. In his Egyptian Myths, George Hart, lecturer for the British Museum and professor of ancient Egyptian heiroglyphics at the University of London, shows how Egypt also believed in a ‘transcendental, above creation, and preexisting’ one, the god Amun. Amun was really three gods in one. Re was his face, Ptah his body, and Amun his hidden identity (24). The well-known historian Will Durant concurs that Ra, Amon, and Ptah were ‘combined as three embodiments or aspects of one supreme and triune deity’ (Oriental Heritage 201). Additionally, a hymn to Amun written in the 14th century BC defines the Egyptian trinity: ‘All Gods are three: Amun, Re, Ptah; they have no equal. His name is hidden as Amun, he is Re... before [men], and his body is Ptah’ (Hornung 219).

www.heraldmag.org/olb/Contents/doctrine/The Origin of the Trinity.htm

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The Christian religion, started by the God-man Jesus Christ, conquers the Egyptian pagan religions and all others.

Christ conquers paganism? Not a problem at all. It is the Truth.

Do you have a problem with that?

Can you offer any evidence of that?

Hopefully something more than groups of 3. Showing groups of 3 really would just show a common number....not the concept of the Trinity.


How can Christ reign when the Catholics have him nailed to a cross.

why is it the Catholics don't have a statue of Christ sitting on a throne as the "King of King and the Lord of Lords?".


New member
How can Christ reign when the Catholics have him nailed to a cross.

C'mon Robert. If you re-read your statement above slowly, it really is quite ridiculous.

Christ can't reign because Catholics remember His death on the cross and depict that in art? That's nonsense.

And Catholics didn't nail Jesus to the cross. The Romans did that.

And Christ reigns. That He was crucified or that we remember that that happened in no way prevents Christ from reigning.

Catholics choose to remember His sacrificial death on the cross. Not instead of His glorious Resurrection but along with His glorious Resurrection.

It isn't either/or. It is not either we remember His death on the Cross or we remember His resurrection.

It is both/and. There is no Resurrection without His death. So let's remember them both.

After all, Paul did and it was part of Paul's Gospel message:

"For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins (that would be the death on the Cross part)

according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, (that would be the tomb part)

and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, (that would be the Resurrection part.) (1 Cor. 15:3-4)

Also, let us not forget that Paul had a both/and attitude as can be shown by the verses below:

"...but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness," (1 Cor. 1:23)

"For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." (1 Cor. 2:2)

why is it the Catholics don't have a statue of Christ sitting on a throne as the "King of King and the Lord of Lords?".

Why is it that non-Catholics don't?

Are you suggesting that particular religious statuary is some kind of requirement for proper worship?

I hope not. I was in a non-denom Church just last night and not only was there no statue of Christ on a throne, there was no cross at all.

Just a nice stage, with big screens and electronic equipment. Nothing in the environment suggested that it was a place of worship. You couldn't tell. It looked like a place to be entertained.

Finally, just so you know. Catholic Churches do have images of Christ's Passion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection. The whole enchilada. It is called the Stations of the Cross. Most Churches complete the Stations with an image of the Glorious Resurrection of Jesus.



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If Catholics believe in Christ's death and resurrection, the Trinity, the omni-everything of God, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc, how can they be hell bound? According to your OP, all you need is faith. Yet for Catholics, faith is not sufficient? That is hypocritical and contradictory.

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Egypt’s history is similar to Sumeria’s in antiquity. In his Egyptian Myths, George Hart, lecturer for the British Museum and professor of ancient Egyptian heiroglyphics at the University of London, shows how Egypt also believed in a ‘transcendental, above creation, and preexisting’ one, the god Amun. Amun was really three gods in one. Re was his face, Ptah his body, and Amun his hidden identity (24). The well-known historian Will Durant concurs that Ra, Amon, and Ptah were ‘combined as three embodiments or aspects of one supreme and triune deity’ (Oriental Heritage 201). Additionally, a hymn to Amun written in the 14th century BC defines the Egyptian trinity: ‘All Gods are three: Amun, Re, Ptah; they have no equal. His name is hidden as Amun, he is Re... before [men], and his body is Ptah’ (Hornung 219).

www.heraldmag.org/olb/Contents/doctrine/The Origin of the Trinity.htm

Hey Jamie.

I question the reliability of the source you cited. Here's one reason why.

Alexander Hislop is pretty well-known for being an unreliable historian.

Ralph Woodrow was basically an expert on Hislop and his book "The Two Babylons". Mr. Woodrow wrote his own book based on Hislop's ideas called "Babylon Mystery Religion". Then later, he pulled it out of print and wrote "The Babylon Connection?" where he repudiates his earlier work and the work of Hislop.

The bottom line, I think, is that finding similarities between things does not necessarily prove connection.

Below is a link to an article written by Mr. Woodrow in which he shows that.

Also, even if I grant you that pagans developed the Trinity concept (and I'm not saying that I do)

So what?

What would that prove anyways?

If ancient peoples worshipped a false trinity does that necessarily mean that there isn't a True Trinity to be worshipped?

No. It doesn't.

No more than saying that ancient peoples worshipped false gods so that means that there is no True God to be worshipped.

Here's the link to Mr. Woodrow's article. It is quite interesting.




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I prayed to Jesus and asked for wisdom. I love truth. All I do is search for truth. The truth is that god's spirit is the Holy Ghost. I don't understand this trinity stuff. I just pray to Jesus.

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New member
I don't understand this trinity stuff.

When I was growing up my family attended a Southern Baptist congregation. One day the speaker dude gave a sermon on the trinity. One of his points was that no one really understood the trinity concept. I thought at the time if this guy who had pastored the congregation for over thirty years didn't understand it why was he teaching it.

That and other things totally turned me off to Christianity, I wanted no part of it. Besides, I leaned toward reincarnation since it made more sense to me than the pastor's sermons. I believed in a Supreme Being, but Jesus made no sense.

Later I studied into theosophy which was less credible than Christianity.

Years later I heard a guy on the radio who taught against evolution. He made sense.

So I don't believe in evolution.


New member
When I was growing up my family attended a Southern Baptist congregation. One day the speaker dude gave a sermon on the trinity. One of his points was that no one really understood the trinity concept. I thought at the time if this guy who had pastored the congregation for over thirty years didn't understand it why was he teaching it.

That and other things totally turned me off to Christianity, I wanted no part of it. Besides, I leaned toward reincarnation since it made more sense to me than the pastor's sermons. I believed in a Supreme Being, but Jesus made no sense.

Later I studied into theosophy which was less credible than Christianity.

Years later I heard a guy on the radio who taught against evolution. He made sense.

So I don't believe in evolution.

Your supreme being will be Satan. He is strong. . Dont let false teachers send you into the NWO. It is such a wonderful thing to know truth. The first step to understanding the Bible is that you can't be patriotic. Government is a beast. Next thing is understanding spiritual warfare. It is huge. Mythology is not mythology it is fallen angel worship. You don't find truth at church. Jesus is king. Read the Bible.

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New member
Your supreme being will be Satan. He is strong. . Dont let false teachers send you into the NWO. It is such a wonderful thing to know truth. The first step to understanding the Bible is that you can't be patriotic. Government is a beast. Next thing is understanding spiritual warfare. It is huge. Mythology is not mythology it is fallen angel worship. You don't find truth at church. Jesus is king. Read the Bible.

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Where did the Bible come from?

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New member
2 Timothy 3:16.

And I agree with that. However, "scripture" at the time of this letter's writing was the Old Testament. No New Testament had yet been organized.

Also, maintain a critical mind; just because something claims it is, does not make it so. Any book can claim to be factual.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
And I agree with that. However, "scripture" at the time of this letter's writing was the Old Testament. No New Testament had yet been organized.

Also, maintain a critical mind; just because something claims it is, does not make it so. Any book can claim to be factual.

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The Jews love to record things. The Old Testament is a record of man's inability to please a Holy God.

The New Testament is a record of God's solution to man's sinfulness.


New member
That's fine. I didn't realize the trinity doctrine was based on Hislop or whomever you can come up with.

Hey Jamie,

What do you mean "...whomever you can come up with"? Hislop's name came up because it is found in the article that you linked to your post.

That's how his name came up.

Didn't you read the article that that post was linked to?

The Trinity doctrine isn't based on Hislop...but the document that you cited tries to disprove the Trinity and uses Hislop as a primary source.

He is not a reliable source of info about the Trinity.



New member
Hey balut,

I prayed to Jesus and asked for wisdom.


I love truth. All I do is search for truth.


The truth is that god's spirit is the Holy Ghost.

The Doctrine of the Trinity states that God the Father is and always has been pure spirit.

God the Holy Spirit is and always has been pure spirit.

God the Son always had been pure Spirit until He willingly decided take on human flesh and take care of our messy sin situation.

I don't understand this trinity stuff.

Just because we cannot understand everything about it doesn't mean we cannot understand some things about it.

The same with God Himself.

It is a toughy, I'll grant you.

Although, for me, its a toughy trying to understand how God could create everything from nothing too.

I just pray to Jesus.

That is awesome too!

God bless.
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