Already answered.The 'un'-holy Rosary. Nothing but pagan idolatry.
Already answered (Post #1743).The rosary, Nothing but pagan idolatry.
Where have I ever suggested that one can be saved by the Catholic Church RATHER THAN by faith in Jesus Christ? You have here merely engaged in a False Dilemma Fallacy. Try again.Now, if a person wants to follow the ORGANIZATION, instead of Jesus Christ and His finished work exclusively
Already decisively answered (Post #1731).
Already answered (Post #1737).How can you possibly say that since you never even addressed the verses which I quoted?
Already answered (Post #1737).
Post #1737How could you have possibly answered what I said about this verse since you never even mentioned it?:"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house" (Acts 16:30-31).Of course you never addressd Paul's answer to the question. Instead, both you and Rome just run and hide from it in the hope that no one will notice that you have no answer.And then you turn around and say that it has already been answered. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Post #1732
My mistake. Rather, Post #1737Post #1732 is a post by "Old man"!
My mistake. Rather, Post #1737
Nope. Read Post #1737 again, more slowly this time.How could you have possibly answered what I said about this verse since you have never even mentioned it?
Nope. Read Post #1737 again, more slowly this time.
It doesn't matter, because...(now read Post #1737).In that post you said nothing about this verse...
It doesn't matter, because...(now read Post #1737).
Did I say that I addressed your "points"...? (Read Post #1737 again.)It doesn't matter? But you said that you addressed my points.
Did I say that I addressed your "points"...? (Read Post #1737 again.)