No it is not irrational, but yes, it is a profound mystery.
It is not logically derived from ANY created thing or things... Including written witnesses [Bible] or living ones, nor imagination, nor thoughts... The Mystery is Christ IN US... One can read or hear about Christ in us till the end of the Age, and all one will have is other people's testimonies...
The whole point of discipleship is to introduce the disciple to Christ, which is prepared for by his obedience to the commandments of Christ... This is the holy mission of the Church, the union of man with God... It is the Apostolic Commission given by Christ Himself to ALL the Apostles... The Faith of Christ is the Faith Christ gave to the Apostles... And in this Faith of Christ, we find Christ giving Himself to the faithful according to the condition of their souls and His Providence...
The Catholic Church, before the various schisms and secessions, was the single physical expression of the ancient Catholic faith---the faith of our father Saint Abraham---from the time of Christ and his Apostles.
The Jews claimed Abraham for their Father...
Christians claim Christ...
They do not claim Peter...
It is the Catholic faith that believes that there are true Christians outside of the Catholic Church's earthly bounds.
Cornelius comes to mind... His prayers before the throne of the Most High God, but he was led by God into the Church at the hand of Peter, as was Saul at the hand of Ananias...
We only judge within our Communion - Outside of it, we pray for those not within it... We do not judge, nor do we pronounce them, to be or not to be "True Christians"... We are living in the Last Times - When Christ returns, will He find the True Faith? We pray that He will... The times are shortening...
There is salvation outside our Communion, and God is everywhere present and fills all things... The Holy Spirit is not restricted to the Church... Anyone who can see will affirm...
It is Catholicism that deems one such as yourself a true Christian, as one believing the Catholic faith though not confessing it entirely, nor maintaining unity with the Catholic Church, her Magisterium, nor the successor of Saint Peter the first and preeminent Apostle.
We would throw away our Salvation were we to give you our Communion which you desire so much, if it is without your repentance from your papalist error and its fall-out... Indeed, we would throw it away were we to receive your Communion...
You see, you desire our Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of our Lord, and we desire your repentance... Which gives lie to your next assertion...
If you would have done away with the Catholic Church, through having her submit to the Orthodox ecclessiology rather than to her own authority---the papacy supported though it is with history and with Scripture---then all Christendom would fall, because we already have what you and all other non-Catholics desire; you argue for status quo, and we already know how that pans out. Non-Catholics couldn't care less about the Orthodox Churches save the Orthodox yourselves, and that wouldn't change because it hasn't changed. Your Churches would continue to be as insignificant as they are already, because especially in the West, nobody wants to be Orthodox, and would prefer to tickle their ears with teachings that non-bishops fill them with.
You see, we do not desire your Communion at all - It is YOU who desire OURS... And without your repentance, it will not happen... You will continue in, as your own words above confess, "your own authority"... And we will continue in the Faith of Christ...
We are, btw, growing steadily in the US...
And nobody is going to Mass in Europe...
Your traditions are already found and preserved in the Catholic Church. Your only hope, long term, is to be received into the Catholic Church. There's nothing an iconoclastic protestant would like better than to torch your parishes, with their iconography, and yet this is what you clamor for, with your rejection of Catholicism, which is the ancient Christian faith.
When is the last time you attended a Mass of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom? Or St. Basil's? There is precious little "preservation" in the Latin Church
The enemy of your enemy must be your friend.
Our enemies are our friends...
And yet they have no trouble with a single God who is three?
Of course! God is not bound by logic and the Law of Identity...
Kids get that automattikker!
But you see, they talk to Christ...
And they already know He has ONE Head...
Like Mommy and Daddy each have one head...
I'm more two than anything, though I keep trying to get back to my conception since that's where this all began. Can't think of a better way to obey Christ. Matthew 18:3
I do pretty much any age, but not conception... That is WAY above my pay-grade! But some pre-natal by a vision...