ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

Vincent Lerins

New member
I have been Evangelical Protestant most of my life, even spending some time living in a fulltime religious community.

The more I researched the origin of the bible and the history of my faith, the more I discovered the Catholic Church.

I am taking steps towards joining the Catholic Church and my question is this....'Why shouldn't I?'

Yours is the path I walked a few years ago. "Come on in the waters fine". You won't regret joining the Church founded by Christ and his Apostles. It was what I should have done many years before.

You will hear a lot of the usual stuff that you grew up hearing, but its not working for you anymore because you've seen through the smoke screen of the silly arguments made against his Church.

In most parishes mid to late summer is a period of inquiry, with RCIA classes starting in fall and culminating at the Easter Vigil. But they would be happy to talk with you any time of the year you feel like approaching. They won't pressure you, its all up to you.


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Yours is the path I walked a few years ago. "Come on in the waters fine". You won't regret joining the Church founded by Christ and his Apostles. It was what I should have done many years before.

You will hear a lot of the usual stuff that you grew up hearing, but its not working for you anymore because you've seen through the smoke screen of the silly arguments made against his Church.

In most parishes mid to late summer is a period of inquiry, with RCIA classes starting in fall and culminating at the Easter Vigil. But they would be happy to talk with you any time of the year you feel like approaching. They won't pressure you, its all up to you.

oh no not another catholic!

Vincent Lerins

New member
I must admit, discovering Calvin was imprisoned for sodomy (posted earlier) made me wonder why Calvinists condemn gay priests. Pot and kettle springs to mind.

I've never heard such a thing. Don't want to wade out into that anyway....... :nono:

But I do suggest you read Martin Luthers 1522 sermon "The Estate of Marriage". It was a sermon, as he states, that he gives about what he was teaching previously but wasn't able to speak clearly about. It will help understand what he meant when he mentioned bigamy in some of his earlier works.

I first ran into this at my local Lutheran church library in Luthers works when I was researching what Lutherans historically taught on marriage.

It gives surprising insights into what was originally meant by the claim that the Church/Pope is the Antichrist because it/he forbids marriage. Read it, note the year relative to other historical events, and you will understand the significance.


Rich Rock:

In your conversion (as well as afterwards), you may find that a daily rosary (at least 5 decades) will be of great help.

God's Truth

New member
You have been proven wrong. Your debate as to whether I should join the Catholic Church or not was based on rhetoric regurgitated from the usual sources and not based on fact. I and others have proven this. I see your arguments have also been refuted on many other threads.

Unfortunately I cannot concede to your delusions of being 'God's Truth' to all.

Go in peace, because although I personally don't think you are a fool, what's my opinion compared to that of thousands of others?

You cannot hide behind the Catholic Pope anymore. We have the Bible and can read for ourselves.

Please listen to me. We can see plainly, what God says in His written Word.

God's Truth

New member
Yes and you are?
I'm not the one calling myself 'God's Truth' therefore blaspheming God's holy name. Unless you are actually saying that you are in fact God?

There can be only one truth, Jn 17:17-23. Any variation in the one truth is not truth at all, but error.

Truth is a person. Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth and the life", Jn 14:6.*

Are you "the way, the truth and the life" Yes or No?

If your answer is Yes then you are telling us that you are in fact God.

If your answer is No (which I certainly hope it is) then you are a mere man and should not be calling yourself 'God's Truth' as if every word you utter comes from the mouth of God.

God Bless!

Listen to Jesus.

He is the only interceder between God and man.

His words are true.

He is the way.

Do what he says. His words are life.

God's Truth

New member
The comparison you're trying to force here simply does not exist in reality. Indeed, Mormonism was merely one more man-made non-Catholic sect to climb upon the mountainous pile of such groups that have been invented over the past five centuries, since the Protestant Rebellion. In short, Mormonism is far more similar to your chosen man-made Protestant sect or doctrinal tradition than it could ever be to Christ's one historic Catholic Church.

So was Joseph Smith, and all based upon his personal interpretations of the Bible---just like you.

Gaudium de veritate,


All who do not speak according to the written word are false teachers.

God's Truth

New member
That is not unconditionally true.

"Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God and the Church, unless physical or moral impossibility excuses from this kind of confession." CCC1484

In your case, clearly "physical impossibility" existed.

Nilhilo, the Catechism has changed a lot from the time my dad was born in 1918.

God's Truth does not change.

The Catholic denomination teaches falseness that should have never been taught, as is evidence in the unction of a dying person.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Who is doing this informing?
I am as it came to light during our discussion here.

Please do not start with the "I have not admitted I am male or female" or "it is no one's business". The matter is settled unless you want to finally go on record versus just adopting the "It's Pat" mien.


Vincent Lerins

New member
Asked and answered, but note conveniently ignored by the man who proffered this in the first place. Sigh.


That wasn't so much a refutation as an obfusication. But regardless the personal life of Calvin has little bearing on the question at hand.

The OP was quite clear that he was in the final approach path to becoming Catholic. What has been offered him so far has been in the eyes of the posters coherent logic but once its been seen through doesn't work anymore.

I agree with you I think he is pretty convinced and will be virtually impossible to sway. But the uncharitable way he has been treated by so many on this thread would do more to drive him away from protestantism than any logic.

Like the OP I too swam the tiber from Evangelicalism to the Catholic faith. Like him I in all sincerity made a final attempt to get a response from those I knew that what I was doing was wrong. Like him I heard nothing that would sway me at that point, nor since.

I respect others opinions. Christian charity should prevail.


Hi Rich Rock!! Welcome Home!! It has been 10 years since my husband and I became Catholic at the Easter Vigil mass and we are rejoicing still!

As an evangelical protestant, born and raised, my journey was very Jewish as I saw the New Testament believers were also full of this heritage. It was this line of understanding that brought me home. However, aside from any reading on my part, it was really the GRACE of God that made it possible for me to receive the fullness of His revelation which resides in the catholic fold.

The book of Leviticus is a glorious heritage that explains and points to many things of the One Priesthood of Christ.

In God's One True Church resides the fulfillment of all the OT promises to His Bride!!

God bless you,
your sister -in Christ- and -in the Body-

Hi Sheila,
That's very encouraging. I am learning it is all the grace of God and I thank him for being VERY patient with me! thank you for taking the time to post
May God continue to bless you


Yours is the path I walked a few years ago. "Come on in the waters fine". You won't regret joining the Church founded by Christ and his Apostles. It was what I should have done many years before.

You will hear a lot of the usual stuff that you grew up hearing, but its not working for you anymore because you've seen through the smoke screen of the silly arguments made against his Church.

In most parishes mid to late summer is a period of inquiry, with RCIA classes starting in fall and culminating at the Easter Vigil. But they would be happy to talk with you any time of the year you feel like approaching. They won't pressure you, its all up to you.

Hi Vincent,
Thank you for taking the time to post. You are absolutely correct, the more I research the more I see through the smoke screen.

Today I went to my first ever mass. I was warmly welcomed amongst thebrothers and sisters. My first surprise was our first hymn...a hymn we used to sing in our protestant congregation. A quick persusal show hymns by Wesley and others!

The whole mass followed the bible, and was powerful. The Eucharist was supernatural and a felt a pure sense of peace, peace I haven't felt since returning from Iraq a few years ago.

The priest was great, the homily was better than most sermons I've listened to over the years and he said it from his heart. I had a long chat with him afterwards and surprise surprise he worked in Northern Ireland bringing Catholic and Protestants together on activity days/weeks (earlier in thread for those who don't know about my childhood). Brilliant man, and humble.

The experience was amazing, I really do feel like I've come home.

I will be getting more and more involved as time moves forward, including RCIA in Sept.

God bless you :)