As I was saying, the man is a patholigical liar. God's Truth indeed!You see, I picked this one randomly out of your list and surprise surprise is shown to be a lie. You are meant to research!...........
I'm outta' here. Enjoy the mp3's
As I was saying, the man is a patholigical liar. God's Truth indeed!You see, I picked this one randomly out of your list and surprise surprise is shown to be a lie. You are meant to research!...........
Well RichRock, I am bowing out of the thread. People like God's Truth get on my nerves. I like having an honest debate with thoughtful people who believe differently than me, that can be fun, but God's Truth is neither honest nor thoughtful. He's nothing but a narrow-minded anti-Catholic bigot who wouldn't know a Bible from his mom's cookbook.
Like I said, PM me any time. Oooh, I almost forgot, a little gift for you:
A veritable treasure chest of free
As I was saying, the man is a patholigical liar. God's Truth indeed!
Show me where I have lied.
Show me where I have lied. Show me which scriptures tell us to do what the Catholics have decreed.
Your name 'God's Truth' is about the biggest blasphmous lie there is about you,unless you are claiming you are God?
The NT Bible!
God Bless!
Let’s look at a few examples of misleading charges. These (your list of supposed Catholic dates and half truths) are taken from Loraine Boettner’s book,*Roman*Catholicism, which might be called the "Bible" of the anti-Catholic movement. First published in 1962 by the Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company of Philadelphia, and reprinted many times since, this fat book is the source most anti-Catholic organizations rely on for information about the Church. Most borrow uncritically from Boettner, seldom giving him credit and never checking his sources.
Your lists are refuted:
As I said earlier, do your OWN research instead of repeating someone else's rhetoric. You may be surprised where the truth leads you. Read my signature line.
I do not care to go to your links.
Debate here or concede.
Yes and you are?You prove you are not fit to judge.
No, I must disagree. Some sins do indeed disqualify us from being overseers. We'll have to disagree and move along. We'll protect our flock by not allowing it and you'll take a chance that I believe is less discerning. I do understand your love and forgiveness but I must reiterate you do not have to 'show love and forgiveness' by placing such a one over a flock. They can be part of the flock from that moment on with a certain amount of accountability in proportion to the need of their temptations.^ I edited the post before you posted. Maybe you missed that
You'd have to read up a bit further, he does.In any case, Chrysostom says nothing whatsoever there about not needing to study the Scriptures.
Reasonable often ends up looking a lot like beauty.
The only real question is why you have a sufficient reservation to lead you to ask strangers to talk you out of your decision, which is what this amounts to if it's a sincere inquiry.
If it isn't a sincere inquiry then any church couldn't hurt, long as it isn't the one that led you to believe a less than honest challenge formed as an inquiry was the way to go about actually challenging others.
I didn't say it was an insincere inquiry. I said that was the alternative and IF/THEN.
In any event, good luck on your journey. :e4e:
The comparison you're trying to force here simply does not exist in reality. Indeed, Mormonism was merely one more man-made non-Catholic sect to climb upon the mountainous pile of such groups that have been invented over the past five centuries, since the Protestant Rebellion. In short, Mormonism is far more similar to your chosen man-made Protestant sect or doctrinal tradition than it could ever be to Christ's one historic Catholic Church.Joseph Smith led others to another gospel. The Catholics led people to the pope and the catechism.
So was Joseph Smith, and all based upon his personal interpretations of the Bible---just like you.I am trying to led you to the Truth.
Please cite the number of the relevant post.You'd have to read up a bit further, he does.
Mea culpa, I pushed the irony envelope too far.Ah, I see now...sorry about that![]()
That is not unconditionally true.I was raised strict Catholic. The Catholic religion was my family’s life. When I was 24 yrs old, my mom got cancer and when it was obvious that she would not recover from it, my dad called the priest to give her last rites. For some reason, the priest did not come, so my dad called again, by this time my mom was dying fast, and she did not have the strength to speak. The priest said that we should have called him sooner. The priest left without hearing my mom’s last confession. It was the only time I ever saw my dad cry. I asked my dad why he was crying, he said because it was his fault. I said your fault about what, he said his fault that mom might not get to go to heaven to be with Jesus. I yelled out, “But we are Catholics!" You see, if a Catholic has committed a certain sin and does not confess to a priest for it before he or she dies, then there is no forgiveness for that sin.
I went in my room that night, and I told God that I did not want some religion’s truth, that I wanted His Truth, and that I would search for His Truth until I found it.
So, why shouldn't I convert to the Catholic Church?
This Sacred Council wishes to turn its attention firstly to the Catholic faithful. Basing itself upon Sacred Scripture and Tradition, it teaches that the Church, now sojourning on earth as an exile, is necessary for salvation. Christ, present to us in His Body, which is the Church, is the one Mediator and the unique way of salvation. In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism124 and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church. Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium 14 124Cf. Mk. 16:16; Jn. 3:5 |
Your informed argument will be forthcoming when exactly?You'll be better informed if you do your OWN research instead of lifting from anti Catholic sites. When you do I will be pleased to see your INFORMED argument.
Your informed argument will be forthcoming when exactly?