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The Gospel of Matthew was written in Aramaic by all accounts and this is what Jesus says regarding the same term He addresses with Peter.
"If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. "
Since Jesus had already established Peter as the head of this church we can assume that not only was it a community but that it had a hierarchy.
"And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
This is an unfortunate truth of any church but from my own experience even more pronounced in the Protestant Churches I have attended. I think this is more pronounced in denominations where they subjugate the Word of God to cults of the person or community or of an attempt to create disunion in the Body of Christ. Nonetheless, we were called by Christ to be part of His church and His reasons are always good and logical. One clear example is that weak people need to be around real disciples. Also, the great thing about the Catholic Church is we de not elevate anyone above the Gospel or doctrine, priest pope anyone.
I have experienced this as well. Worse is when the pastor lives better than the majority of the church members. Fortunately, in the Catholic church not fixed amount of money is required nor any personal time spent, other than mass. We understand how sacred and important the family is to God.
Amen to that.
So much wrong here... Peter was never made head of the church. His confession that Jesus was the Messiah was, and it is that confession that is required by everyone that is joined to the ekklesia.
The RCC places so much emphasis on that single verse to prove its legitimacy, yet that verse only appears in one of four Gospels.. so it obviously wasn't all that important to God.
As far as the doctrines and dogmas' of your church... if there are any similarities to what Jesus taught, they are just coincidences. All of your sacraments, priests, etc.. all have roots in pre-christian Rome and Jesus and the apostles would be horrified by them.
If you truly were a Christian, what denomination you belong to is if no consequence... because they are all corrupt institutions of men and belonging to them will corrupt you.
As far as not elevating people above the Gospel... your satanistic leader (the pope) is coming to Philadelphia later this summer and I have never heard so much sucking up on local TV in my entire life.