A denomination is nothing more than an autonomous Christian group with it's own set of doctrine, but there is no reason to limit it to two or more persons.
I admit being free of any denomination has it's advantages in that one does not have to respond for the sin of others. Nonetheless, please talk about the fruits in your life. From what I can see on this forum you main m.o. is to point out supposed doctrinal weakness, which is interesting given that you don't even have your own doctrine formulated (correct me if I am wrong). Therefore, based on the measure Jesus established what are your fruits?
My fruits are treating my neighbors as myself... volunteering at every opportunity I can, helping others as time allows and expecting nothing in return... ever.
I used to do short term mission trips (Cuba, Dominican Republic and Phillipi, W VA along with helping an inner city church down in Philly from time to time.
Your mission field is all around you... make the best of every opportunity God places before you.
I highly feel that it is more important to be as good a role model as you can and hopefully have people ask why you act like you do as the best possible witness we can have for Christ.
Another reason I don't tend to talk about these things is that I deserve nothing for them.. it is God that enables me.. and he deserves the credit.
Anyhow, there is so much more you can accomplish as a Christian rather than just occupying a pew on Sunday morning... go find a homeless person and give them a meal. Go to that widow down the streets house and mow her lawn and rake her leaves if necessary and ask if she needs help with anything else.
Get involved in your local community and try and get some parks created so that youth have a place to go... organize activities and show God's love by giving of yourself and witness if the opportunity presents itself. Pick up trash, do some weeding, find some kids to have a catch with... pick up dog poop left by inconsiderate people.
You must love your fellow human as yourself, love God above all... sitting in a pew on Sunday hearing some kind of psychology lesson backed vaguely by scripture is not edifying at all.