ECT Why preterism can never be taken seriously by Bible believers


Well-known member
"Not one stone left upon another"


Many stones left one upon the other.

Different things are different because they are not the same.


Sola Scriptura. Preterism cannot claim it. Preterism MUST appeal to non-biblical sources to substantiate itself. Disp'ism need not do so.

Once again the mysteryboy is dead wrong.

It is you Darby followers who constantly use non-Biblical sources in your attempt to prove Preterism wrong.

Prove Matt 24:34 wrong without using a non-Biblical source?


"Not one stone left upon another"


Many stones left one upon the other.

Different things are different because they are not the same.

More desperation.

You want us to believe that not one writer of the Bible mentions the destruction of the Second Temple?

You think that what happened to the Second Temple in 70AD is not found anywhere in the Bible. You think all the prophecies are about a third temple that doesn't even exist.

You're a mess.


Well-known member
Unfulfilled prophecy is not fulfilled prophecy.

Not same is not same.

A child of four fully grasps this truth.


Unfulfilled prophecy *=/= *fulfilled prophecy.<br><br>Not same *=/= *same.<br><br>A child of four fully grasps this truth.

Once again, you cannot defend your Dispensationalism.

For your latest theory (still some stones standing) to be true, it means not one prophecy in the OT or NT describes the destruction of the Second Temple in 70AD.

There are numerous prophecies in both the OT and NT that describe the destruction of the Second Temple in 70AD, but in order to defend your Dispensationalism, you have to make ALL OF THEM pertain to some third temple that has never existed.


mysteryboy is a classic example of what happens when Darby followers such as himself try to defend Dispensationalism.

mysteryboy has dug himself so far into a hole, he has no way out.

The false teachings of John Nelson Darby cannot stand the test of scripture.


"In the very same manner Daniel also wrote concerning the Roman government, and that our country should be made desolate by them" - Josephus, Antiquities 10.11.7.

As we see above, Josephus described the events of 70AD as the fulfillment of prophecies from Daniel.

Darby followers claim the prophecies were not fulfilled. Darby followers claim there will be a third temple, and that the prophecies from Daniel will be fulfilled at the third temple.

Dispensationalism is a mess.

patrick jane

"In the very same manner Daniel also wrote concerning the Roman government, and that our country should be made desolate by them" - Josephus, Antiquities 10.11.7.

As we see above, Josephus described the events of 70AD as the fulfillment of prophecies from Daniel.

Darby followers claim the prophecies were not fulfilled. Darby followers claim there will be a third temple, and that the prophecies from Daniel will be fulfilled at the third temple.

Dispensationalism is a mess of wonderful examples of rightly dividing God's word./QUOTE]

We know


(Luke 21:20) “When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.

The above was fulfilled in 70AD. It was fulfilled 40 years after Christ Jesus prophesied it.

Darby followers however, want us to believe it wasn't fulfilled. They want us to believe that when the Romans surrounded Jerusalem in 70AD and then destroyed it, that it has nothing to do with what Christ Jesus said.

Darby followers want us to believe that when the Romans surrounded the temple in 70AD and then destroyed it, that not one writer of the NT said a thing about it.


(Luke 19:41-44) As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it 42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. 43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. 44 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

According to the mysteryboy, Jesus wept for an event that would take place 2,000 years (and still counting) into the future.

According to the mysteryboy, Jesus didn't weep at all for the 1.1 million Jews who were killed 40 years later. According to mysteryboy, Jesus didn't weep for the total destruction of the city of Jerusalem that would take place 40 years later.

Like I said, mysteryboy has dug himself in a hole so deep, he has no way out.

But, that's what happens when people try to defend the false teachings of John Nelson Darby.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Can you provide any substantiation of this?

Any quotes from preterist sources or even posts here on TOL that indicate that this is what they believe and teach?

You have not been reading the "posts" of Tellalie, that he has posted, for years,as I/others have, nor have you researched AD 70-ism/Preterist "doctrine." My evidence? The above. You do the work, as I/others, have.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again, you are using non-Biblical sources to defend your Dispensationalism.

That's slick,Josephus/Wikipedia follower....Real slick.

Show us "AD 70" in the book, fraud.

Show us this "everyone," punk, that allegedly witnessed/saw, this "un physical" Saviour return in AD 70-show us, not employing "non-Biblical sources."

Over 3 years-not a peep from the weasel.