Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
You have been here long enough to know how to use the quote feature. If you wish to have a reply, fix your post.

My comments are in red.

Fix your post. I am not going to do the work for you. Using the quote feature is not rocket science.

I haven't posted here as long as you think. I have been lurking a long time. This last post also indicates to me that you have an issue with control that you project onto others, especially the male species.

OK. This whole quoting thing is very difficult for a newbie. It is incredibly time consuming but I apologize for the difficulty in reading it.


Could someone show me how to put the quotes of several people in a thread or several quotes from one person without having to repeatedly do this?: [quote.= person] message[/quote.]

Another dead give away ...


Well-known member

I think it's interesting truthjourney took my question and related it back to polygamy, because I wasn't thinking of it when I asked Bybee that.

But actually, I've already thought that if I was widowed, (God forbid I ever have to cope with that), I might actually prefer polygamy as a solution if I was still in my season of giving God His heritage via my womb.

That's because I will still be in love with my first, and I don't want to then be someone else's whole world when I could instead play a more minor support role in a larger family and focus better on finishing rearing my first children while adding to their number again.

I've been trying to help you avoid self-condemnation, yet you keep heaping it up by casting slanderous aspersions on righteous men like my husband.

Boy was he playing us, if that was ClimateSanity/voltaire/dolo, etc.

Elo, you are obsessing about Climate Sanity when you have this nut case running around? :rotfl:


Well-known member
Elo, you are obsessing about Climate Sanity when you have this nut case running around? :rotfl:

My wife is a saint. I've asked her to remarry after my death, and polygamy isn't sin according to the Bible. It was a harmless consideration from a woman who wants to have more children for God's kingdom. If that makes her a nut, it explains why I'm nuts for her.

Ask your new "friend" ClimateSanity what he believes about polygamy. :chuckle:


Well-known member
My wife is a saint. I've asked her to remarry after my death, and polygamy isn't sin according to the Bible. It was a harmless consideration from a woman who wants to have more children for God's kingdom. If that makes her a nut, it explains why I'm nuts for her.

Ask your new "friend" ClimateSanity what he believes about polygamy. :chuckle:

Yes, I know you both think the other is more special than either of you actually are...no surprise there. She is, nevertheless, two bricks shy of a load and so her opinion of you is just that...her opinion. I've seen you through clearer eyes than hers are. :chuckle:

Unlike you, I don't claim people are my friends and then stab them in the back and hound them until they crack. I barely know CS, and certainly won't believe half the bull that's spouted on here as fact. I've seen, first hand, how easily one's position is twisted by the busy bodies that post here.

Nor do I believe half of what people say about themselves or others. This is an internet forum ....not Peyton Place as you simpletons seem to think. Quite the soap opera!


Well-known member
What pit did this thread magically crawl out of all of a sudden :think:

They drag up these old threads hoping to provide some new fodder for their rumour mill and then they get hung by their own petard when people bother reading what's been written (by the very one's who've brought it forward). You'd think they'd have something better to do with their time....especially those two that claim to have forty kids with more being born every day. :chuckle:


New member
She was sowing discord. It is her opinion that he was trashing you. What reason is there to put a 9 year old " insult" in your face? What else could it do but harm your relationship?,, what good could it possibly do? Where is the lie?

Isn't it odd that someone could take sincere help from what appeared to be a stranger and yet feel betrayed because he was actually a known friend? You were being trashed daily in what i felt was mean and unfair at the time and I stepped in to give you support. You never did the same for me but instead joined the other side and became a mirror image of them. Now, you want to get on a moral high horse because I fooled you so easily? The fact you could not see who I was shows how much you will believe what you want to.believe. very gullible. It blows me away even more how you totally dismissed the desire of mine to defend you guys in your faux moral outrage over being made a.fool by me.


Hall of Fame
Isn't it odd that someone could take sincere help from what appeared to be a stranger and yet feel betrayed because he was actually a known friend? You were being trashed daily in what i felt was mean and unfair at the time and I stepped in to give you support. You never did the same for me but instead joined the other side and became a mirror image of them. Now, you want to get on a moral high horse because I fooled you so easily? The fact you could not see who I was shows how much you will believe what you want to.believe. very gullible. It blows me away even more how you totally dismissed the desire of mine to defend you guys in your faux moral outrage over being made a.fool by me.

So you are angry at them ... because they are upset with you ... for lying to them?

Way to spin it!