Why men won't marry you


New member
He does not care to answer the question: Do you hit women?

That's because he feels you were over the moral line to ask such a question. I was investigating.

Those are your exact words.

The reader may click on the link to read the complete discussion.

If you feel you are doing an honorable job, I'll leave you to it without judging you. You stand or fall to your own master. Romans 14:4

You're defending a man

Actually, what I saw was a divisive post with an inflammatory question.

We are told not to be divisive, brawlers or to rail against others.

However, I don't want to judge you on a single post, even though I am to judge angels. So I tested you. I asked you an equivalent question.

(Jn 3:16).
Everybody knows that one. It's at risk of being a cliché from overuse. Try this one about Jesus' love instead... John 15:13

Jonah and his plant get a bad rap (Jon 4:9). Those Ninevites likely raped his sister and murdered his family. The plant never did that.

How is it that Matt 25:40 says whatever you do to me you do to Jesus, yet you are comparing yourself to Jonah? You want to despise me like Jonah did, even though I just offered you a test for your own edification?

Jonah also needed to read Matt 25:40, because those Ninevites were God's children, too. Too bad for him it wasn't yet written. Maybe he could have avoided jumping into the sea.

Believe (Mk 9:23).

"If you can sin, you're not God's child. You can fool everybody else but you can't fool him." ~ J. Vernon McGee

I am glad you think God saves us from sin. I believe that, too. I don't sin. It is a product/fruit of faith, since whatsoever is not of faith is sin.


[Matt 5:44]
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you [Matt. 5:43–44].

"This rule, I insist, is for the Kingdom. The Lord Jesus lifts the Mosaic Law to the nth degree. He says that in the Kingdom the enemy is to be loved instead of hated.

The believer today operates on a different principle. We are commanded to love all believers, and we express our love to our enemies by getting the gospel to them, giving them the message of God’s saving grace that is able to bring them to heaven." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13) (electronic ed., Vol. 34, p. 85). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"You seem to be claiming both that I am your enemy (I dispute)..."
Eph 5:11 :granite:

"...and that you should hate me."
[Edited notes: Enyart] God loves and God hates: Esau I have hated. Mal 1:3

God hates all workers of iniquity...The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. Ps 5:5-6

The wicked and the one who loves violence, God hates. Ps 11:5

The face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Ps 34:16

God loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Ps 45:7

These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren. Pr 6:16–19

For as [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he. Pr 23:7

All their wickedness is in Gilgal,
For there I hated them.
Because of the evil of their deeds
I will drive them from My house;
I will love them no more. Ho 9:15

Jesus said: "Judge with righteous judgment." Jn 7:24

The apostle Paul said we have the mind of Christ. He who is spiritual judges all things. I'm ashamed of you because you're not judging. 1 Co 2:15-16

Moses wrote of God; God said, if you do not obey me my soul shall abhor you. Lev 26:15

Paul writes inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let love be without hypocrisy. Hate evil. Ro 12:9: If you don't hate evil than your love is hypocrisy.

Should you love those who hate the Lord; therefore, the wrath of the Lord is upon you. 2 Chron 19:2

Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed. Pr 27:5

Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Pr 27:6

Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. Pr 16:18

Bring here these enemies of mine, who did not want me to rule over them, and slay them before me. Lk 19:27

"Are you claiming you have a moral obligation to literally abuse me?"
You defend a man who has difficulty affirming the statement: Real men don't hit women. Have a discussion with him. :plain:

"Sometimes we must comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~ David Jeremiah

[Where did you get the idea that we are all God's children? Jn 8:44] "Matt 19:14"
:thumb: Be as a child not a battered woman (1 Cor. 11:28–32).

"You removed the scripture from my quote[.]"
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

"You can't marry your words to the Bible..."
Tit 2:15, Lk 9:26




New member
My wife is the ONLY person I would have even considered marrying. Most women out there are lazy gold diggers and do not respect their men... the thought of getting in a marriage contract with any of them scares the crap out of me. I was single for 9 years after my first wife left because I couldn't support her lifestyle and we were in a mountain of debt... and was prepared to spend the rest of my life single. It took me that long to even reconsider marriage.


New member

What population collapse?
See my TOL blog for more info.

Or are you referring to the competing polygamy of islam and what might happen to the west and is happening to Europe?
If those Muslims didn't have babies then we couldn't reap their souls for the Great Harvest. We need to have enough babies to reach their babies.

Gospel workers are not created by physical birth.

If you train up a child in the way they should go, they are. Children are born of the Kingdom. They have to return when they fall. The parents help determine their success at becoming permanent Kingdom residents.

If you are Mormon, say so.

Many times I've explained; no. I was an SDA before worshiping in Spirit and truth apart from an apostate body. The invisible Body of Christ I belong to is worldwide and has no official affiliations.

The Spirit of God moves as it wills and creates people who are reborn in spirit.

Jesus gave us a commission to fill, and he said there was a worker shortage.
Polygamy was not allowed by Christ
Actually, to the woman at the well, he only said one man she was with was not her husband. Husbands=legitimacy inferred, verses the other man.

as his comments on remarriage reflect.

His comments reflect a command against marital abandonment and covetousness.

They were spoken in terms of rulings made by Rabbis Hillel and Shammai of the time. Oddly he came out close to Hillel. Shammai was otherwise strict but had allowed remarriage for trifled reasons. The point here is that Shammai (conservative) did not allow polygamy, but rather, serial remarriages, which Christ called adultery. You lose either direction on that.

Jesus' words need no help from either rabbi. He was very clear.

The letters that speak about leaders are speaking about 1-wife men. This is a vestige of the issue, but saying the same thing re polygamy.

Why was the command not for all believers to have only one wife? And the wording he used was on gravestones, not related to the number of wives, but a secular saying in a world unfamiliar to the social construct of polygamy, about the level of devotion to marriage and family. It's a language barrier issue that confuses modern Christians.
You're not being fair about the analogy of Christ and the church. To validate polygamy he would have to have several churches. The passages (Eph 5) would have to mention several brides, wives, churches. Eph 4: there is one church.

Actually God describes himself as a polygamist. Ezekiel 23 says it all.
Their names were Oholah the elder and Oholibah her sister. And they became Mine, and they bore sons and daughters. And as for their names, Samaria is Oholah and Jerusalem is Oholibah.…

So there's two women for God the polygamist. And there were multiple churches in the Bride, that were counseled as separate women at risk of having their candles removed.

Christ did put adultery in that category you mentioned with polygamy but in the way I just mentioned above, in which he was speaking to the rulings of Shammai. Hillel agreed with Christ about remarriage.

You won't find Jesus saying that he who has two wives is an adulterer. And that would have been a cinch to do.

You missed my point about instructions about polygamy. they were for that ancient near east context, not today. Not even the 1st century. Like animal sacrifice. Like the colors of a priests robe.

That makes no sense. God's children are never out of date. Many children are born today from polygamous families. God wants them all.
David was cursed with his adultery and murder for the rest of his life. He was only righteous by faith; in which sin was not credited against him.

God said instead of sinning he could have had a few more wives. God wasn't confused. 2 Samuel chapter 12.

Multiple wives were warned about from Deuteronomy on.
You mean, multiplying wives, like multiplying gold or silver. Or horses, which require a herd and do multiply in order to continue the species. Can you have only one coin of each and just the one horse, or just enough of everything that you can honorably handle?

God does not give individual revelation.
He did for Gideon. Ask and you shall receive. I asked for an understanding of His will for my life regarding marrying my husband and the answer came.

Lust is indeed unbelief. Just like polygamy.

Careful, brother. You don't want to falsely accuse God's elect. Let God define sin.

It is an escape hatch from making the one relationship what it should be.
One flesh means one kin. Two women can become one kin with a man when they make babies/family together. The relationship should be a help towards making God's family - that's the purpose of marriage. Babies and fellowship.


New member
My wife is the ONLY person I would have even considered marrying. Most women out there are lazy gold diggers and do not respect their men... the thought of getting in a marriage contract with any of them scares the crap out of me. I was single for 9 years after my first wife left because I couldn't support her lifestyle and we were in a mountain of debt... and was prepared to spend the rest of my life single. It took me that long to even reconsider marriage.

This is something I can relate to. My husband is such a gem, it's a miracle to even find the one person...


New member
You are faulty in your judgments on so many levels that it boggles the mind.
A thought, as things are going now, make more Christian babies for Islam to torture, rape, burn alive, behead and enslave?
Thou fool!


New member
we express our love to our enemies

Love works no ill towards his neighbor. Will you admit you only wrote to me because you love me?

[Edited notes: Enyart] God loves and God hates: Esau I have hated. Mal 1:3

Romans 5:8

God hates all workers of iniquity...The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. Ps 5:5-6

Yet Jesus met Saul on the road to Damascus to show his love to a bloodthirsty man who was killing His elect wherever he found them.

The apostle Paul said we have the mind of Christ. He who is spiritual judges all things. I'm ashamed of you because you're not judging. 1 Co 2:15-16

Don't be ashamed, then, because my first post to you was a test-question, so that I could both judge you, angel/messenger, and so that you could examine yourself, as in a mirror.

Paul writes inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let love be without hypocrisy. Hate evil. Ro 12:9: If you don't hate evil than your love is hypocrisy.

I was testing you to see if your love for Yorzhik was without hypocrisy. You should have handled my question with flying colors. What happened? You never actually answered me.

Should you love those who hate the Lord; therefore, the wrath of the Lord is upon you. 2 Chron 19:2

You should love me. Jesus told you to. (love your enemies) If Jesus can love me (you said he did) then so can you. WWJD.

Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed. Pr 27:5

Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Pr 27:6

Which is why I tested you.

Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. Pr 16:18

So don't be a hasty judge. Show discretion. Be wise dove, not a stupid serpent.

You defend a man who has difficulty affirming the statement: Real men don't hit women. Have a discussion with him. :plain:

You believe in self defense. Therefore your position looks like hypocrisy. He asked about self defense.

"Sometimes we must comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~ David Jeremiah

That must be what happened when I asked you that pesky question. :think:

:thumb: Be as a child not a battered woman (1 Cor. 11:28–32).

Even the devil can quote scripture.

I've never been battered. Never even been emotionally abused by my husband. Don't cast aspersions on a righteous man content with the wife God gave him.

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

I'm sure hypothetically that the devil would have been offended, if he'd been sparring with Jesus on TOL instead of in the wilderness and if his scripture citation was removed when Jesus responded with "get thee behind me, Satan."


"Will you admit you only wrote to me because you love me?"
Eph 5:11 :granite:

You love me The Mask

[God loves and God hates: Esau I have hated. Mal 1:3] "Romans 5:8"
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us [Rom. 5:8].

"He died for you and me. That is where God revealed His love. And God doesn’t save us by love. He now saves us by grace because the guilt of sin has been removed by the death of Christ, and He can hold out His arms and save you today." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (Romans 1-8) (electronic ed., Vol. 42, pp. 93–94). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"You should love me. Jesus told you to. (love your enemies)..."
:freak: Am 5:15 :granite:

You should love me Picard Star Trek

"If Jesus can love me (you said he did) then so can you. WWJD."
:poly: What has Jesus said? :rolleyes: Repent (Ac 8:22).

[You defend a man who has difficulty affirming the statement: Real men don't hit women. Have a discussion with him.] "You believe in self defense. Therefore your position looks like hypocrisy. He asked about self defense."
Real men affirm the statement: Real men don't hit women (1 Pe 3:7).




New member

That verse is about hating evil. Not about hating the same people God loves as sinners.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us [Rom. 5:8].
And God doesn’t save us by love.

Actually it is His love that saves us through grace.

If God didn't love sinners there would be no hope of salvation.

:poly: What has Jesus said? :rolleyes: Repent (Ac 8:22).

Since you conceal your love, you have a very big problem. I was hoping that it was just unprofitable behavior, but it looks like you need to read Ac 8:22 and apply it to yourself.

That's my judgment. You know Jesus loves me, yet you will not do as he does. I thought you claimed him as Lord?

I've been trying to help you avoid self-condemnation, yet you keep heaping it up by casting slanderous aspersions on righteous men like my husband.


New member
Sister, we shouldn't brawl.

2nd Cor 4:17

Have you abandoned the Great Commission?

Are you too good to be sent to a place like Nineveh?

Nineveh no longer exists in spite of the entreaties of God's emissary.
I am not too good to do whatever God calls me to do.
I am not brawling with you. I am, on some levels, disagreeing with you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Real men don't hit women.
Except you said when they have a bomb strapped to them, or are coming at you with a knife, or a fist, or a frying pan or a rolling pin. Are you being a hypocrite or are you agreeing with me?


"If God didn't love sinners there would be no hope of salvation."
God loves you. He will live without you if you do not repent (Ac 17:30).
[Ac 8:22] "t looks like you need to read Ac 8:22 and apply it to yourself."
:yawn: Intensional Eph 4:14

"I've been trying to help you avoid self-condemnation..."
You have no moral authority polygamist (Ro 8:33).


Should Christians Judge?

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Well-known member
That's expected. Comparing someone who ADMITS to being the other ID (and is allowed to use both) as compared to your friend who is lying about his newest ID. I guess that would have to do with the fact that Dolo/Voltaire/OrangeExPat were all permabanned for ongoing harassment and flame outs.

Like you didn't already know that ... :chuckle:


You really think you know what you are talking about. You are nuttier than a fruitcake. Even if what you are fantasizing about were true, the fact you obsess about it shows you have severe personal problems and should really get some help. Marrying a jerk at an early age because you were a typical American teenager at 20 really messed with your head.

Boy was he playing us, if that was ClimateSanity/voltaire/dolo, etc.