Why men won't marry you


I don't think everyone has the same physiological/emotional capacity for polygamy.

Hence, it defies belief for many that it's even possible.

And for this reason no one should merely assume they are automatically qualified for it, even if they are qualified for marriage.
We know that people are capable of great evil (2 Sa 12:9, Jer 17:9). :rolleyes: Are you a polygamist?

The "her" was me, suggesting polygamy to him 9 years ago.
Ex. 20:14, 1 Kin. 11:1–4


New member
Then why do you even bother using such facile descriptors for monogamy then? If you think loving monogamous couples are obsessive or possessive simply because they're committed to one another then that's all on you.

I didn't say I think that all loving monogamous couples are obsessive or possessive, but it clearly happens. I was describing the way you describe your values in monogamy and how it makes the institution sound.

Take it up with your husbands link. He espoused it as fact and it extended from a dominant patriarchy.

There can be more than one type of dominant patriarchy. In this case, the grammar for "dominant" is describing genetic dominance. Rock stars or men who invented better ways to rub sticks together for fire would experience the "I want that one" phenomena - girls wanting them over other options, even if they are already attached to a woman. Without polygamy, jealousy would put the dominant male's wife/children at risk from competition via other females, especially in a more brutal-social sort of caveman environment.

Considering neither you or he seem to consider it 'natural' for a woman to have multiple husbands then do the math...

Alpha males naturally wouldn't need or want to share females but not all human males are alphas. Likewise, some females, although more rare, are really ambitious and energetic vixens who could use a whole posse of beta/omega males.

Regardless of whether it's a female or male with many spouses, it's impossible to maintain a group marriage like that without major loyalty from all parties. It's too easy for a mate in that situation to get away if they are not the one tied down to multiple obligations. Polygamy creates a unique sort of vulnerability for the dominant player in the group-relationship (there will always be that leader in any relationship, be it male or female).

Cites? Otherwise that is nothing more than a soundbite in lieu of support.

(see paragraph 7 of the introduction)

Oh, so a polygamous patriarchy is somehow less misogynist? Figures...

Depends. Patriarchy (either way) isn't necessarily misogynist. Only if it is abusive towards women. And our modern Western polygamy is actually less polygyny and more polyamory in philosophy, if you want to talk social trends.

Well, for a start, no straight person would want to be married to someone of the same gender so that's a given. Look, if you're happy enough sharing your husband with multiple wives then have at it. It's not for the vast majority of people and it ain't bigoted simply to point that out.

If that's all you are saying, you won't get a fight out of me. I don't care if 99% of people hitch the regular way, as long as they are fair and tolerant to the 1% who do things differently and like it that way.


No. But why does it matter if I am, seeing that I support it?

"Polygamy—having more than one wife: ...Contrary to: God’s original Law (Gen. 2:24), Ideal picture of marriage (Ps. 128:1–6), God’s commandment (Ex. 20:14), God’s equal distribution of the sexes (Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 7:2), Relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:22–33); Productive of: Dissension (Gen. 16:1–6), Discord (1 Sam. 1:6), Degeneracy (1 Kin. 11:1–4)." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 495). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.


New member
What makes you think the weaker ones would get a say?

So you think it's all about stronger/weaker for humans? We have such big brains... surely we'd be more like bower birds than lions. Every relationship has a leader. That leader doesn't have to be brutal.

After all, it's the dominant ones that rule and call the shots.

So do you think a matriarchal society is mysandrist?

As earlier it's certainly likely there'd be an uprising as per the suffragette movement but polygamy is rooted in that same patriarchal misogyny so not really a lot going for it...

There are only uprisings where there is abuse, and only some relationships have that.

My point was as to how having so many wives and children could possibly be beneficial to anyone.

God gets more children. Children get to be born. Women don't have to grow old alone. Men can have a whole team of women working together making the family stronger, more resilient. Less likely to have motherless children...

The father couldn't possibly be there for all the needs of his children as it would be impossible.

Some people act that way about 7 or even 3. It's silly.

He couldn't be there for all of the needs of his wives by the same token.

All men are different. I'll just leave it at that. :)

The kids would grow up raised more by an assortment of mothers

Why not mainly by their own mom? The other moms can be like cool aunties.

and wouldn't have a special tie with their dad because he just couldn't be there for them regularly

Group activities, anyone? One-to-one can be more about quality than quantity, and consider that their dad made them, the most important part of being there. Any father could get hit by a bus and not be there for a young child growing up, but that doesn't make the child's life any less a blessing to all.

- unless he played favourites and devoted his time to a select few.

He could be there for them more than a sperm donor could, but nobody is knocking sperm donors. I see no need for playing favorites, but then we make it work beautifully with 7, so we see things differently, I'm sure.

No, it isn't.
Then provide a better clinical view.


New member
"Polygamy—having more than one wife: ...Contrary to: God’s original Law (Gen. 2:24), Ideal picture of marriage (Ps. 128:1–6), God’s commandment (Ex. 20:14), God’s equal distribution of the sexes (Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 7:2), Relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:22–33); Productive of: Dissension (Gen. 16:1–6), Discord (1 Sam. 1:6), Degeneracy (1 Kin. 11:1–4)." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 495). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Didn't answer my question...

But anyway....

Those verses are being misused. No offense.


New member
Didn't answer my question...

But anyway....

Those verses are being misused. No offense.

Does it enter your mind that there is more than one way to interpret information? And that almost all ways may have a viable application under some circumstances?
Logistics are merely means to an end. One must very carefully examine one's goals and then make sure that one's logistics will achieve those goals.
What are your goals in this long-winded thread?


["Polygamy—having more than one wife: ...Contrary to: God’s original Law (Gen. 2:24), Ideal picture of marriage (Ps. 128:1–6), God’s commandment (Ex. 20:14), God’s equal distribution of the sexes (Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 7:2), Relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:22–33); Productive of: Dissension (Gen. 16:1–6), Discord (1 Sam. 1:6), Degeneracy (1 Kin. 11:1–4)." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 495). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.] "Didn't answer my question..."
You're welcome (Rom. 12:20, Is 55:11).

"But anyway...Those verses are being misused."
:yawn: "Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..." Full text: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson Eph 4:14




New member
Does it enter your mind that there is more than one way to interpret information? And that almost all ways may have a viable application under some circumstances?
Logistics are merely means to an end. One must very carefully examine one's goals and then make sure that one's logistics will achieve those goals.
What are your goals in this long-winded thread?

I'm just seeing where it takes us.

So far I've added another reason men won't marry you(women who aren't married) - a lack of polygamy.


I'm just seeing where it takes us.

The biblical word you are looking for is debauchery (Wisd of Sol 14:26, Ro 13:13, Tit 1:6 NRSV). :rolleyes:

...I've added another reason men won't marry you(women who aren't married) - a lack of polygamy.

All don't want to be civilized. :idunno: Women like yourself (2 Chr. 11:23, Pr 30:20) support wicked men in this venture (Matt. 13:38, 1 Co 6:9-10).



New member
I'm just seeing where it takes us.

So far I've added another reason men won't marry you(women who aren't married) - a lack of polygamy.

I don't give half-a-rat's-hind-end why men won't marry you!
I am a woman and I chose the man I married first because I loved him madly and secondly, because he promised to love, honor and care for me and me alone.
There are things in this life that I don't share. My husband was one of them. There are things in this life worth dying for. If he had strayed that would be one of them.


I don't give half-a-rat's-hind-end why men won't marry you!
I am a woman and I chose the man I married first because I loved him madly and secondly, because he promised to love, honor and care for me and me alone.
There are things in this life that I don't share. My husband was one of them. There are things in this life worth dying for. If he had strayed that would be one of them.

The Leftist anthem (e.g. Imagine ~ John Lennon) doesn't include these sentiments (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

"While your heart is bleeding blood the arrow is pouring out love." Jer 31:3 ~ Charles Stanley


New member
I don't give half-a-rat's-hind-end why men won't marry you!
I am a woman and I chose the man I married first because I loved him madly and secondly, because he promised to love, honor and care for me and me alone.
There are things in this life that I don't share. My husband was one of them. There are things in this life worth dying for. If he had strayed that would be one of them.

How easy would it be for you to remarry if ever widowed?


New member
I think it's interesting truthjourney took my question and related it back to polygamy, because I wasn't thinking of it when I asked Bybee that.

But actually, I've already thought that if I was widowed, (God forbid I ever have to cope with that), I might actually prefer polygamy as a solution if I was still in my season of giving God His heritage via my womb.

That's because I will still be in love with my first, and I don't want to then be someone else's whole world when I could instead play a more minor support role in a larger family and focus better on finishing rearing my first children while adding to their number again.