Why men won't marry you


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Hall of Fame
Believe me, my husband and I have discussed lately reporting you for your behavior. It's coming to that time.

Please do, why make empty threats? Please direct them to this thread also, where you pretty much act as if staff lied too and so they can see your lies about what happened also. Since they know.


New member
You made a whole thread about it. Wow, you dont even remember what you do yourself.

About controlling teen love and marriage

That's not me promoting marriage of immature children.

That's me promoting a system of measuring mental and physical maturity as an objective VS arbitrary standard.

No clue what you are saying or talking about there.

Because you don't even know what she said or what you are defending. She said I was promoting men first. No quote, no evidence, just a wild assertion.


New member
Hall of Fame
Quote me promoting child marriage.

You made a whole thread about it. Wow, you dont even remember what you do yourself.

About controlling teen love and marriage

That's not me promoting marriage of immature children.

I never said you promoted marriage of immature children, see how you have to add things to what you said originally - after someone proves something that you demanded in the first place?

You are one messed up chick.


New member
About Controlling Teen Love and Marriage

On Anna's closed thread I had an interesting conversation:

So it made me wonder about the girls with endometriosis who have agonizing periods, who could be helped and possibly cured if they could get pregnant. People don't encourage these girls to get pregnant.

Would these same people who agree with TH be willing to allow the disease to progress and torment her monthly rather than permitting young love and an early family, assuming she could find a desirable and worthy companion?[/QUOTE]

As long as the girl is mentally and physically mature, and can find a suitable companion, what is your problem? You want her to suffer until she's 25?


New member
Hall of Fame
Because you don't even know what she said or what you are defending. She said I was promoting men first. No quote, no evidence, just a wild assertion.

Hello nutter, you asked me to quote stuff i never brought up.

I dont even know what on earth you are babbling about now, and ill bet you dont either, since you cant even remember who said what and who you adress with what.

Tell us again, how you see things? :rotfl:

In this thread alone, you have accused rusha of things i said and me of things she said, and cant seem to remember who are you talking to.


New member
I never said you promoted marriage of immature children, see how you have to add things to what you said originally - after someone proves something that you demanded in the first place?

You are one messed up chick.

You guys swap your words around pretty carelessly. Rusha made it clear she was not portraying me as promoting adult relationships or equality.


New member
Hall of Fame
What is your issue NOW? You demanded that I show where you promote teen marriage, and I did that.

BTW, are you going to deny that using the word "girl" was not a slip up on your part? There is a reason you didn't use the term "woman".

She also demanded i show where she promoted it also. Then said she 'never said immature child marriage'.

This chick is all over the map, she cant seem to remember from one moment to the next.


Hall of Fame
Marriage is for adults. I have already explained this over and over. Teens being immature is not a slam against teens ... it's just a fact that they do not have the same life experience to deal with adult situations and relationships.


New member
Hall of Fame
You guys swap your words around pretty carelessly. Rusha made it clear she was not portraying me as promoting adult relationships or equality.

Doesnt fly, you demanded i show where you promoted child marriage, and i did, then you moved the goalposts of your own demand, then accused me of something i didnt do.

You need some help, seriously.

We dont swap anything, your memory seems to be made of swiss cheese.


Hall of Fame
You guys swap your words around pretty carelessly. Rusha made it clear she was not portraying me as promoting adult relationships or equality.

Well. My daughter was telling me about her reading of a Nat. Geo. article (magazine in hand) about gypsy life. They marry so early that boys who reach their late teens without a wife are teased. And the girls were considered old maids by 18. I must correct myself, she told me the young lady I was thinking of was actually 13. She eloped and ran off for a long time. Came back with a baby in arms and they'd been managing their household together just fine.

If a couple has all the life skills that we expect in a high functioning adult living on their own and having a family they are doing it with "adult style" and we have no reason to stop a happy family.

Being able to manage finances, street smarts, being able to cook and clean and live safely and responsibly together should be enough to qualify a young person.

Otherwise they will just run off. 15-16 year olds make the choice all the time in this culture. Kids with all those skills don't need adults managing them and the danger is that they will be put at increased risk if they attempt it without a safety net of family nearby. Even older adults need a family safety net.

Young adults have the guts and drive to face danger to assert their liberties. Doesn't mean they don't have the need for family support.



Follow your own advice.

OR morals. Surely you haven't forgotten calling them out over what you considered being deceitful about his previous marriage.

Oh really. So it wasn't you who made several threads discussing other members keeping secrets or being obsessed with sex?

Because it's the present ...

:chuckle: You are with anyone who will allow you to use them you as your personal stepping stone to insult your own make believe enemies.

Uh huh. You need to get over that passive aggressive anger that made you jump over here to bash me. You just claimed in another thread that you were done with me and would no longer respond.

Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Have a nice day, dear.:)



Hall of Fame
You guys swap your words around pretty carelessly. Rusha made it clear she was not portraying me as promoting adult relationships or equality.

You also promoted this:

While it's true that some men may die that early with a total lack of sex, most men are not virgins at that age and most men are only shaving 8-10 years off their total lifespans with a sex-deficiency.

And more than that, a man who uses what he's got puts out fewer genetically damaged sperm, making his children healthier. Those are consequences that may only be measurable under a microscope but could impact a couple trying to conceive.

I could probably take a second look and see if you are correct about that, although I trust him to put up relevant facts. The general principles behind our arguments have been duplicated in other posted articles.

Yikes. That's one cold couple. They've got bigger problems if they can't find anything in common. Usually people, even very different people, can find common ground.

I think destructive words and deeds destroy attraction, not "boredom."

Those people refuse to acknowledge the inevitable trail of broken hearts that are secretly recovering from the natural emotional pair bond that was created. You don't get to choose if your heart (or your partner's heart) takes you away in a moment of passion.

You think he made all those angels and then created a son only to leave him bored all day long and the only way he could think of to give the man company was a romantic interest?

So much more. But the link that he needed was a woman's love, as in sexual attraction; pair bonding. Otherwise angels could have kept him company.

Technically I would say that it's possible that in time the body does forget. Much like the longer you go without food the less connected to your appetite you become.

The longer a man goes without sex or visual arousal the less testosterone he makes. So perhaps if you can get past that point where you want to cut it all off you do kinda forget.


So in other words you don't care if you hurt the exceptions to the rule?

Why? What happens to a guy with a big sex drive, no mate and no gunpowder to eat? (supposedly it reduces the sex drive - so does birth control, although BC does it more permanently.)

Do you think a man's body just forgets about sex if a man can't have it?

Your statement is true because many men have small testicles and eat lots of female hormone signals in their food. And because sheer isolation is more deadly than sexless social lives.

Unless there is a reason. Like too much birth control for too long. Then you might end up with a ruined female sex drive.

I wonder if that's the problem with a lot of the women who don't understand the benefit of sex?

What do you equate to "no ill effects?" Is that man who dies in his 40's as a single virgin not paying the price when he finally goes?

My dad is dead. Partly, well mostly or entirely - because he didn't have a companion for the last 20+/- years. It's also true it's not my mom's fault, in that she couldn't handle him and that's his father's fault. Without my mom he completely lost his mind and stayed that way. Without my mom he blew up like a whale, got various infections and such and died a lingering death, eventually unable to take care of himself. And he was so young. It's really sad but true. Men do die of loneliness. They really do. In fact, typing helps spare my emotions but when I think of this I really do bawl.


If my dad taught me anything, it's that you are WRONG!!!

And it's not just the sex but the intimacy emotionally glues two people together. I feel it in my marriage. Both of us feel the sparks fly when we can be romantic. We are happier and more open about our feelings. It's an automatic outflow from a happy sex life. It seemed like when my mom and dad stayed intimate that my dad was more able to stay connected to reality. Stress tended to make him literally come unhinged. When she was out of his life, the thinking and laughing died away and was replaced by severe delusions. He literally went mad. Eventually he didn't even talk to his mom or sister. True, he was halfway there on his own, but I saw what happened to him with my own eyes. It's the saddest thing I ever saw.

Not everybody has the same level of need.

Maybe. Especially if she has Meshak's attitude about sex.

Think again.

All you need in bed is Matt 7:12.

In relationships, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things that are blessings will be added unto it.

Has anyone ever measured and gotten averages for clerical gonad sizes? It could make all the difference. It is still better to marry than to be tortured by mating urges or lonliness.

Plus, how many of them look at smut or have sex with nuns or clergy and how could we possibly ensure clean controls?

Correlation is not causation for sure, in this case of "celibacy."

Will you accept that many priests may possibly have small gonads or a secret sex life?


New member
Of course you wish to drop it, you are getting caught in your lies and know you look like a fool now. That is precisely always when you wish to drop it now.

You are who brought me up with lies again when i wasnt here. Anyone can read back and see. I even told your "new" friend i dont care who he is, so long as he can act like an adult and control himself. You are who seem to want to "keep going" untill of course you are proven wrong...

Did he ignore you in May of 2014?


New member
No ... you are not promoting the choice of teens waiting until adulthood to marry. What you promote is a "men first, women/girls as an afterthought" mentality.

I notice that A4T doesn't call that a lie and goes along with it.

Some angel-for-"truth" she is.

yes, bad things - those pesky quotes of theirs, tells on 'em everytime.

Quote me promoting child marriage. Or men first.

So there you are. You stood by her when she made those claims which are lies and that's why I said what I said.


New member
Marriage is for adults. I have already explained this over and over. Teens being immature is not a slam against teens ... it's just a fact that they do not have the same life experience to deal with adult situations and relationships.

Stereotyping teens is insulting. It certainly is unfair to the exceptional.

Both you and I would agree that not all older people are really mature and you've made a point of putting me on a level with 15 year olds in your posts to me.

So are you going to suggest that I shouldn't be married with children, or are you going to now assert that there are no teens at 15 who could match me in qualification for marriage?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know this isn't addressed to me, but just to keep my point floating...
Stereotyping teens is insulting. It certainly is unfair to the exceptional.
There are no exceptions to the biological facts in play, only those lucky enough to survive them. Three in ten.

Both you and I would agree that not all older people are really mature...
You don't have to use good judgment if you're older and many don't, but they have everything they need (absent physiological impairment--and there are exceptions to nearly any rule) to manage it and the fault is their own if they don't. The young people we're speaking of don't have that capacity. It isn't their fault.

But you're in your thirties now and encouraging that would indeed be yours as you have the facts and are old enough to know better.