Why men won't marry you


New member
They will receive no warning. This site says it does not pretend to be fair and unbiased. Feminist hold sway here and can do as they wish much like stripe and NickM because of their wacky young earth and MAD views. Got to take it . I've seen it plenty in my time as a lurker.
Yep, gotta deal with it. There are many other forums I visit for genuine conversation. This place is more for the entertainment.


Hall of Fame
I received a warning for claiming what you just essentially admitted. That proves I was not being dishonest but astute.

That's not true and deserves a warning, if the mods want to be fair, as do your other false accusations against me. Same for A4T.

You didn't say this ...?

Why does an old woman like you think a younger man is attractive?

IF you wish to keep comparing stating that someone is attractive (in a long ago celebrity appreciation thread) as compared to comments such "I am looking for a young chick with a smoking hot body", knock yourself out.

I didn't report you ... though your whining and implying "what she said was worst" wasn't unexpected.

Grow up.


Why men won't marry you

Women in their fifties certainly do ogle men in their twenties and thirties...

Pr 31 :vomit: God gives men and women the desires of their heart (Ps 37:4).


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How young? Be honest.

Do you ask for ID before you appreciate their beauty or do you accept physical maturity as a sufficient indicator?

I would have thought young women would have been self explanatory in itself and I'm not even bothering with the rest thanks. I can appreciate the beauty of women of varying ages so if that's not enough then tough.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It would be easier for you to just respect my Christian belief about wolves and sheeps and not try to diminish it by referring to it as crap. You must know I'm not making up the wolves vs. sheep idea that Jesus clearly taught. If you don't want to apply that idea to certain people, that's your right.

When someone repeatedly hits their pet and the pet eventually starts biting and attacking them frequently, even with little provocation, I don't blame the pet but the pet owner. Similarly, when a man is repeatedly verbally abused and falsely accused of perversion by a bunch of harpies and their emasculated posse of malleable males, I don't blame the victim of their head-games. That said, I warned him about his reactions and both my wife and I encouraged him repeatedly to ignore the harpies to avoid what eventually happened.

You will have to be specific. Show me a quote; highlight the part you think is misogynistic and explain why you think that.

I wasn't referring to your Christian beliefs as "crap" if you read me properly. I happen to think the wolf gets a bad rap is all.

Dol/Volt invited flak the way he went on on here and I think the guy is one seriously disturbed individual.

If you can't see the blatant misogyny of Yorzhik then I can't help you by even quoting the guy. It seems clear enough to plenty others.


I wasn't referring to your Christian beliefs as "crap" if you read me properly. I happen to think the wolf gets a bad rap is all.

Dol/Volt invited flak the way he went on on here and I think the guy is one seriously disturbed individual.

If you can't see the blatant misogyny of Yorzhik then I can't help you by even quoting the guy. It seems clear enough to plenty others.

Misogyny is hatred of women. Yorzhik was describing what he believes is modern female behavior and suggesting what it should be or what roles they should have particularly in marriage. It may be distasteful to some but I see no feelings of hate toward women in doing so. Modern Western women have come to expect a certain paradigm regarding them and those men who reject that paradigm are seen as hateful. Feeling hated does not mean real hatred exists.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Misogyny is hatred of women. Yorzhik was describing what he believes is modern female behavior and suggesting what it should be or what roles they should have particularly in marriage. It may be distasteful to some but I see no feelings of hate toward women in doing so. Modern Western women have come to expect a certain paradigm regarding them and those men who reject that paradigm are seen as hateful. Feeling hated does not mean real hatred exists.

It can also include the denigration of women that Yorhzik has exuded in spades. His condescending remarks about women are there in black and white.


It can also include the denigration of women that Yorhzik has exuded in spades. His condescending remarks about women are there in black and white.

Is saying that young women should be told to mother up if they are giving several men a test drive sexually denigration or pointing out a societal problem? It seems to be a case of if the shoe fits wear it.


New member
I would have thought young women would have been self explanatory in itself and I'm not even bothering with the rest thanks. I can appreciate the beauty of women of varying ages so if that's not enough then tough.

Basically if a 15 year old looks 25 and she's just a-walkin' down the street you wouldn't know the difference and neither does your brain/body - correct?

Of course I'm sure you would instantly lose interest if she said she was 15, even if she was lying and was really 25. The brain just takes over and reformats your opinion of her attractiveness, correct?


New member
IF I was as you described.....

I not only saw you do it, I remember calling you on it. You did try to paint the man as a pedophile after teenagers. He was clear he was interesting in 30-somethings. That's my witness according to what I remember.

Now, perhaps it was your friend A4T doing it, but I don't remember a single instance that you called her out for doing it, despite your high-fiving of her, per your usual.


New member
I never said anything about what he personally wanted for himself, just that his thinking on it was sick. Hes who went off like a bull without paying attention to what people say.

That's not how I remember it. You implied later that it was him wanting too-young women for himself, as I recall. I remember it that way because I felt compelled to correct you.


New member
They. Are. Legally. Women. Though I would advise against marriage so early.


The question, of course, is rhetorical. The only reason a man would want to marry someone so young is because they are much easier to manipulate than adult women. Oh. And then there is that ego thing.

First, you are sounding ageist against young women. They are not stupid. Plenty were for many years earlier wrapping their parents around their little finger.

Your years are what you make of them. Don't spend them dumbing down if you want to be less easy to manipulate.
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patrick jane

what a soap opera. not very interesting but very informative; telling. I knew i had some things pegged right.

i learned (i think) what harpies are - the hard way, but now i have a title

and so the conversation turned until:
a bit of history and fantasies were learned, character and personalities, recurring patterns, alliances etc. - :think:

i hope this helps others to avoid subtle, devious pitfalls of gossip and the enemy. i venture that 99.9999999 % of people doing satan's work don't think they are, or they don't even realize it. that's why it is so pervasive

this has been,

a monumental squandering of God given time; Colossal -
but we know-

- He will work these tirades towards good -

Romans 8:28 KJV - Romans 8:28 - Romans 8:28 NIV -
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New member
A squid would make more sense than Dolo...if you get my meaning in turn.


I don't, unless you are implying that you are in favor of squid logic here? Are you part of a feeding frenzy, because why get all down on him right now when we could be on a different topic, like the thread topic, for example?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't, unless you are implying that you are in favor of squid logic here? Are you part of a feeding frenzy, because why get all down on him right now when we could be on a different topic, like the thread topic, for example?

I'm not part of a 'feeding frenzy' or a 'gang up' or anything resembling. Dolo/Volt had/has some serious personal issues where it comes to women and that's that.


Hall of Fame
I not only saw you do it, I remember calling you on it. You did try to paint the man as a pedophile after teenagers. He was clear he was interesting in 30-somethings. That's my witness according to what I remember.

As expected, right on cue. That didn't happen. I made a general statement about old people preying on teenagers. It isn't my fault that he (or you) took that personally.

Now, perhaps it was your friend A4T doing it, but I don't remember a single instance that you called her out for doing it, despite your high-fiving of her, per your usual.

I didn't find any of her comments to any you to be inaccurate or inappropriate.


Hall of Fame
First, you are sounding ageist against young women.

Of course. Cautioning young teens against adults who would prey on them is ageist. Just like when parents tell their children not to trust strangers. That is ageist also.
