Why men won't marry you


[Neither men nor women are protected in our culture (Heb 13:4, Mt 24:37).] "From God?"
From the Just-a-System (Am 8:5, Mt 19:6). We are protected (Ps 23). The wicked are not (Ga 6:7). We are able to claim promises of blessing. They are not.

"...The point is that men are being called "adolescents" by our culture..."
That is unique to our culture. In the past men wanted to mature and support a wife and children (Pr 18:22).

"...[W]hen the decision to not get married is mature and rational."
If a man cannot live in understanding with a woman, he should not marry (1 Pe 3:7, ESV).


Dennis Prager has said that a man is not a man until he takes care of a woman. Marriage matures an individual.

It's supposed to lead to happiness (Gen. 2:18).

You are lamenting the reluctance of men to marry these days and yet I read some comments from you last year which indicated there are restrictions you place on whom can marry whom that are based on bigotry in my opinion.


New member
From God? Well, that's true. But that has little to do with the wisdom of avoiding marriage.

The point is that men are being called "adolescents" by our culture when the decision to not get married is mature and rational.
Being called an adolescent because you won't marry is like being called a doody head in a debate. It's a sign the person on the other side has no real argument or point. If they did, they'd be making that argument rather than calling you an adolescent or doody head.


New member
Dennis Prager has said that a man is not a man until he takes care of a woman. Marriage matures an individual.

It's supposed to lead to happiness (Gen. 2:18).
Prager clearly has no real argument. If he did he'd be presenting that argument rather than saying you're not a man unless you live the way I want you to. Literally, he's saying that since you have a penis, you are less than human if you don't sign a marriage contract no matter how nonsensical the legal contract is.

If you went to buy a cell phone and the salesman pulls out a contract and says you aren't a man unless you sign it, would you sign it?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
[Why men won't marry you by Suzanne Venker] "Where have all the husbands gone?

That’s a question Peter Lloyd tackles in a series in London’s Daily Mail about Britain’s marriage rate, which is at its lowest level since 1895. “The state of matrimony is not just ailing. It is dying out faster than a mobile phone battery,” Lloyd writes. “For an army of women, Mr. Right is simply not there, no matter how hard they look for him.”

It seems Mr. Right was replaced Mr. Goodbar

The Barbarian

Marriage isn't for everyone, and there's nothing wrong or immature about recognizing this fact. It's a form of maturity, to resist "what everyone should do", and not enter into a marriage for which one is ill-suited. At worst, you only ruin your own life, while an inadvisable marriage can ruin two.

That being said, I don't understand, on an emotional level, why people don't get married. Nothing but God has been better for me.


"You are lamenting the reluctance of men to marry these days..."
Proof please. :peach: I have no dog in this fight. Get married or don't get married. :idunno: There are benefits to marriage (Ge 2:18) and there are benefits to singleness (1 Co 7:7).

"...and yet I read some comments from you last year which indicated there are restrictions you place on whom can marry..."
:yawn: I don't place restrictions on individuals. :dizzy: God does. One day he will rule and reign (Rev. 20:1–10). :cloud9:


Disposable Culture

"...[W]hom that are based on bigotry in my opinion."
:yawn: Then you must be on the Left. Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10




"Prager clearly has no real argument. If he did he'd be presenting that argument rather than saying you're not a man unless you live the way I want you to."
He's a behaviorist (Pr 16:25, Jud 11). :reals: He believes he's a good person (Ro 3:12). :eek:

"Literally, he's saying that since you have a penis, you are less than human if you don't sign a marriage contract no matter how nonsensical the legal contract is."
He grew up believing that a male is not a man until he cares for someone. You disagree.

"If you went to buy a cell phone and the salesman pulls out a contract and says you aren't a man unless you sign it, would you sign it?"
:doh: I don't believe he argues that single men are freaks. :freak:


Being called an adolescent because you won't marry is like being called a doody head in a debate. It's a sign the person on the other side has no real argument or point. If they did, they'd be making that argument rather than calling you an adolescent or doody head.

I don't think Prager would call another a doody head in a debate on this topic. :plain: He believes that he provides a community service when he airs his male/female hour. He rejects Mt 5:28.


New member
I don't think Prager would call another a doody head in a debate on this topic. :plain: He believes that he provides a community service when he airs his male/female hour. He rejects Mt 5:28.

If you are going to go that route as being literal... do you have any historical or extra-biblical evidence that early Christians plucked out their eyes or cut off their hands for merely thinking about something?

I'll wait....

27 “You have heard that it was said 9to those of old, g‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that whoever hlooks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 iIf your right eye causes you to 1sin, jpluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to 2sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

Then you have to wrap your head around whether or not our actual bodies will be cast into hell..... I don't know of many people that believe that.


New member
The title of this thread is... weird

why men won't marry you?

RE my life, you should ask: Why RC won't marry any "man" so called

Men in my past have wanted to marry me (probably just to gain more control)

However, i don't like evil... so I said See ya..

no, don't like men who go against Jesus and His Church

just funny that way, i reckon....



"If you are going to go that route as being literal...[D]o you have any historical or extra-biblical evidence that early Christians plucked out their eyes or cut off their hands for merely thinking about something?"
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart [Matt. 5:27–28].

"For many years I have publicly made the statement that nobody but the Lord Jesus has ever kept the Law. One Sunday morning I repeated it in my message, and afterward a big, burly, red–faced fellow came to me and said, “You always say that nobody keeps the Law. I want you to know that I keep the Law!” By the way, he belonged to a cult although he attended services at the church I pastored. Since he claimed to keep the Law, I said, “All right, let’s look at it,” and I showed him verse 22 regarding hatred being the same as murder. He said that he kept that, although I don’t believe that he did. So I gave him verse 28 and said,“It says here that if you so much as look upon a woman to lust after her, you have committed adultery. Now look me straight in the eye and tell me that you have never done that.” He was red–faced to begin with, but you should have seen him then—he was really red–faced. He grunted some sort of epithet, turned on his heels, and walked out. Of course, he walked out! And I say to you, if you are honest, you will not claim to be keeping the Law. Remember that there were ten commandments. Although Matthew mentions only these two that Christ dealt with, I am of the opinion that He lifted all ten of them to the nth degree.

Oh, my friend, the Sermon on the Mount shows me that I have sinned and that I need to come to Him for mercy and help. To say that you are living by the Sermon on the Mount while all the time you are breaking it is to declare that the Law is not important." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13) (electronic ed., Vol. 34, pp. 80–81). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"Mt 5:29 pluck it out and cast it from you. Jesus was not advocating self-mutilation (for this would not in fact cure lust, which is actually a problem of the heart). He was using this graphic hyperbole to demonstrate the seriousness of sins of lust and evil desire. The point is that it would be “more profitable” (v. 30) to lose a member of one’s own body than to bear the eternal consequences of the guilt from such a sin. Sin must be dealt with drastically because of its deadly effects." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1401). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

"Then you have to wrap your head around whether or not our actual bodies will be cast into hell. I don't know of many people that believe that."
You will be given a body fit for heaven or fit for hell. Your choice. Hell is described as everlasting fire (Matt. 25:41), everlasting punishment (Mt 25:46), everlasting destruction (2 Thess. 1:9).


New member
Ye "For many years I have publicly made the statement that nobody but the Lord Jesus has ever kept the Law. (2 Thess. 1:9).


Moses kept the law most of the time--all the time after that one moment when he hit the rock more than once as per God's instructions..

and the SAINTS, while they may not have kept the Law perfectly when young or uncatechized or whatever, did do that eventually...

sure, not as well as Jesus... but that goes w/o saying



New member
Hall of Fame
Don't feel like I have lost a thing. After knowing many Christians personally over the years, I actually feel like I avoided a great loss of life.

If you are looking at those who needed a Savior for example, you are looking in the wrong place. Look at the source (Jesus Christ)


If you are looking at those who needed a Savior for example, you are looking in the wrong place. Look at the source (Jesus Christ)

The source is a Jewish man that lived 2000 years ago who said many odd things aimed at his own people. It seems to have little relevance to today.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
The source is a Jewish man that lived 2000 years ago who said many odd things aimed at his own people. It seems to have little relevance to today.
Most historian's rank Him as either number 1 or in the top 2 or 3 for most significant people who have ever lived. You're attempt's to diminish Him must account for that. You can't just ignore it. :idunno:
