Why men won't marry you


New member
Most historian's rank Him as either number 1 or in the top 2 or 3 for most significant people who have ever lived. You're attempt's to diminish Him must account for that. You can't just ignore it. :idunno:

At the same time, historians have a heck of a time figuring how exactly what he did. The four primary sources of his life all claim different things from different perspectives. Many of those claims are extraordinary to the point that they are unbelievable to those who do not subscribe to the religious tradition that he left in his wake.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
At the same time, historians have a heck of a time figuring how exactly what he did. The four primary sources of his life all claim different things from different perspectives. Many of those claims are extraordinary to the point that they are unbelievable to those who do not subscribe to the religious tradition that he left in his wake.
Completely irrelevant to my point.



New member
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart [Matt. 5:27–28].

"For many years I have publicly made the statement that nobody but the Lord Jesus has ever kept the Law. One Sunday morning I repeated it in my message, and afterward a big, burly, red–faced fellow came to me and said, “You always say that nobody keeps the Law. I want you to know that I keep the Law!” By the way, he belonged to a cult although he attended services at the church I pastored. Since he claimed to keep the Law, I said, “All right, let’s look at it,” and I showed him verse 22 regarding hatred being the same as murder. He said that he kept that, although I don’t believe that he did. So I gave him verse 28 and said,“It says here that if you so much as look upon a woman to lust after her, you have committed adultery. Now look me straight in the eye and tell me that you have never done that.” He was red–faced to begin with, but you should have seen him then—he was really red–faced. He grunted some sort of epithet, turned on his heels, and walked out. Of course, he walked out! And I say to you, if you are honest, you will not claim to be keeping the Law. Remember that there were ten commandments. Although Matthew mentions only these two that Christ dealt with, I am of the opinion that He lifted all ten of them to the nth degree.

Oh, my friend, the Sermon on the Mount shows me that I have sinned and that I need to come to Him for mercy and help. To say that you are living by the Sermon on the Mount while all the time you are breaking it is to declare that the Law is not important." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13) (electronic ed., Vol. 34, pp. 80–81). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"Mt 5:29 pluck it out and cast it from you. Jesus was not advocating self-mutilation (for this would not in fact cure lust, which is actually a problem of the heart). He was using this graphic hyperbole to demonstrate the seriousness of sins of lust and evil desire. The point is that it would be “more profitable” (v. 30) to lose a member of one’s own body than to bear the eternal consequences of the guilt from such a sin. Sin must be dealt with drastically because of its deadly effects." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1401). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

You will be given a body fit for heaven or fit for hell. Your choice. Hell is described as everlasting fire (Matt. 25:41), everlasting punishment (Mt 25:46), everlasting destruction (2 Thess. 1:9).

So you agree with that statement being hyperbole?


New member

Moses kept the law most of the time--all the time after that one moment when he hit the rock more than once as per God's instructions..

and the SAINTS, while they may not have kept the Law perfectly when young or uncatechized or whatever, did do that eventually...

sure, not as well as Jesus... but that goes w/o saying

If we're talking about old testament law, I would think less of someone for upholding that set of laws. I may not think highly of everything my country does, but I'm proud to say that here in the US, the laws of the old testament aren't law.


The decision to not get married shows that men are mature. It also shows they'd rather get married if it would do any good.

Just steer clear
of Succubuses (Pr 31). :granite:

”Sponge Bob --Keep Going! You're Good!"


... Across the board, we are so morally loose it's ridiculous!

They were as fed horses in the morning: every one neighed after his neighbour’s wife [Jer. 5:8].

"What is the big sin in our nation today? It is sexual sin, only we don’t call it that. We call it “the new morality.” But God still calls adultery sin. In fact He uses sarcasm of the first water: He says, “Every man is neighing like a horse for his neighbor’s wife.” What a picture of our contemporary culture!" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Prophets (Jeremiah/Lamentations) (electronic ed., Vol. 24, pp. 46–47). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Dennis Prager has said that a man is not a man until he takes care of a woman. Marriage matures an individual.
Dennis Prager was speaking in general, not specific to men being subject to the unjust system we are in today. Beyond that, men who learn to respond to injustice without violence get matured in the same way.

It's supposed to lead to happiness (Gen. 2:18).
Yeah, "supposed to" and "does" are two different things. The current situation leads to happiness at far to low a rate to risk it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A good comment on a news story on the topic: "That's because something like 95% of women age 20 to 34 are not marriage material, they bought into the culture of hook-ups, casual sex, serial monogamy, feminism; they no longer care to be wives until they hit their 30s and the party-girl lifestyle no longer rewards them with easy attention from a stable of admirers, but by then they're damaged goods, not fit to be wives and mothers. To change this, women will have to start being women again instead of trying to be men, otherwise, there's no incentive for males to place themselves in the vulnerable legal position that marriage puts them in. Men don't want to marry ex-party girls, men don't want to marry career women, men don't want to marry woman who cuss and have more tattoos and piercings than a sailor; men want to marry women who will make good wives and mothers."


A good comment on a news story on the topic: "That's because something like 95% of women age 20 to 34 are not marriage material, they bought into the culture of hook-ups, casual sex, serial monogamy, feminism; they no longer care to be wives until they hit their 30s and the party-girl lifestyle no longer rewards them with easy attention from a stable of admirers, but by then they're damaged goods, not fit to be wives and mothers. To change this, women will have to start being women again instead of trying to be men, otherwise, there's no incentive for males to place themselves in the vulnerable legal position that marriage puts them in. Men don't want to marry ex-party girls, men don't want to marry career women, men don't want to marry woman who cuss and have more tattoos and piercings than a sailor; men want to marry women who will make good wives and mothers."

Excellent article. Feminism has made women extremely fearful of having a man tell her what to do. That is what the article said was women's contribution to the decline in marriage.


New member
Hall of Fame
Excellent article. Feminism has made women extremely fearful of having a man tell her what to do. That is what the article said was women's contribution to the decline in marriage.

Or made women of weak, abusive or those who fail to protect them,men - learn how to stand up and lead their family that he wont lead.... women dont become the leaders because they want to usually, its because they have to.

There is a reason there are way more women in the church than men.

But im ammused when i see men still trying to throw women under the bus, for their own choices like adam did...who tried to blame her and then even God for making her, instead of repenting of his own failure.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Or made women of weak, abusive or those who fail to protect them,men - learn how to stand up and lead their family that he wont lead.... women dont become the leaders because they want to usually, its because they have to.

There is a reason there are way more women in the church than men.

But im ammused when i see men still trying to throw women under the bus, for their own choices like adam did...who tried to blame her and then even God for making her, instead of repenting of his own failure.

OK, I admit that A4T usually has pretty good posts, but this was just too funny to ignore.

Dan Emanuel

Active member

OK, I admit that A4T usually has pretty good posts, but this was just too funny to ignore.
It doesn't read like a joke. :liberals:
Or made women of weak, abusive or those who fail to protect them,men - learn how to stand up and lead their family that he wont lead.... women dont become the leaders because they want to usually, its because they have to.

There is a reason there are way more women in the church than men.

But im ammused when i see men still trying to throw women under the bus, for their own choices like adam did...who tried to blame her and then even God for making her, instead of repenting of his own failure.
Can you explain how A40 is joking? Because she seem's quite serious.
