the substance at heart......
the substance at heart......
Originally Posted by freelight:
As addressed earlier
consciousness is Self-evident....
To which I replied: "Nothing is self-evident." This, of course, is only my opinion but I don't believe it was 'addressed' as you say, just stated without support. Mine was also a statement of a belief I hold and was intended to challenge your statement as a belief, not an axiom.
The reality of consciousness is most certainly, self-evident, self-realizing, self-reflecting,...since the 'Self' itself is the mirror or the "I" of subjectivity at the heart of awareness, in which one's own 'being' is known, and in which all is known (the perceived world and all its forms/content/relationships, etc.). I can intuit from reality itself... the reality that "I Am", the very identity and awareness wherein 'no-thing' and 'every-thing' exists (in potential and actuality), even 'God'. There is awareness itself, and all its conceptions,...which are but abstract forms, assumptions, modifications, restrictions, refractions of the original light, since this is all that exists. 'God' (original primal awareness) is 'no-thing' and 'every-thing',...essence and form, and beyond. 'God' is One and All. There is no other.
I don't see how that could be questionable. Try denying that you are aware, or the fact of awareness itself.
Saying that consciousness is not self-evident is not the same as denying it. I am not denying conciousness, I am simply saying that to declare it self-evident is an attempt to create a false and subjective starting point.
Conciousness may be axiomatic to you. To me it is merely a subjective description of a condition common to humans; as is awareness. These things are part of our makeup because God designed it so, not because 'it-just-is' (self-evident, axiomatic). The God of 'itjustis' is as hollow for mystics as for evolutionists just from a different perspective. There is no intrinsic value in consciousness/awareness that justifies it as the 'kickoff' for enlightenment.
Again, only my perspective/opinion. It is, I believe, a Biblical one. We start, not with ourselves but with God, who IS, and who enlightens us by His Revelation of truth; if we ever stop denying Him with our self-centredness.
I affirm that consciousness/awareness IS, and all else are but thought-reflections, constructs, concepts, ideas, beliefs, relative perceptions, speculations. We can only begin first with 'awareness', since it is primal, prior to and original to all other 'thoughts', that arise from IT. - this includes 'god-concepts', in all their various forms and personalities

- All there is, is LIGHT and its various reflections, the entire spectrum of all the possibilities of 'light' and 'darkness', in the shadow-world-play of creation-duality.
I come from an
Advaita (non-dualism) point of view usually, with various nuances of my own nomenclature from various schools, as these all center from and originate with first the light of 'God' in one's own soul-consciousness (spirit-center), without which 'God' or the 'world' could exist. So you see that apart from
awareness, nothing exists to be perceived or known,
on any level or description, in the 'negative' or 'positive'....
since some kind of awareness is essential for anything to be conceived (negative or positive existence). 'God' is the 'Light'(original awareness/energy-intelligence) making 'consciousness/existence' possible.
I am that. (spiritual classic from Nisargadatta Maharaj).
Apparently, as 'something' arising in consciousness. Whatever occurs is but a simulation of movement within awareness.
Being made in the image of God, the recognition that we are conscious/aware should drive us toward God for fellowship with Him, not away from Him into vain and counterfeit representations of divinity. The reason it doesn't is evidence of the fact that we have fallen from a once perfect relationship and are adrift in manufactured religion. Most 'somethings' are not of our own making, but that does not register as significant. Awareness now drives idolatry. Before the Fall, it resulted in relationship.
Perhaps 'God' is made in the imagination-reflection of our own our own 'imaging' power

- it might behoove us that intrinsic within the true nature of our Real Being, is already love, truth, innocence, grace, compassion, bliss,...because that is its very nature, God's own. Love is love. Just because within awareness, all potentials of 'good' and 'evil' exist DOES NOT prove there was a 'fall', or that there is 'original sin', since those are religious assumptions/mythology, no matter how they relate to the bigger picture in the imagination of man.
From the higher infinite perspective, yes....its all 'God' anyways dreaming the cosmos into being, whose play of possibilities must include all potentials to experience themselves, fulfilling their beginnings and endings in the currents of time. Yep,...all this is going on in consciousness, the only place that 'everything' or 'nothing', however you conceive it could exist!
We are consciousness itself.
The subject is most significant hence my critiques, as nothing is as essential or fundamental to existence than consciousness apart from which nothing could be.
I couldn't disagree more. In my opinion there is nothing as essential or fundamental to existence than knowing God. Awareness should be understood in relation to the cause of awareness. This is not to say that this has always been my opinion. Far from it; but I now wholeheartedly reject subjectivity as being totally unreliable.
LATER EDIT: By totally unreliable I am referring only to knowing God, existence, meaning, awareness, etc. and I am not commenting on mundane issues such as: stopping at a red light, etc. All men are religious but cannot know essential truth without guidance and faith.
Ok,....we would agree that 'God' is the source of awareness-existence-creation, however one looks at it, we are still experiencing/knowing 'God' and all that has meaning and value within consciousness anyways. Faith, insight, reason, intelligence, inspiration/illumination all arise from the primal depths and purity of original awareness, Spirit.
I'm not being flippant, but, I just don't have time to pour through threads with content I've heard before many times. I had a quick look. Thanks though.
No worries,....I leave research-links and resource portals for those interested in looking deeper :sherlock:
Thank you,