Why is there something rather than nothing?


New member
We do not know, for we only know something exists thru awareness, that there is consciousness in which a duality-play of objectivity and subjectivity takes place. In the primal awareness there is no-thing and every-thing, since it includes all. It would appear all questions dissolve in that which is beyond question.

I furnished you with an explanation.

"The sufficient reason...is found in a substance which...is a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself." - Gottfried Leibniz

Those who grasp this explanation are true believers. Those who don't, aren't.


New member
What you are promoting is a not-so-tacit form of logical positivism.
Obviously not. Had you considered reading what I write?

The beginning of the universe doesn't conform to human-invented logic? Remember that one?

...never mind...


Ben Masada

New member
"Why is there something rather than nothing? The sufficient reason...is found in a substance which...is a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself." - Gottfried Liebniz

Because of two concepts: The one of Logic and that of Causality. The logical one is that things cannot cause themselves to exist and that of Causality is that there is nothing that has been caused without a cause. Of course both of them are based on Logic.

Your question is too hypothetical though because there are things in existence and all have been proved to have been caused. Since the universe cannot be composed of only caused things, it is only obvious that the Primal Cause must by necessity exist.


New member
Obviously not. Had you considered reading what I write?

The beginning of the universe doesn't conform to human-invented logic? Remember that one?

...never mind...


Translation: "I cannot explain why there is something rather than nothing."


New member
Because of two concepts: The one of Logic and that of Causality. The logical one is that things cannot cause themselves to exist and that of Causality is that there is nothing that has been caused without a cause. Of course both of them are based on Logic.

Your question is too hypothetical though because there are things in existence and all have been proved to have been caused. Since the universe cannot be composed of only caused things, it is only obvious that the Primal Cause must by necessity exist.

Rational thought has revealed this to you. Now go in peace and share it with the world.


New member
Translation: "I cannot explain why there is something rather than nothing."
I've already explained that to you in quite a bit of detail, including the point that since the total energy if the universe is zero, and that all the matter and energy is borrowed from the gravitational energy of the expansion of the universe, therefore on average there is nothing.



New member
I've already explained that to you in quite a bit of detail, including the point that since the total energy if the universe is zero, and that all the matter and energy is borrowed from the gravitational energy of the expansion of the universe, therefore on average there is nothing.

And I have already explained to you that I don't have time for your stupid antics.


Eclectic Theosophist
reality ever present........

reality ever present........

Then don't call it axiomatic.

As addressed earlier here....consciousness is Self-evident....I don't see how that could be questionable. Try denying that you are aware, or the fact of awareness itself. :idunno:

No, presupposition occurs.

Apparently, as 'something' arising in consciousness. Whatever occurs is but a simulation of movement within awareness.

That depends on one`s definition of something which is based in presupposition

Well, anything goes eh? 'Suppositions' are 'things'. We can play language games til the cows come home.

That was a quick run.....does this mean you concede to a play of stupidity or only engaged the topic half-heartedly? The subject is most significant hence my critiques, as nothing is as essential or fundamental to existence than consciousness apart from which nothing could be.



Pure Awareness



New member
And I have already explained to you that I don't have time for your stupid antics.
One person's 'stupid antics' is another person's established cosmology.

At least you didn't try playing a stupid game of semantics, for a change.


George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Sorry this took me so long. :(

As addressed earlier here....consciousness is Self-evident....

To which I replied: "Nothing is self-evident." This, of course, is only my opinion but I don't believe it was 'addressed' as you say, just stated without support. Mine was also a statement of a belief I hold and was intended to challenge your statement as a belief, not an axiom.

I don't see how that could be questionable. Try denying that you are aware, or the fact of awareness itself.

Saying that consciousness is not self-evident is not the same as denying it. I am not denying conciousness, I am simply saying that to declare it self-evident is an attempt to create a false and subjective starting point.

Conciousness may be axiomatic to you. To me it is merely a subjective description of a condition common to humans; as is awareness. These things are part of our makeup because God designed it so, not because 'it-just-is' (self-evident, axiomatic). The God of 'itjustis' is as hollow for mystics as for evolutionists just from a different perspective. There is no intrinsic value in consciousness/awareness that justifies it as the 'kickoff' for enlightenment.

Again, only my perspective/opinion. It is, I believe, a Biblical one. We start, not with ourselves but with God, who IS, and who enlightens us by His Revelation of truth; if we ever stop denying Him with our self-centredness.

Apparently, as 'something' arising in consciousness. Whatever occurs is but a simulation of movement within awareness.

Being made in the image of God, the recognition that we are conscious/aware should drive us toward God for fellowship with Him, not away from Him into vain and counterfeit representations of divinity. The reason it doesn't is evidence of the fact that we have fallen from a once perfect relationship and are adrift in manufactured religion. Most 'somethings' are not of our own making, but that does not register as significant. Awareness now drives idolatry. Before the Fall, it resulted in relationship.

Well, anything goes eh? 'Suppositions' are 'things'. We can play language games til the cows come home.

Not a language game, I don't think. Just a matter of perspective.

That was a quick run.....does this mean you concede to a play of stupidity or only engaged the topic half-heartedly?

No. Its just that Damian seems to have his mind made up (as I do) and there didn't seem to be a reason to continue flogging a...:deadhorse:

The subject is most significant hence my critiques, as nothing is as essential or fundamental to existence than consciousness apart from which nothing could be.

I couldn't disagree more. In my opinion there is nothing as essential or fundamental to existence than knowing God. Awareness should be understood in relation to the cause of awareness. This is not to say that this has always been my opinion. Far from it; but I now wholeheartedly reject subjectivity as being totally unreliable.

LATER EDIT: By totally unreliable I am referring only to knowing God, existence, meaning, awareness, etc. and I am not commenting on mundane issues such as: stopping at a red light, etc. All men are religious but cannot know essential truth without guidance and faith.

I'm not being flippant, but, I just don't have time to pour through threads with content I've heard before many times. I had a quick look. Thanks though.
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New member
Like it or not, I think this hits the proverbial nail on the head.

The way we humans think is not sufficient to deduce a proper answer to the existential questions that we're asking. And that's just the way it is. :stuck:

I have found at the quantum level evidence for a simulated universe, pre-programmed with information,digitally packed.I know we have had this talk before and you somewhat agree.. I would like to add tho on the nothingness. In science there is no such thing.Kind of like infinity.We give it the name singularity because we dont understand it.Things, matter, actually will go backwards,negative if you will before you will find nothing.

God, or mother nature, or the Programmer, is smarter then we are. I dont think we will ever reach the end of the universe and feel its wall, and I dont think it infinite.String theory,and multiverse try and tackle this very question, I look forward to the advancements in those fields.


Well-known member
I have found at the quantum level evidence for a simulated universe, pre-programmed with information,digitally packed.I know we have had this talk before and you somewhat agree.. I would like to add tho on the nothingness. In science there is no such thing.Kind of like infinity.We give it the name singularity because we dont understand it.Things, matter, actually will go backwards,negative if you will before you will find nothing.

God, or mother nature, or the Programmer, is smarter then we are. I dont think we will ever reach the end of the universe and feel its wall, and I dont think it infinite.String theory,and multiverse try and tackle this very question, I look forward to the advancements in those fields.
"God" is a label that we apply to the 'great mystery of being' - our being, the nature and existence of the material universe, the 'flow of change' that will inevitably kill us as it kills all life forms, and those unknown and unknowable states that we sense, and intuit, but cannot directly experience (like infinity, and perfection). At some point, whether theist or atheist, we need to acknowledge and concede our profound ignorance and our inherent limitations before this great mystery or we will become insane. Insanity being the result of a fundamental denial of our own reality.

Agnosticism is our reality. If we proclaim ourselves to be an atheist, or a theist, it's either because we have become insane, or it's because we have chosen to believe one or the other proposition, by faith. I choose to be a theist, by faith. And as such, I seek the 'face of God' in my limited explorations of the body of scientific and philosophical information. But I remain cognizant of the fact that I may be pursuing my own bias in that regard. And that as an honest human being I must concede my own profound and inherent ignorance regarding the great mystery we refer to as "God".