Why is sex and sexual orientation so public?


like marbles on glass
'They' as in that person, itching for a fight are ya?

September 30th, 2015 09:12 AM Angel4Truth Ill scratch that itch for you, here you go.

No, Angel. I couldn't be further from "itching for a fight" if I tried. I responded to your post, as I responded to several others. Last I checked, I'm allowed to do that. Your neg rep comment shows that you're projecting your own aggressiveness onto me, and I won't return it in kind.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, Angel. I couldn't be further from "itching for a fight" if I tried. I responded to your post, as I responded to several others. Last I checked, I'm allowed to do that. Your neg rep comment shows that you're projecting your own aggressiveness onto me, and I won't return it in kind.

I pray that whatever is leading you away from God, and toward the world will end.

patrick jane

Some do: mardi gras, carnivale, different people celebrate different ideas in different ways. And you don't get to be their master; approving or disapproving them as you see fit. I know you think, somehow, that you have been given that authority, but you haven't. And anyone who doesn't like the way other people celebrate can just avoid the celebration. Easily. So although it is a bit of an inconvenience, it's not intended to lure you into gayness. Nor is it intended to illicit your approval. In fact, if anything, it's intended to rub their freedom in your face, which isn't very nice, but is understandable given the many years they've had to struggle to achieve that freedom, because people like you wanted them to be denied.

people like me ? :chuckle:

patrick jane

First of all, most of the advocates in this thread simply said "nuh uh" instead of answering the reality of it.

That means they all aren't watching TV or are so overtly desensitized to the elephant in the room that they deny it is even there.

Odd that. My next question to them would be "Why are you incapable of seeing the elephant in the room?" The LGBT agenda is media heavy like an elephant in a livingroom. Deniability, as most advocates in this thread are doing, is mindboggling. It IS their answer and defense: "It is not true."

Really??? :think: I often wonder at the intelligence and observational skills of the nonChristians who frequent TOL. It is such blatant obtusion and brain-washed mentality that I have to wonder and shake my head at its tenacity.

Your question is reality and valid, whether it is denied or not. Don't let distraction keep you from pressing the 'why' question. Such derails your thread for many pages, sadly. It is certainly true despite protest. Note that distraction is given instead of addressing your valid observational question.

i addressed his observations and said i saw it too - a few of us were trying to answer the OP -

patrick jane

Hey, if this doesn't apply you, then forget about it. Or just say "this doesn't apply to me".

I notice you did neither. So I still suspect that it does apply to you.

hey, your style is accusatory and has notes of finality or declared truth. you use words like "I know you think" - as if you know what folks think. i didn't answer you because posts like yours don't deserve replies, don't expect many with that style -

you suspect - pfft


Well-known member
hey, your style is accusatory and has notes of finality or declared truth. you use words like "I know you think" - as if you know what folks think. i didn't answer you because posts like yours don't deserve replies, don't expect many with that style -

you suspect - pfft
I usually deliberately try to avoid that sort of thing, but in your case I made an exception.

I wonder why I did that?



like marbles on glass
I pray that whatever is leading you away from God, and toward the world will end.

Really. :chuckle:

And then you send me another neg rep with this:

September 30th, 2015 10:32 AM Angel4Truth Except you keep claiming im on ignore, and you keep going after people here lately after they have answered you, so you can pick a fight


Somehow, your public and private words aren't matching very well.

I don't "keep claiming" I have you on ignore, that's completely untrue. I put you on ignore once, didn't make a big deal about it, took you off without mentioning it, and yet you keep bringing it up as if you have any right to a say about how I handle my personal forum settings.

I'll keep on commenting when the thread subject interests me as I'm inclined to, whether it enrages you or not.


Well-known member
I usually deliberately try to avoid that sort of thing, but in your case I made an exception.

I wonder why I did that?


Maybe it was because he (PJ) had just done the exact thing to me that he accused you of.....so that you were an unknowing participant in someone reaping what they sow. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
Really. :chuckle:

And then you send me another neg rep with this:


Somehow, your public and private words aren't matching very well.

I don't "keep claiming" I have you on ignore, that's completely untrue. I put you on ignore once, didn't make a big deal about it, took you off without mentioning it, and yet you keep bringing it up as if you have any right to a say about how I handle my personal forum settings.

I'll keep on commenting when the thread subject interests me as I'm inclined to, whether it enrages you or not.

I see her raging narcissism remains unchanged.:rotfl:


Well-known member
If you are joking about this you are seriously distasteful. Sexual harassment in general is something serious and unwanted.

For instance, yesterday at work I had a gay person say outright that he wouldn't mind getting a blow job from me but that he wouldn't want my beard to scratch him and that he didn't give a F@&% that I was married.

No one needs that from anyone and this wife who's post you commented on has a right to be pissed off that her husband is receiving that crap from trannies!

Next time you want to make a joke pick a different topic!

As a matter of fact, I was totally serious. I was trying to think of a way someone could give the offender a smack upside the head....which in the old days could have come from the guy who had been accosted. Gay guys are free to do such things now because they know the law will support them.


New member
Hall of Fame
Really. :chuckle:

And then you send me another neg rep with this:


Somehow, your public and private words aren't matching very well.

I don't "keep claiming" I have you on ignore, that's completely untrue. I put you on ignore once, didn't make a big deal about it, took you off without mentioning it, and yet you keep bringing it up as if you have any right to a say about how I handle my personal forum settings.

I'll keep on commenting when the thread subject interests me as I'm inclined to, whether it enrages you or not.

Im not enraged at all, people can see how bitter you have become. That tends to happen when people claim to be christians, then seemingly desire to distance themselves from God and openly start questioning everything about Him.

I do pray that circumstances lead you back.
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like marbles on glass
Im not enraged at all, people can see how bitter you have become. That tends to happen when people claim to be christians, then seemingly desire to distance themselves from God and openly start questioning everything about Him.

I do pray that circumstances lead you back.

If you truly think that, then please offer your prayers for someone else, because I don't want them from someone who says the things to me that you have.

I'm also very comfortable knowing that "people" who actually care about me (that discounts you and ok loser) know me far better than you do.

You can have the last word.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you truly think that, then please offer your prayers for someone else, because I don't want them from someone who says the things to me that you have.

I'm also very comfortable knowing that "people" who actually care about me (that discounts you and ok loser) know me far better than you do.

You can have the last word.

She's fond of calling people "angry" and "bitter." Hint, hint...


New member
Hall of Fame
If you truly think that, then please offer your prayers for someone else, because I don't want them from someone who says the things to me that you have.

Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.

You cant tell me what to pray for.

I'm also very comfortable knowing that "people" who actually care about me (that discounts you and ok loser) know me far better than you do.

You can have the last word.