Why is sex and sexual orientation so public?

patrick jane

I'm curious how you imagine that LGBT people are seeking your acceptance, or pushing their culture on you. Because I'm not seeing this happening, anywhere.

In Chicago, the Irish people have a parade every year, and the Italians and the polish and the Germans each have their parades and festivals every year. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, too. And I've never seen the Irish, Italians, Poles, Germans, Mexicans or Puerto Ricans being accused of seeking anyone's approval, or of pushing their culture on everyone else. It was always assumed by everyone else that they were just celebrating their own heritage. So I can't think of any reason why we should not assume that the gay pride parade has any different motive than all these others.

And apart from the parade, LGBT social actions have been entirely related to enforcing equal rights that should be guaranteed to them by the Constitution and the courts. Which was never about seeking anyone's approval or pushing their culture on others, it was simply about being treated fairly and equally.

So I don't see how or where you're experiencing this need on the part of LGBTs for your validation, or this alternate lifestyle promotion. I honestly don't.

but those ethnic and other "festivals" do not have naked people and gender twisting morons spanking each other in dog costumes with their butts in the air - naked butts - take that stuff to a banquet hall or a convention center, anyplace with a modicum of privacy

patrick jane

Let's take it a step further. We are a social species, we all crave social acceptance. Don't make a mistake in thinking you are better than someone because that someone craves social acceptance. You do, too.

i don't crave that another guy shares my bed - :chuckle:


Question of the day:

Why is sex and sexual orientation so public? Honestly no one cares who/what you are having sex with, no one wants to know nor do they care.

....but they do!

But why does the LGBT group force straight people to hear and condone who they have sex with?

For the same reasons minorities "force" non-minorities to face the issue of racism. In short, to bring a dark and easily avoided subject (esp. by the latter)...to light. :patrol:

Why should we care LGBT? Why do you need our acceptance in order for you to feel good about who you are having sex with? Cant you just be like the rest of us and be committed to someone and keep your sex life between you and that person?

More to the point, why all the hatred toward the homosexual lifestyle? You answer one, you've answered both.

Now I know that I am generalizing but generally this is how the group acts and what their culture pushes on ours. There are some really amazing gay people that I know and work with and I have high respect for them because they do not push their sexuality on anyone and demand they accept it. They are who they are and they are ok with that.

Then get to know and respect more of them. Simple, really.

Many gay people are great, but most push their gayness on others and I want to know why something so private as someone's sex life is being pushed on us straight people and we are demanded to accept it? Why do they need the acceptance of straight people in order to feel like what they do is fine?

Perhaps if straights stop their "pulling" the counter action of "pushing" will naturally cease....funny how that works, yes?


Well-known member
but those ethnic and other "festivals" do not have naked people and gender twisting morons spanking each other in dog costumes with their butts in the air - naked butts - take that stuff to a banquet hall or a convention center, anyplace with a modicum of privacy
Some do: mardi gras, carnivale, different people celebrate different ideas in different ways. And you don't get to be their master; approving or disapproving them as you see fit. I know you think, somehow, that you have been given that authority, but you haven't. And anyone who doesn't like the way other people celebrate can just avoid the celebration. Easily. So although it is a bit of an inconvenience, it's not intended to lure you into gayness. Nor is it intended to illicit your approval. In fact, if anything, it's intended to rub their freedom in your face, which isn't very nice, but is understandable given the many years they've had to struggle to achieve that freedom, because people like you wanted them to be denied.


Well-known member
Question of the day:

Why is sex and sexual orientation so public? Honestly no one cares who/what you are having sex with, no one wants to know nor do they care.

But why does the LGBT group force straight people to hear and condone who they have sex with? Why should we care LGBT? Why do you need our acceptance in order for you to feel good about who you are having sex with? Cant you just be like the rest of us and be committed to someone and keep your sex life between you and that person?

Now I know that I am generalizing but generally this is how the group acts and what their culture pushes on ours. There are some really amazing gay people that I know and work with and I have high respect for them because they do not push their sexuality on anyone and demand they accept it. They are who they are and they are ok with that.

Many gay people are great, but most push their gayness on others and I want to know why something so private as someone's sex life is being pushed on us straight people and we are demanded to accept it? Why do they need the acceptance of straight people in order to feel like what they do is fine?

First of all, most of the advocates in this thread simply said "nuh uh" instead of answering the reality of it.

That means they all aren't watching TV or are so overtly desensitized to the elephant in the room that they deny it is even there.

Odd that. My next question to them would be "Why are you incapable of seeing the elephant in the room?" The LGBT agenda is media heavy like an elephant in a livingroom. Deniability, as most advocates in this thread are doing, is mindboggling. It IS their answer and defense: "It is not true."

Really??? :think: I often wonder at the intelligence and observational skills of the nonChristians who frequent TOL. It is such blatant obtusion and brain-washed mentality that I have to wonder and shake my head at its tenacity.

Your question is reality and valid, whether it is denied or not. Don't let distraction keep you from pressing the 'why' question. Such derails your thread for many pages, sadly. It is certainly true despite protest. Note that distraction is given instead of addressing your valid observational question.


New member
Hall of Fame
First of all, most of the advocates in this thread simply said "nuh uh" instead of answering the reality of it.

That means they all aren't watching TV or are so overtly desensitized to the elephant in the room that they deny it is even there.

Odd that. My next question to them would be "Why are you incapable of seeing the elephant in the room?" The LGBT agenda is media heavy like an elephant in a livingroom. Deniability, as most advocates in this thread are doing, is mindboggling. It IS their answer and defense: "It is not true."

Really??? :think: I often wonder at the intelligence and observational skills of the nonChristians who frequent TOL. It is such blatant obtusion and brain-washed mentality that I have to wonder and shake my head at its tenacity.

Your question is reality and valid, whether it is denied or not. Don't let distraction keep you from pressing the 'why' question. Such derails your thread for many pages, sadly. It is certainly true despite protest. Note that distraction is given instead of addressing your valid observational question.

Maybe the rest of us just aren't as sensitive, prurient, or sex-obsessed as many of you seem to be.


Well-known member
....but they do!

For the same reasons minorities "force" non-minorities to face the issue of racism. In short, to bring a dark and easily avoided subject (esp. by the latter)...to light. :patrol:

More to the point, why all the hatred toward the homosexual lifestyle? You answer one, you've answered both.

Then get to know and respect more of them. Simple, really.

Perhaps if straights stop their "pulling" the counter action of "pushing" will naturally cease....funny how that works, yes?
That's an excellent response! :first:


like marbles on glass
First of all, most of the advocates in this thread simply said "nuh uh" instead of answering the reality of it.

That means they all aren't watching TV or are so overtly desensitized to the elephant in the room that they deny it is even there.

Odd that. My next question to them would be "Why are you incapable of seeing the elephant in the room?" The LGBT agenda is media heavy like an elephant in a livingroom. Deniability, as most advocates in this thread are doing, is mindboggling. It IS their answer and defense: "It is not true."

Really??? :think: I often wonder at the intelligence and observational skills of the nonChristians who frequent TOL. It is such blatant obtusion and brain-washed mentality that I have to wonder and shake my head at its tenacity.

Your question is reality and valid, whether it is denied or not. Don't let distraction keep you from pressing the 'why' question. Such derails your thread for many pages, sadly. It is certainly true despite protest. Note that distraction is given instead of addressing your valid observational question.

I've been interested in reading the discussion, which isn't at all sadly derailed.

If anything, your slam at non-Christians, by "wondering" (I don't think you're wondering, your mind is made up) about their intelligence and observational skills is more of a derailment to the OP than anything else I've read here.
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New member
First of all, most of the advocates in this thread simply said "nuh uh" instead of answering the reality of it.

That means they all aren't watching TV or are so overtly desensitized to the elephant in the room that they deny it is even there.

Odd that. My next question to them would be "Why are you incapable of seeing the elephant in the room?" The LGBT agenda is media heavy like an elephant in a livingroom. Deniability, as most advocates in this thread are doing, is mindboggling. It IS their answer and defense: "It is not true."

Really??? :think: I often wonder at the intelligence and observational skills of the nonChristians who frequent TOL. It is such blatant obtusion and brain-washed mentality that I have to wonder and shake my head at its tenacity.

Your question is reality and valid, whether it is denied or not. Don't let distraction keep you from pressing the 'why' question. Such derails your thread for many pages, sadly. It is certainly true despite protest. Note that distraction is given instead of addressing your valid observational question.

Thank you friend for your observation and encouragement.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you are joking about this you are seriously distasteful. Sexual harassment in general is something serious and unwanted.

For instance, yesterday at work I had a gay person say outright that he wouldn't mind getting a blow job from me but that he wouldn't want my beard to scratch him and that he didn't give a F@&% that I was married.

No one needs that from anyone and this wife who's post you commented on has a right to be pissed off that her husband is receiving that crap from trannies!

Next time you want to make a joke pick a different topic!

I know she didn't mean it the way you took it, shes a friend of mine and she knows me.


New member
Hall of Fame
How many are they? You went from "this tranny" to "they try to flirt with him."

'They' as in that person, itching for a fight are ya?

If I had a nickel for every time a man flirted with a woman or a woman flirted with a man I'd be a billionaire. I think it's safe to say that gay or transgender flirting will never catch up to those numbers.

Its not safe to say vulgar comments and innuendo all the time is ok for anyone to continue after being asked to stop and that has gotten even more blatant after a complaint was made.


New member
Hall of Fame
I've heard homophobes described before as "men horrified at being treated the way they treat women.":chuckle:

My husband doesn't treat women that way nor is he afraid of homosexuals. Im shocked at you granite, you whine if anyone even comes close to what you consider a crack on your family.


At least you are true to your other form though, if you cant say something nasty, you dont say anything at all.


New member
First of all, most of the advocates in this thread simply said "nuh uh" instead of answering the reality of it.

That means they all aren't watching TV or are so overtly desensitized to the elephant in the room that they deny it is even there.

Odd that. My next question to them would be "Why are you incapable of seeing the elephant in the room?" The LGBT agenda is media heavy like an elephant in a livingroom. Deniability, as most advocates in this thread are doing, is mindboggling. It IS their answer and defense: "It is not true."

Really??? :think: I often wonder at the intelligence and observational skills of the nonChristians who frequent TOL. It is such blatant obtusion and brain-washed mentality that I have to wonder and shake my head at its tenacity.

Your question is reality and valid, whether it is denied or not. Don't let distraction keep you from pressing the 'why' question. Such derails your thread for many pages, sadly. It is certainly true despite protest. Note that distraction is given instead of addressing your valid observational question.
The answer is really simple. Conservatives are looking for media to support the idea that the LGBT community is forcing itself into the limelight and liberals are not. I do not care, I really don't. We won, it's over and there is nothing coming the near future that will jeopardize that.

My point being, if I wanted to find media based on a preconceived conclusion, I could spend my entire day looking for that conclusion and fool myself into believing that is all there is. I frequent different news outlets (CNN, BBC News, etc) and I haven't seen much in the headlines in awhile regarding this topic. Most of it is focused on international politics, Mars, and the PP debacle. BUT, if I google certain buzzwords and watch conservative commentary, it will come up a lot because that is still their hot topic.

Greg Jennings

New member
For instance, yesterday at work I had a gay person say outright that he wouldn't mind getting a blow job from me but that he wouldn't want my beard to scratch him and that he didn't give a F@&% that I was married.

What? If this is true then that's so over the line it's not funny. I support gay people's rights but nobody has the right to do that. The only thing I can think of that might explain the gay fellow's behavior toward you is that maybe he was messing with you because he knows it bothers you. That doesn't make it right either but it's more stomachable if it's not serious.


Well-known member
I've been interested in reading the discussion, which isn't at all sadly derailed.

If anything, your slam at non-Christians, by "wondering" (I don't think you're wondering, your mind is made up) about their intelligence and observational skills is more of a derailment to the OP than anything else I've read here.
What I find interesting about Lon's comments is that I believe they are sincere, in the sense that he is so convinced and invested in his own perceptions of this issue that he really does see any other perspective is being puzzlingly irrational, unrealistic, and probably deliberately ignorant. When a person allows their own 'confirmation bias' to become so automatic that it becomes invisible to themselves, those aspects of reality that do not align with the bias must appear quite odd, and quite puzzling. And those people who express that opposition must appear quite absurd.

One of the things I find fascinating about TOL is that it's easy to see this phenomena in action because religion and politics are subjects that generally involve a lot of bias, and being limited to a text medium allows people to be more forthcoming than they would otherwise be likely to be. And so we can see these effects in action more clearly and openly. (If we're looking for them, that is.)
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