Why is income inequality a bad thing?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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The problem isn't in scripture, of course, but in how some Christians who confuse the Bible with a hammer and the unsaved with nails tend to use it, appropriating the feeble part and running with it like a toddler with scissors, to mix a bit.
Indeed. That the unbeliever hates God despite their denials and claims of ignorance or lack of proof, hence indifference, is no mean reason to bludgeon them with the fact in the hopes (ahem, assuming the best charitable motive possible on their part) that it will somehow pound them into the Kingdom. ;) The usual result is but bringing scandal upon the faith (Prov. 26:4, juxtaposed with Prov. 26:5). Will Rogers is instructive here:

Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, thank goodness all those toddlers at TOL have such a mature grown-up like yourself to provide an example
Nah, that was Psalmist and a few others around here. I'm going to answer one after I finish with this. I'm making an effort, but God knows it's an uphill battle. I have more in common with Brother Lawrence on a bad day.

Pray demonstrate, oh wise teacher, how one should appropriately use the Bible to deal with those who hate God
You have the cross and the example. If that won't work I doubt anyone can add to it in a way that will help you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Indeed. That the unbeliever hates God despite their denials and claims of ignorance or lack of proof, hence indifference, is no mean reason to bludgeon them with the fact in the hopes (ahem, assuming the best charitable motive possible on their part) that it will somehow pound them into the Kingdom. ;) The usual result is but bringing scandal upon the faith (Prov. 26:4, juxtaposed with Prov. 26:5). Will Rogers is instructive here:

Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut

Nicely done. I suspect the way people pigeon hole and choose to use the language undermines its efficacy among the people it stands to help. And I suspect that if most of us who love God spent most of our time doing that and leaving that example the world would look a good deal different. If we looked more like Christ and less like...ourselves without him, spent less time usurping his prerogatives and more time gratefully considering the unmerited application of grace...instead of emulating the man forgiven debts, shaking down the people we feel owe us something, one way or another.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
[MENTION=10403]Arthur Brain[/MENTION]

You're a damned idiot :chuckle:

I would've thought by now that society would be mature enough to recognize that women are not treated differently in income.

But no,

I guess women just deserve to be paid for being women :plain:

You're a fruitcake. Why do you keep coming back here?


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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There's no reason for anybody on tol to plead ignorance
That is quite true. But the unbeliever's reasoning faculties are marred in their fallen state of being in Adam. Romans 1 makes the point clearly, these folks know, God is. Yet they have, reasoning wrongly, replaced this truth with a lie. There is within the human mind, and indeed by natural instinct, an awareness of divinity. This we must take to be beyond controversy. God himself has implanted in all men a certain understanding of his divine majesty to prevent anyone from taking refuge in the pretense of ignorance. Men of sound judgment will always be sure that a sense of divinity which can never be effaced is engraved upon men’s minds. Indeed, the perversity of the impious, who though they struggle furiously are unable to extricate themselves from the fear of God, is abundant testimony that this conviction, namely, that there is some God, is naturally inborn in all, and is fixed deep within, as it were, in the very marrow.

No one will be able to claim, "I did not know" at the eschaton. All non-believers are without excuse.



I identify as a Christian
Staff member
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I'm a damned idiot :dunce:
As a missile goes flying up his tailpipe and detonates for umpteenth time.



New member
What's wrong with income inequality?

Well, certain resources are finite, including some pretty fundamental ones. Everyone needs a place to live. Everyone needs food and water. Everyone needs transportation. But when income inequality is high, the rich end up monopolizing those important resources for their own use.

Secondarily, high income inequality allows the wealthy to dominate politics, such that a ruler class dominates over a class with no ability to advance itself. It passed that wealth to its children, and before you know it, the whole society is being run by people with no concept for what it's like for the worst off. Take the Trumps...(please...)


New member
Hall of Fame
Secondarily, high income inequality allows the wealthy to dominate politics, such that a ruler class dominates over a class with no ability to advance itself. It passed that wealth to its children, and before you know it, the whole society is being run by people with no concept for what it's like for the worst off. Take the Trumps...(please...)

yeah, it was a total enigma that Bammy was ever elected, given that old white men control everything. Right?


New member
yeah, it was a total enigma that Bammy was ever elected, given that old white men control everything. Right?

They don't entirely...yet, and it's not a binary phenomenon. But there's little doubt in my mind that Trump would never have been elected if he hadn't been born rich. He actually made his wealth a major selling point, despite the fact that he's really done little in his life to deserve it.


New member
Hall of Fame
They don't entirely...yet, and it's not a binary phenomenon. But there's little doubt in my mind that Trump would never have been elected if he hadn't been born rich. He actually made his wealth a major selling point, despite the fact that he's really done little in his life to deserve it.

yeah, you and many other liberals still cant get that he got elected because he was different than establishment candidates and Americans are desperate for real change back to core values for the better, not changes into socialism/marxism. Get your noses out of the air, and see what most people are saying.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
They don't entirely...yet, and it's not a binary phenomenon. But there's little doubt in my mind that Trump would never have been elected if he hadn't been born rich. He actually made his wealth a major selling point, despite the fact that he's really done little in his life to deserve it.
yeah, you and many other liberals still cant get that he got elected because he was different than establishment candidates and Americans are desperate for real change back to core values for the better, not changes into socialism/marxism. Get your noses out of the air, and see what most people are saying.
She's right Rex. A lot of otherwise reasonable people voted for Trump because he (a rich, old, white guy) ran as an alternative to the usual (rich, old white guys) and their power structure, that he immediately seeded with people from the economic power structure. :plain:

P.T. Barnum's grave must have sounded like a Cuisinart on high setting. :D

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And a lot of people voted for trump because they recognized the fact that, even as a self-promoting fraud, he was a better choice than hillary

The Barbarian

And a lot of people voted for trump because they recognized the fact that, even as a self-promoting fraud, he was a better choice than hillary

A lot of people asked themselves? "What could be worse than Hillary?"

And now they have their answer.

But to the question. Why is income disparity bad?

It's not intrinsically bad. It's bad if the people at the top are allowed to use that surplus to gain enough political power to rig the system. Not every country has that problem.

The experience of the United States and Australia, for example, has been very different, even with similarly increasing disparities: