Why I do not fear the end time


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I see the fire coming at the end of the Millennium when Gog attacks Jerusalem.

I'm not dogmatic about this but I see that fire is only for the enemies that are coming against and surrounding Jerusalem and Jesus said:

Mark 9:49
Everyone will be salted with fire.
"Sake" is not in the Greek. Take it out and you have the end being shortened for the elect, by a rapture.

'sake' is there:

1223. dia ►
Strong's Concordance
dia: through, on account of, because of
Original Word: διά
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: dia
Phonetic Spelling: (dee-ah')
Short Definition: through, on account of
Definition: (a) gen: through, throughout, by the instrumentality of, (b) acc: through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of.


I believe in a rapture 45 days from the end, before the last 7 trumpet plagues are poured out.

I agree! Wow! not many Christians see this. The two Witnesses are raptured and then the False Prophet sets up the image of the AC.

I also believe that the only others to be raptured with the two Witnesses will be the 144,000. The great multitude are raptured in the second Resurrection at the end of the 1000 years.


Well-known member
My timeline is as follows...

Mr.666 appears 2300 days before Christ's feet stand on the Mt of Olives.
965 days later, the Abomination is placed.
For 1260 days saints are persecuted (5th seal) and have to hide, or die.
The heavenly signs appear and last for 30 days (6th seal).
We are raptured.
For 45 more days the 7 trumpet plagues (7th seal) is poured out on earth.
Christ stands on the Mt. of Olives.

The devisor of the above speculation accepts no responsibility or liability for it being horribly wrong, if you act on it as if it were fact :)


Well-known member
'sake' is there:

1223. dia ►
Strong's Concordance

Not in Mark 13:20 it isn't.
And G2532 except G1508 that the Lord G2962 had shortened G2856 those days, G2250 no G3756 G3956 flesh G4561 should be G302 saved: G4982 but G235 for G1223 the elect's sake, G1588 whom G3739 he hath chosen, G1586 he hath shortened G2856 the days. G2250

Ps. Does anyone reading this know how to get strikethrough of words.
I used to be able to do it with HTML but don't seem to get <strike> or <s> or <del> or to work.


Well-known member
My timeline is as follows...

Mr.666 appears 2300 days before Christ's feet stand on the Mt of Olives.
965 days later, the Abomination is placed.
For 1260 days saints are persecuted (5th seal) and have to hide, or die.
The heavenly signs appear and last for 30 days (6th seal).
We are raptured.
For 45 more days the 7 trumpet plagues (7th seal) is poured out on earth.
Christ stands on the Mt. of Olives.

The devisor of the above speculation accepts no responsibility or liability for it being horribly wrong, if you act on it as if it were fact :)

Help me out:

2300 days total = 6.3 years ? (not 7?)

Time line:

965 days later, the Abomination is placed.
For 1260 days saints are persecuted (5th seal) and have to hide, or die.
The heavenly signs appear and last for 30 days (6th seal).
We are raptured.
For 45 more days the 7 trumpet plagues (7th seal) is poured out on earth.
Christ stands on the Mt. of Olives.

= 2300

Based on these scriptures:

Daniel 9:27
He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

Daniel 12
11“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

Matthew 24
15“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’a spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

I see it like this:

Mr 666 appears for 7 years total.
Half way through. 3.5 years in he stops the sacrifices.
1290 days later he set up the Abomination, (the two witnesses preach for 1260 days during this time).
45 days after this Jesus returns.


Well-known member
Not in Mark 13:20 it isn't.
And G2532 except G1508 that the Lord G2962 had shortened G2856 those days, G2250 no G3756 G3956 flesh G4561 should be G302 saved: G4982 but G235 for G1223 the elect's sake, G1588 whom G3739 he hath chosen, G1586 he hath shortened G2856 the days. G2250

Ps. Does anyone reading this know how to get strikethrough of words.
I used to be able to do it with HTML but don't seem to get <strike> or <s> or <del> or to work.

Strongs says 'for the sake of'. Why do you discount this?



Well-known member
Strongs says 'for the sake of'. Why do you discount this?


I was sure my Bible had "sake" in italics, meaning added by translator. But I cannot find "sake" in italics.

But "sake" need not be there because this is how "dia" is translated...
The KJV translates Strong's G1223 in the following manner: by (241x), through (88x), with (16x), for (58x), for ... sake (47x), therefore (with G5124) (44x), for this cause (with G5124) (14x), because (52x), miscellaneous (86x).

So, to abuse statistics :) statistically there is a 58 to 47 chance that I am right that "sake" should not be there.

I personally am convinced that translating "dia" as "for" instead of "for...sake" is correct.

God is shortening the end times FOR the elect by a rapture.
If God were shortening the end time for everyone, it might read FOR...SAKE, which I don't see.


Well-known member
Help me out:

2300 days total = 6.3 years ? (not 7?)

Time line:

965 days later, the Abomination is placed.
For 1260 days saints are persecuted (5th seal) and have to hide, or die.
The heavenly signs appear and last for 30 days (6th seal).
We are raptured.
For 45 more days the 7 trumpet plagues (7th seal) is poured out on earth.
Christ stands on the Mt. of Olives.

= 2300

Based on these scriptures:

Daniel 9:27
He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

Daniel 12
11“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

Matthew 24
15“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’a spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

I see it like this:

Mr 666 appears for 7 years total.
Half way through. 3.5 years in he stops the sacrifices.
1290 days later he set up the Abomination, (the two witnesses preach for 1260 days during this time).
45 days after this Jesus returns.

You see Dan 9:27 as applying to Mr. 666.
I, like Sir Isaac Newton see Dan 9:27 as having been fulfilled by Christ.

I am open to changing my mind on this however.
Mr.666 comes nearly in the middle of my week also :)


Well-known member
I was sure my Bible had "sake" in italics, meaning added by translator. But I cannot find "sake" in italics.

But "sake" need not be there because this is how "dia" is translated...
The KJV translates Strong's G1223 in the following manner: by (241x), through (88x), with (16x), for (58x), for ... sake (47x), therefore (with G5124) (44x), for this cause (with G5124) (14x), because (52x), miscellaneous (86x).

So, to abuse statistics :) statistically there is a 58 to 47 chance that I am right that "sake" should not be there.

I personally am convinced that translating "dia" as "for" instead of "for...sake" is correct.

God is shortening the end times FOR the elect by a rapture.
If God were shortening the end time for everyone, it might read FOR...SAKE, which I don't see.

You probably meant Matthews rendering?:


The key to the verse is that all FLESH would die if He allows it to go on indefinitely and the ELECT relates to any believer (not just the 144,000 who will be in this first resurrection), there will be believers 'left behind' for the last 45 days. That's why I mention whether you/I would opt to go to Jordan or stay and face the mark of the beast? :)


Well-known member
WatchmanOnTheWall, there is no "sacrifice" in "daily sacrifice". Check it out.

"Daily" means continual.
I believe it refers to him who lets. Things continue as they did from the creation until all things "daily/continual" change with Mr.666's arrival. Demons are released from tartaros.

There comes a time when Mr. 666 comes on the scene after the Being doing the "letting" meaning hindering Mr. 666 is taken out of the way, and Mr. 666 arrives on the scene.

The 2300 countdown to Christ's feet standing on the Mt. of Olives begins with the "daily sacrifice" being removed, 965 days passes, and the abomination which makes desolate stands in the holy place.


Well-known member
You probably meant Matthews rendering?:


The key to the verse is that all FLESH would die if He allows it to go on indefinitely and the ELECT relates to any believer (not just the 144,000 who will be in this first resurrection), there will be believers 'left behind' for the last 45 days. That's why I mention whether you/I would opt to go to Jordan or stay and face the mark of the beast? :)

Maybe it's both. It could be deliberately ambivalent.
For the raptured saints those days are cut short.
And for those left behind, for their sake those days are shortened.


Well-known member
I don't see the "daily sacrifice" taken away and the "abomination" being placed as occurring simultaneously.
But I must still look into this further.
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Well-known member
Check out this video on how to make a fire with a bow drill.

Making a fire is essential to survival, to boil water and cook meat to make these safe. And you may need it to survive a cold night.
And the video is only 4 minutes. These 4 minutes could save your life.
I do believe one may have to flee suddenly as Matt 24 suggests, without even going back indoors.
With a fire you have doubled your chances of survival in the bush.



Well-known member
What is fascinating about shows like Doomsday Preppers is that they are all preparing for different doomsday scenarios. Some are prepared for EMP's to fry the grid, others for law and order to break down, yet others for a disease pandemic to break out etc.

And what one marvels at is how, with all their preparations and the trouble they go to, if the wrong doomsday arrives, they are screwed. They are in the same boat with the rest of us.

If the wrong doomsday comes along, or no doomsday comes along, Doomsday Preppers are far worse off than the rest of us. They have spent a whole life worrying about some scenario which never comes to pass, and they have sacrificed so much, for nothing.

It's a big deal to construct a bug out hideaway, or to move from the city to the middle of nowhere, and there just grow old and die, while the city folks are enjoying all the mod cons without a worry.

Doomsday Christians are just like that too, if they are not careful. They may be preparing for the wrong doomsday, or just sitting in a constant state of stress over something which may or may not occur in their lifetimes.

And are they prepared to walk away from their nice homes and never look back if Mr. 666 requires it of them?
That will be a hard test. But buying the mark of the beast only buys one a little food and comfort for a little while, but loses one eternal life. To walk away from all we have takes mental preparation.

The only value I can see to Christian doomsday prepping is that it makes the decision to walk away from everything easier if one has a bug out place prepared.

But most prophetic, doomsday ministries are all talk, and no (physical) preparation.
Those believing in a pre-tribulation rapture feel they don't have to prepare. Won't they be surprised.

Some churches promise their members a "place of safety" in say, Petra, Jordan. Won't they be surprised.

But most prophetic ministries, are like many ministries, all talk, no action. One goes for the sermon, not to change one's lifestyle. So their preaching, though fascinating, is worthless.


Well-known member
The last thing Christians want to do is contribute towards, or encourage the building of a temple in Jerusalem.

This temple, where sacrifices may be offered, is nothing but trouble, and looks like it only serves Mr.666 who will sit in it pretending to be God or Christ.

You don't want the end time. You don't want to contribute to anything bringing us closer to the end time, with the exception of preaching the Gospel.

And you want to stay away from Jerusalem which will be Mr. 666's playground.

Dan 11:45
And he [Mr. 666] shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.

In general, stay away from Israel in the end times.


Well-known member
Making fire from a bow drill is moderately difficult. It took me probably about 4 hours experimenting before I got a fire going. That included putting the spindle in an electric drill to see if it would ever work.

Survival techniques cost you nothing except a few minutes of your time, and if you want to feel really confident, a few minutes actually copying and practicing what you learn.

If one has fire and rope, then one can trap animals, make nets, carry things, make a platform in a tree to sleep in, lash poles together to make a raft, climb down a mountain etc.

Making rope is dead easy as you will see in the video below. You can use any plant fibre to make rope. This technique is called the reverse wrap. This one take all of five minutes to master. And you are closer to being a prepared Doomsday Prepper.



Well-known member
Rev 12:6
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

If we are going to be living in the wilderness for 3.5 years, then we will have to know how to construct a shelter.

What I love about this tree root shelter in the following video is that it is so camouflaged. One will have to stumble onto it to see it. And if one is hiding from Mr.666, then that is the kind of shelter one needs.
Check out this video on how to make one of the simplest, but cosiest shelters.



Well-known member
John the Baptist lived in the wild, wore a camel hair coat, ate locusts and wild honey.

He is a pattern and example of what I am talking about - being able to survive off the grid.
By the way, locusts are clean animals in Mosaic law.

Suppose one does not have a pot for boiling water to sterilise the water.
But suppose one does have a hollow in the rock, or bowl which will hold water.
Then one can fill that bowl with unpurified water, make a fire, heat rocks in the fire, then drop the heated rocks into the bowl of water, and enough hot rocks will get the water to boil for a few minutes, making it safe. The water can be filtered through a shirt first to remove larger dirt.

What does one do for food?
John ate locusts and wild honey. Eat these if you can find them. Fishing is good. So is using snares with a noose to catch animals, if one has wire, or perhaps using the rope we made earlier.

Watch Bear Grylls and you will see he eats anything. And he is a terrible cook. For him it is about forcing each disgusting morsel down as quickly as possible, followed by a grimace and a comment about how every morsel has calories. He is able to switch his brain off to the disgusting nature of the maggots or whatever he has just eaten.

I personally do not eat anything unclean, as defined by Leviticus 11 and Deut 14. But if Mr.666 was hunting me on the mountains, I would be lifting every rock to see If I could find termites, scorpions or snakes. Yes, I would cook and eat Satan's buddies, snakes and scorpions. These are the easiest to catch. It's a "fear factor" mental issue one has to overcome to bring oneself to eat disgusting foods. And snakes apparently are quite good eating.

I would make sure that everything is well cooked, to kill all parasites. Bear just eats earthworms, and maggots and termites after giving them a rub on his pants to remove the sand. I would want them a little better sterilised and better cleaned.

One may ask, if eating unclean foods is against your religion, why are you prepared to do that, and will it not make God mad at you for compromising your beliefs? I know that taking Mr.666's mark will make God mad at me - that is why I am hiding in a cave after all. If I go ahead and eat an unclean animal, the worst it made one is "unclean" until sunset, when the clock reset, and one became clean again, especially if one had a wash.

OT "uncleanness" is about being ritually impure and unable to go into the temple in Jerusalem in this impure state. But I don't want to go into the temple in Jerusalem, especially as Mr. 666 will have made it his own, and will be worshipped there. So by being "unclean" from eating a snake, it will just disqualify me from doing something I didn't want to do in the first place. I would be more worried about getting parasites.

Obviously Bear Grylls takes antibiotics and deworming medicine off camera - which we will have limited access to in the end time. And if one does not eat, one will not last a thousand two hundred and threescore days (Rev 12:6).


Well-known member
Suppose a group of people flee into the wilderness, to hide from Mr.666.

Each person will have to be searched to make sure nobody sneaks a cellphone to your bug out place of hiding.
There can be no electronic trail leading to you. For this generation, being without their cellphone will be a test in itself. There cannot even be a cellphone without its battery.

And if anyone leaves the group, one will have to assume they might tell the authorities, so the whole group will have to uproot and find an alternative spot to hide.