Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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The problem was and sadly remains, that bishops didn't want to simply refer complainants to local police, when they reported that priests were committing crimes. This behavior of not involving the police in criminal complaints, occurs in lots of organizations, including businesses, schools, families, and even within the police themselves. There's a 'code of silence' within groups, when members of those groups are found to or suspected of breaking the law. That whole practice needs to stop, so that justice can prevail, so it might as well begin with the Church, to lead the way for everybody else.

I know that you don't want to keep me from exposing Donald Trump and his LGBT connections, so I'll make this quick:

Find a new Pope, one who isn't idolized by the homosexual movement.



Back to Mike Pence, Donald Trump's pick for Vice President: While Pence might sound like a social conservative, as Governor of Indiana, his actions speak otherwise:

Amid Controversy, Pence Backs Down on Anti-Gay Law Religious Freedom Law

Four Statist Policies Gov. Mike Pence Champions

Peter LaBarbera wrote about Pence's pro LGBT activism as Vice President. These words by Pence pretty much shows what he was like as Governor of Indiana and what he would be like if he should someday become President:

"I think throughout the campaign, President Trump made it clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration. I mean, he was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him.
“I think the generosity of his spirit, recognizing that in the patriot’s heart, there’s no room for prejudice is part of who this president is.”'




It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Remember: Long time transgender activist Donald Trump isn't prohibiting transgender men and women from serving in the military because they are mentally ill, he's doing it because of the cost. Also remember that it isn't an outright ban, but there are "restrictions".

Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to be enforced

Jan. 22, 2019

The Supreme Court handed President Trump a partial win on Tuesday, allowing the administration to temporarily enforce its restrictions on transgender people serving in the military.
The court ruled 5-4 to stay two district court orders that blocked the new policy, with the court’s liberal wing dissenting. The justices said they are waiting for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to weigh in.
“The department is pleased with the orders issued by the Supreme Court today,” Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. Carla Gleason said in a statement. “We will continue to work with the Department of Justice regarding next steps in the pending lawsuits. As always, we treat all transgender persons with respect and dignity.”
Read more: https://thehill.com/regulation/cour...llows-transgender-military-ban-to-be-enforced

I highlighted the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals because as many following this thread know, Donald Trump recently nominated a homosexual activist to the Court: Patrick Bumatay (Gee, I wonder how he'll rule?).


Homosexual/homosexual activist Patrick Bumatay, recently nominated for the ultra liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals by President Donald Trump


From Amy Contrada at MassResistance:

Trans Females in Men’s Spaces
The other side of the Bathroom Wars: It’s time to address the issue of trans females in male locker rooms and restrooms.

Fall 2018

CAUTION: Disturbing photos below

*Denial of reality and forced compliance

*The Bathroom Wars are important

*Trans females in men’s spaces

*School scenarios

*The Trans Girl Wrestler

*Public restrooms and adult locker rooms

*Transgender demands take precedence

*Trans activists are focused on disruption, not safety


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One more for the team ey Art?

When an alcohol or drug addiction counselor falls off the wagon and decides to go back to a life of alcohol or drug addiction, I wonder why that doesn't make headlines?

Focus on those who succeed, not those who fail.

There's no credible record of anyone succeeding but there's plenty evidence to underline the harm of such quack practices. It's why these places are being systematically shut down and children protected from being forced into ones that still operate.

Who knows what "team" you're on about...


One of the problems with the Catholic Church is that it's simply acted less condemning and more naive of both internal and external affairs. They don't allow homosexuals and pedophiles to become priests but they don't really have a nose for it either- that's what opened the doors to sexual antics in the priesthood, at least in this current age.

Also the RCC has over 400,000 priests scattered through all but a few Muslim countries in the world- there's not many options in monitoring all of them, in fact some of them no doubt teach or do things things that aren't in accordance with the Vatican. For example, if a woman wants a divorce a priest is likely to just find a means to annul it regardless of the circumstance.

Ultimately their main objective is preeminence over other communions. They want to maintain as much of their laity as possible which is why they are not excommunicating anybody anymore and are doing things like keeping people who've had abortions or have alternative lifestyles within it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Also the RCC has over 400,000 priests scattered through all but a few Muslim countries in the world- there's not many options in monitoring all of them ...

ummm - you do realize that the catholic church is a hierarchical structure, right?

they don't just stamp out new priests and fling them willy-nilly into the darkest parts of africa and say "check in in a few years and let us know how you're doing"


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One more for the team ey Art?

When an alcohol or drug addiction counselor falls off the wagon and decides to go back to a life of alcohol or drug addiction, I wonder why that doesn't make headlines?

Focus on those who succeed, not those who fail.

There's no credible record of anyone succeeding:

Here's a just a few:



OVERCOMING HOMOSEXUALITY: Dan Hitz (left) went from being a homosexual “terrified of true intimacy with a woman” — having grown up in a chaotic and dysfunctional home — to a family man with a wife and five children. Read his Christian testimony at Restored Hope Network

but there's plenty evidence to underline the harm of such quack practices.

Evidence, yes, let's talk evidence.

Please supply the
1). Name of person/people that went through therapy and failed (while you're at it, define what it means to fail at conversion/reparative therapy, as different people have different goals).
2). Name of therapist and/or organization that the person/people who failed used.
3). City and country the therapy took place in.
4). Approximate date that the person went through therapy.

Remember some pages back I showed that there were fraudulent reports by homosexual activists about such claims.

It's why these places are being systematically shut down and children protected from being forced into ones that still operate.

Because homosexuals are such great protectors of children.


12 year old drag queen "Desmond the Amazing" with famous homosexual/drag queen Ru Paul (no comment on the other two degenerates in the picture that appear to be drooling over a 12 year old boy dressed like a little girl).
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
One of the problems with the Catholic Church is that it's simply acted less condemning and more naive of both internal and external affairs. They don't allow homosexuals and pedophiles to become priests but they don't really have a nose for it either- that's what opened the doors to sexual antics in the priesthood, at least in this current age.
People have forever tried to protect their own from criminal prosecution. It's wrongheaded and unjust. It occurs in families, in the police and military, in government, in business, and yes, in churches. It needs to stop. Whenever there is a criminal complaint against someone, call the police, that is their business.
Also the RCC has over 400,000 priests scattered through all but a few Muslim countries in the world- there's not many options in monitoring all of them, in fact some of them no doubt teach or do things things that aren't in accordance with the Vatican.
Every validly ordained Catholic priest is subservient to his bishop; priests are assistants of their bishops.
For example, if a woman wants a divorce a priest is likely to just find a means to annul it regardless of the circumstance.
The Church pronounces null marriages annulled, but they do so through a procedure that examines the facts of each case. If the facts show that the marriage was null (there are a variety of reasons why; for example, if the two spouses were close relations, or if there was any form of coercion involved, then the marriages were never valid; iow they were null all along), then the Church merely authorizes its nullity.
Ultimately their main objective is preeminence over other communions.
Catholicism believes that the reunification of the whole entire Church on earth is the gathering together of all Christians at Catholic Masses. Each Christian tradition that is interested in the reunification of the whole entire Body of Christ on earth, has their own ideas about how that should come about; and Catholicism has its view on the matter as well.
They want to maintain as much of their laity as possible which is why they are not excommunicating anybody anymore and are doing things like keeping people who've had abortions or have alternative lifestyles within it.
The Church recognizes that there are a variety of circumstances that surround the commission of serious /grave sins by Christians, that render our choice to commit these sins less than fully voluntary, and so what you're seeing is that recognition playing out, imo. It also tends to look like, in some ways, grace and mercy.


For those of you who want to share Donald Trump's pro homosexual/transgender activism before and during his Presidency with others, I'll be compiling all of the posts showing that into one post in the near future, and of course adding additional information as he continues to support the homosexual movement during his Presidency.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One more for the team ey Art?

When an alcohol or drug addiction counselor falls off the wagon and decides to go back to a life of alcohol or drug addiction, I wonder why that doesn't make headlines?

Focus on those who succeed, not those who fail.

Here's a just a few:



OVERCOMING HOMOSEXUALITY: Dan Hitz (left) went from being a homosexual “terrified of true intimacy with a woman” — having grown up in a chaotic and dysfunctional home — to a family man with a wife and five children. Read his Christian testimony at Restored Hope Network

Evidence, yes, let's talk evidence.

Please supply the
1). Name of person/people that went through therapy and failed (while you're at it, define what it means to fail at conversion/reparative therapy, as different people have different goals).
2). Name of therapist and/or organization that the person/people who failed used.
3). City and country the therapy took place in.
4). Approximate date that the person went through therapy.

Remember some pages back I showed that there were fraudulent reports by homosexual activists about such claims.

Because homosexuals are such great protectors of children.


12 year old drag queen "Desmond the Amazing" with famous homosexual/drag queen Ru Paul (no comment on the other two degenerates in the picture that appear to be drooling over a 12 year old boy dressed like a little girl).

As I said before, there's no credible record of any "conversion therapy" having worked but there's plenty proof of how much harm it's caused. At least some of the quacks have had the decency and honesty to acknowledge this and apologize for it.


As I said before, there's no credible record of any "conversion therapy" having worked but there's plenty proof of how much harm it's caused. At least some of the quacks have had the decency and honesty to acknowledge this and apologize for it.

I'll keep sharing the success stories, as there are plenty out there, because this thread supports a culture of life, not the culture of death.

BTW, don't you think that David Matheson is a bit old to be getting involved with the disease ridden homosexual lifestyle again?


David Matheson

I bet that there are plenty of homosexuals out there that would gladly give him AIDS just to spite him for helping others leave the homosexual deathstyle behind when he was an EX gay counselor.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll keep sharing the success stories, as there are plenty out there, because this thread supports a culture of life, not the culture of death.

BTW, don't you think that David Matheson is a bit old to be getting involved with the disease ridden homosexual lifestyle again?


David Matheson

I bet that there are plenty of homosexuals out there that would gladly give him AIDS just to spite him for helping others leave the homosexual deathstyle behind when he was an EX gay counselor.

He didn't "help others", that's the point.



He didn't "help others", that's the point.


You should really do some research on people that you do cartwheels over Arthur. According to this article, Matheson was an EX homosexual counselor since 2004, on a full time basis, with a rotating cliental of 50 men.

Matheson even stated "I’m not renouncing my past work...I continue to support the rights of individuals to choose how they will respond to their sexual attractions and identity."

While I'd never heard of the guy in the dozens of EX homosexual articles that I've posted in this 5 part thread, he must have been somewhat successful if he were able to stay in business for 14 years, as he studied under the late-great Joseph Nicolosi.

As you can see in the latter part of the article, there are many angry homosexuals out there that would love to get even with David Matheson. Hopefully Matheson will come to his senses and avoid going back to the culture of death.

Kit the Coyote

New member
He didn't "help others", that's the point.


Every quack medical treatment and fad diet that has ever existed come replete with 'success' stories. Yet with all this success, they cannot scrape together a single peer reviewable scientific study as proof. The primary reason for this is they don't do any real documentation and validation of their work. Thus they don't know if the person who is an eventual success was truly an exclusively gay man in the first place or just someone who was questioning or bisexual. And in the end, they simply call completing the course and stating that they are straight a success without any validation of the change. A gay man who decides to be celibate or a bisexual who decides to limit his dating to women is not a success. It is why third parties trying to validate their success rate come up with 1% at best.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Every quack medical treatment and fad diet that has ever existed come replete with 'success' stories. Yet with all this success, they cannot scrape together a single peer reviewable scientific study as proof. The primary reason for this is they don't do any real documentation and validation of their work. Thus they don't know if the person who is an eventual success was truly an exclusively gay man in the first place or just someone who was questioning or bisexual. And in the end, they simply call completing the course and stating that they are straight a success without any validation of the change. A gay man who decides to be celibate or a bisexual who decides to limit his dating to women is not a success. It is why third parties trying to validate their success rate come up with 1% at best.

Absolutely, but that requires reason, critical thinking skills and objectivity. Attributes that aCW doesn't exactly have, in abundance or otherwise...


Every quack medical treatment and fad diet that has ever existed come replete with 'success' stories.

Quack medical treatment like when a pro homosexual drug company claims that Truvada prevents HIV/AIDS when taken.

Gay man adhering to daily Truvada contracts drug-resistant HIV

Yet with all this success, they cannot scrape together a single peer reviewable scientific study as proof.

Effects of Therapy on Religious Men Who Have Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction
The American Psychological Association and other organizations have formally claimed that sexual orientation change therapies should not be used because they are probably ineffective and may cause harm. A survey asking for negative and positive experiences of 125 men with active lay religious belief who went through sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) strongly conflicted with those claims. In our study, most of those who participated in group or professional help had heterosexual shifts in sexual attraction, sexual identity and behavior with large statistical effect sizes, similarly moderate-to-marked decreases in suicidality, depression, substance abuse, and increases in social functioning and self-esteem. Almost all harmful effects were none to slight. Prevalence of help or hindrance, and effect size, were comparable with those for conventional psychotherapy for unrelated mental health issues.

Why stop at one?

A Longitudinal Study of Attempted Religiously Mediated Sexual Orientation Change

Ah heck, why stop at 2 studies?

What Research Shows: NARTH’s Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality


Of course when talking about the pro homosexual APA I have to remind the readers of this thread that it's the same APA that wanted to remove pedophilia (adult-child rape) from it's list of mental disorders a few years back.

The primary reason for this is they don't do any real documentation and validation of their work. Thus they don't know if the person who is an eventual success was truly an exclusively gay man in the first place or just someone who was questioning or bisexual. And in the end, they simply call completing the course and stating that they are straight a success without any validation of the change. A gay man who decides to be celibate or a bisexual who decides to limit his dating to women is not a success. It is why third parties trying to validate their success rate come up with 1% at best.

Ahhhh, so if someone leaves the homosexual lifestyle behind, they weren't a 'real homosexual' to begin with.

The thousands of EX homosexuals out there would laugh in your face over that absurd remark (although there is no such thing as a 'real homosexual', as homosexual desires aren't inborn, they're brought on through traumatic childhood experiences).
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