Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Surprise, surprise, Lesbians (the "L" in the LGBT acronym) sexually molest children too.

"The secret not yet told": Women describe alleged abuse by nuns

Catholic bishops from across the U.S. are gathering Wednesday for a weeklong retreat on the clergy sex abuse crisis at a seminary near Chicago. Organizers said the retreat, which was requested by Pope Francis, will focus on prayer and spiritual reflection and not policy-making.
The gathering comes as CBS News has also learned of several cases involving nuns accused of sexual misconduct. The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests – or SNAP – said it doesn't keep count of sexual abuse allegations, but CBS News' Nikki Battiste has spoken with several women who recently reported misconduct, ranging from forceful kissing to molestation, all carried out by nuns.

When Trish Cahill was 15 years old she said she confided in Sister Eileen Shaw at a convent in New Jersey. Cahill said she told Shaw things she'd never revealed to anyone about her now-deceased uncle – a priest – whom she claims sexually abused her, starting at age five.
"I would have done anything for her. I would have died for her," Cahill said. "She gave me everything that was lacking that I didn't even know I was lacking. I was so broken. She filled in all those pieces."
She now describes that process as "grooming," saying Shaw plied her with drugs and alcohol while teaching her how to have sex with a woman.

"I'm with my friends during the day. And I'm with this pedophile nun on the evenings and on the weekends, and in the summer," Cahill said.
The Catholic Church has been plagued with high-profile abuse scandals but "pedophile nun" is a phrase many people have probably never heard before.
"That's really a shame. Because there's a lot of them out there … it's the secret not yet told," Cahill said.


Sister Eileen Shaw, the women Trish Cahill says abused her.
CBS News


Because everything that homosexuals touch ends up being destroyed...

The Boy Scouts Filing Bankruptcy After a String of “Woke” Decisions Caused It to Go Broke

Dec. 13, 2018

The once proud organization known as the Boy Scouts is declaring bankruptcy after severely flagging numbers due to a myriad of problems, including implementing social justice measures to make it more inclusive.
According to the Daily Caller, the Boy Scouts changed its name to Scouts BSA and began to allow girls into their ranks. Before that, the Boy Scouts ruled that openly gay scouts and scout leaders could also join the program. This lead to a serious decline in membership and now the organization is filing Chapter 11:
The Wednesday report comes in the wake of sinking membership and multiple controversies surrounding the 108-year-old organization, including sex abuse allegations and its controversial decision to change its program name from Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA and allow girls into that program.
Chicago law firm Sidley Austin has reportedly been hired to assist in what would be a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing.
As the organization has made decisions deemed to be more inclusive, such as allowing openly gay scouts in 2013 and scoutmasters in 2015 as well as the 2018 decision to allow girls, membership has continued to decline sharply, from over 4+ million members at its peak to a claimed 2.3 million members at present.
It’s only going to get worse as well. The Mormon Church has announced that it’s discontinuing its partnership with the Boy Scouts and will be starting up its own boy’s program in 2020, according to the Daily Caller. When that happens, the Scouts will lose a third of its membership.
Read more: https://www.redstate.com/brandon_mo...ruptcy-string-woke-decisions-caused-go-broke/

These words once meant something:




I've praised EX transgender Walt Heyer and his Sex Change Regret website in this 5 part thread numerous times:

Now Walt has come out with another book:

30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet In New Book

Jan. 3, 2019

Walt Heyer is aware of firsthand what it’s wish to bear intercourse change surgical procedure after which remorse it. After dwelling as a lady for almost a decade, he determined to simply accept his organic intercourse and de-transition again to male. By then, Walt had acquired intensive cognitive remedy that helped him acknowledge early childhood trauma he had skilled.

The trauma resulted in a psychological situation referred to as dissociative id dysfunction (DID). In the readability of that realization, his gender dysphoria merely vanished. His life as a “woman” all amounted to an try to flee actuality. Sadly, too few individuals think about the likelihood that gender dysphoria can manifest as a byproduct or symptom of different psychological circumstances, and most definitely of DID. (Extra on that under.)
Walt suffered large waves of remorse because of following by means of together with his urge to be a lady. He had eagerly taken the bait of politicized medical practitioners, who hurried him alongside within the transition. He not solely regretted what he had completed to his physique, he additionally grieved over the estrangement from his spouse and youngsters brought on by his drastic change in id...

In “Trans Life Survivors,” you’ll additionally examine “Blair,” who holds a Guinness World Report for many gender-reassignment surgical procedures: 167 surgical procedures to make him really feel extra like a lady. For sure, it didn’t work out. However we will simply suspect in his case the existence of surgical predators who benefit from weak individuals. Many others, like Michael, acknowledge that it’s all “a sick money-making industry.”

Read more: https://sznewskfg.com/30-transgender-regretters-come-out-of-the-closet-in-new-book/


Walt Heyer


I saw this headline on the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality website:

Drain Obama’s LGBTQ Swamp – Sen. Mike Lee Blocks Radical Lesbian Legal Activist Chai Feldblum at EEOC as ‘Threat to Marriage’

It sounds noble Senator Lee, but aren't you a bit late to this dance? Why weren't you speaking out when Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump had homosexual/homosexual activist Peter Thiel speaking primetime, belittling the culture wars at the Republican National Convention?

Why weren't you speaking out when Donald Trump proudly flew the rainbow flag of death at a Greeley CO rally two days before the election?

Why weren't you speaking out when shortly after being elected, Donald Trump stated that Obergefell v Hodges "is settled law, it's done"?

Why weren't you speaking out against Donald Trump's first SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch, who as a rookie on the Supreme Court ruled AGAINST religious liberty in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v CO Civil Rights Commission case? (no laws were overturned that would protect religious liberty nor was there any legal precedence set in the case).

And why weren't you speaking out when Trump reappointed homosexual/homosexual activist Chai Feldblum serveral months ago instead of now?

Too little too late Senator Lee.


Senator Mike Lee, Utah


More from Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:

These Are the Major Corporate Sponsors of the LGBTQ (“Queer”) Lobby Group Human Rights Campaign

The following are listed as the major corporate sponsors of the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and most powerful Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer (LGBTQueer) lobby group (as of Jan. 5, 2019). I suspect that every single one of these companies supports the federal “Equality Act” (a top HRC priority), which would add homosexuality and transgenderism as criteria for America’s Civil Rights law–thereby elevating “rights” based on sexual-and-gender perversion (and immorality) to noble civil rights status in the law. This would have a devastating impact on people and institutions of faith–and enhance the ability of LGBTQ activists to legally bully Christians into supporting radical “gay” and “trans” agenda items like homosexuality-based “marriage” and transgender “rights.”...

Platinum (Highest Level)
American Airlines
Coca Cola
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Northop Grumman
Gold Partners
West Elm (Williams Sonoma / Pottery Barn)
Read more: https://americansfortruth.com/2019/...gbtq-queer-lobby-group-human-rights-campaign/

For many of you following this now 5 part thread you're aware that the child indoctrinating homosexual movement has hijacked corporations into siding with their immoral agenda. I once promoted boycotting businesses like Target, but now really see no need to because of the following:

Why is it ok for supposed pro family organizations like the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel and Phony Perkins' Family Research Council to throw their support behind rainbow flag waver Donald Trump, but it's not ok for me to shop at Target?


Phony evangelicals for Trump: Phony Perkins, Bob Jeffress, Frank Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr.


Not only more proof as to what causes homosexual desires, but how the molested often times becomes the molester...

Kevin Spacey’s Brother Reveals They Were Molested By Their Father, Compares His Brother To Bill Cosby

Jan. 12, 2019

Kevin Spacey’s brother, Randall “Randy” Fowler, has never had any reservations about sharing his opinion of his famous sibling. The estranged brothers have been at odds for quite some time and haven’t even spoken in years. However, that doesn’t mean Randy doesn’t know what’s going on in his brother’s life. In the wake of Spacey’s sexual assault case, Randy has spoken out multiple times sharing details about their childhood, his brother’s life outside of the limelight, and how he feels about the pending charges Kevin is currently facing.
Now, he’s speaking out again with even more details. According to the Source, the 62-year-old recently revealed he and his brother were molested as children. When Fowler appeared on the Drew and Mike podcast, he compared Spacey to their father, claiming he, too, was guilty of committing similar crimes when they were children...

During an interview with Radar Online, Randy compared his brother to Bill Cosby, revealing why he believes his brother when it comes to certain alleged victims.
“It’s not just about the sexual gratification, it’s about the power,” Randy said during the interview.

Read more: https://www.inquisitr.com/5246697/k...ir-father-compares-his-brother-to-bill-cosby/


Homosexual/predator/actor Kevin Spacey with his brother Randall Fowler


Sexual Abuse: A Major Cause Of Homosexuality?

It is a well-documented fact that many many homosexuals were sexually abused when young. (This paper will conclude with a list of some books which support that statement.)

In other words, there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.
Indeed, there are many more cases of sexual abuse than there are cases of homosexuality. As one large study discussed in a 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found, on average 12.8% of women and 4.3% of men recall being sexually abused.1 (How many do not recall it?)
According to Dr. James E. Soukup, author of a book which deals with several subjects including sexual abuse: "In one national study in 1985, 27 percent of the females interviewed and 16 percent of the males reported to have been sexually abused as children. Other studies indicate that these figures are too low. It is suggested that eighty percent of all sexual abuse is not reported."2
The Associated Press noted in late 1998 that, according to an analysis of 166 studies covering the years 1985-97: "As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused."3
(According to a JAMA review of literature re the sexual abuse of boys, only 10%-33% of male abuse victims ever tell anyone about that abuse.4 The review also found that: "Abused [male] adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused."5 And regarding female abuse victims, one study found that 38% of adult women ages 18-31 who were sexually abused when young [between ages 10 months to 12 years] did not remember that they were sexually abused when young.6)
According to an article in Newsweek: "University of New Hampshire professor David Finkelhor, widely considered the premier researcher on crimes against children,...finds that 21 percent of all girls and at least 3 (but more likely 10) percent of boys are sexually victimized by age 17."7
Whatever the true percentages are of male and female sex abuse victims, considering how high the suggested/reported numbers are compared to the percentage of the population that is homosexual (only 1%-2%), we can see that sexual abuse can theoretically account for every case of homosexuality.
Read more: http://www.home60515.com/3.html




Continuing with Donald Trump's pro homosexual/transgender activism before and during his Presidency:

December 14, 2017 - Trump shocks conservatives in renominating LGBT activist to top anti-discrimination post

The Trump Administration has nominated to keep a radical LGBT activist, lesbian Chai Feldblum, in place as commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
A holdover from the Obama Administration, Feldblum is credited with spearheading and implementing much of the former administration’s radical gay and transgender policy agenda...

Feldblum was appointed by President Obama to the EEOC in 2010, despite being one of the original signatories of the notorious 2006 “Beyond Marriage” declaration.

The declaration promoted, among other things: “Legal recognition for a wide range of relationships, households, and families,” as well as, “Committed, loving households in which there is more than one conjugal partner,” and “Queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple, in two households.”

During a 2009 Senate Hearing, Feldblum testified that she had asked to have her name removed from the Beyond Marriage document because of its endorsement of polyamorous relationships.
Feldman holds that sexual liberty always trumps religious liberty. She once explained to National Review’s Maggie Gallagher that while she “didn’t claim she could never find a case where religious liberty wins . . . she was having trouble doing so.”
“Things have changed,” said Feldblum during a 2015 panel discussion sponsored by the Atlantic. “We believe sex discrimination covers discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Feldblum “succeeded in having the EEOC take the position that Title VII protects gays and lesbians from employment discrimination,” notes Mirengoff at Powerline. She next “focused on the transgender bathroom wars. She cast the deciding vote in a case where the EEOC decided that the Department of the Army discriminated against Todd Lusardi when it denied him equal access to female restroom facilities. Feldblum and two other commissioners viewed the denial as both disparate treatment on the basis of sex and creation of a hostile work environment.”


Obama/Trump EEOC appointee Chai Feldblum, who is a lesbian and homosexual activist


New member
Continuing with Donald Trump's pro homosexual/transgender activism before and during his Presidency:

December 14, 2017 - Trump shocks conservatives in renominating LGBT activist to top anti-discrimination post

The Trump Administration has nominated to keep a radical LGBT activist, lesbian Chai Feldblum, in place as commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
A holdover from the Obama Administration, Feldblum is credited with spearheading and implementing much of the former administration’s radical gay and transgender policy agenda...

Feldblum was appointed by President Obama to the EEOC in 2010, despite being one of the original signatories of the notorious 2006 “Beyond Marriage” declaration.

The declaration promoted, among other things: “Legal recognition for a wide range of relationships, households, and families,” as well as, “Committed, loving households in which there is more than one conjugal partner,” and “Queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple, in two households.”

During a 2009 Senate Hearing, Feldblum testified that she had asked to have her name removed from the Beyond Marriage document because of its endorsement of polyamorous relationships.
Feldman holds that sexual liberty always trumps religious liberty. She once explained to National Review’s Maggie Gallagher that while she “didn’t claim she could never find a case where religious liberty wins . . . she was having trouble doing so.”
“Things have changed,” said Feldblum during a 2015 panel discussion sponsored by the Atlantic. “We believe sex discrimination covers discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Feldblum “succeeded in having the EEOC take the position that Title VII protects gays and lesbians from employment discrimination,” notes Mirengoff at Powerline. She next “focused on the transgender bathroom wars. She cast the deciding vote in a case where the EEOC decided that the Department of the Army discriminated against Todd Lusardi when it denied him equal access to female restroom facilities. Feldblum and two other commissioners viewed the denial as both disparate treatment on the basis of sex and creation of a hostile work environment.”


Obama/Trump EEOC appointee Chai Feldblum, who is a lesbian and homosexual activist

Kill that *****.

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Profound Merlin, absolutely profound. Lesbian/homosexual activist Chai Feldblum is only doing what she knows how to do: promoting the LGBT 'culture of death'. The question that needs to be asked is why did Donald Trump reappoint her.
An ignoramus at the Libertarian leaning Freerepublic stated that someone else within the Trump administration did the reappointment and Trump wasn't aware of it. Obviously the freeper is not aware of all of the pro LGBT activism Donald Trump has partaken in prior to and during his Presidency. That being said: If Donald Trump wasn't aware of the reappointment, why hasn't he done anything to nix that appointment now?


In positive news:

New MassResistance Chapter opens in Arizona. A formerly conservative state being hit by LGBT movement.
Local groups call for help from MassResistance!
Meeting "attacked" by Antifa


MassResistance is expanding. They're at the front lines of this culture war and armed with the truth and ready to win!

Start a Chapter in your State.




Continuing with Donald Trump's pro LGBT activism prior to and during his Presidency:

Trump nominates lesbian judge tied to LGBT groups for federal bench

August 24, 2018

Judge Mary Rowland, a federal magistrate judge in Illinois who spent 12 years in private practice and 10 years in the Chicago federal defender’s office, is Trump’s nominee to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

In praising Rowland’s qualifications, pro-abortion Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-IL, specifically highlighted her membership in the Lesbian & Gay Bar Association of Chicago and pro bono work for the Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, a left-wing group.

Mary Rowland is well-respected by the LGBTQ community in Illinois and we are pleased that someone with her experience and integrity was nominated,” LGBTQ Victory Institute CEO Annise Parker said.


Judge Mary Rowland, yet ANOTHER LGBT activist welcomed into Donald Trump's administration.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"The Roman Catholic view of “desire/lust” (or “concupiscence”) is that it is not necessarily sinful. As I mentioned earlier this week, the evangelical position has in the main taught the opposite. Reformed evangelicals believe that the Bible teaches that desire for sin is sin."

Or there's the choice to keep the sinful thought but not to engage in the behavior, which it appears that celibate 'Gay Christians' are doing.
That's a tough row to hoe. I don't recommend it, and neither does the Catholic Church so far as I can tell from the authorized Catholic teachings found in the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church.'
God/Jesus says that both are wrong as seen in these many verses.

The idea is to become more like Christ.
Read His Word, pray, allow only good thoughts into your head, and when temptation enters it:

The Apostle Paul: His Secret to Fighting Sexual Sin
That's all right. I recommend though following Catholic advice on this matter, which is more or less in line with this article you posted. Study Scripture and the Catechism, pray without ceasing, and go to Mass. Conform your mind to the mind of Christ.


... I recommend though following Catholic advice on this matter, which is more or less in line with this article you posted. Study Scripture and the Catechism, pray without ceasing, and go to Mass. Conform your mind to the mind of Christ.

If I discovered that the church I attend had a decades long problem with pedophilia and pederasty because the liberals running the church allowed openly homosexual men in places of authority, I'd find a new church.


Next up: Peter LaBarbera on Mike Pence (and here you thought Mike Pence was a social conservative).


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If I discovered that the church I attend had a decades long problem with pedophilia and pederasty because the liberals running the church allowed openly homosexual men in places of authority, I'd find a new church.
The problem was and sadly remains, that bishops didn't want to simply refer complainants to local police, when they reported that priests were committing crimes. This behavior of not involving the police in criminal complaints, occurs in lots of organizations, including businesses, schools, families, and even within the police themselves. There's a 'code of silence' within groups, when members of those groups are found to or suspected of breaking the law. That whole practice needs to stop, so that justice can prevail, so it might as well begin with the Church, to lead the way for everybody else.
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