Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Kit the Coyote pulls his cute little kitty claws out and attacks aCW instead of defending SIT.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that it was two men who described themselves as Christian and are professors at a supposed Christian college that founded this faux movement [Sexual Identity Therapy], it's very important to point out that 'gay identity acceptance' has absolutely no place in Christian doctrine or with Christian therapists who counsel those with homosexual desires, whether those patients are followers of Christ or not.

It is quite clear now from your responses on this alternative that you never really cared about these troubled youths.

Yep, telling youth with homosexual desires and gender identity issues that the homosexual lifestyle is a deathstyle, physically, emotionally and spiritually shows that I don't care about them. Uh huh.

You will now deny them a chance to safely resolve their confusion in the name of group politics and your crusade against homosexuality.

"Deny them" like your LGBTQ movement is doing by passing laws banning legitimate therapy for youth with homosexual desires and gender identity issues?

You, sir, are a hypocrite, no different than the very homosexual activist conspiracy that you condemn.

Gosh, I don't believe I've ever been compared with child molesters Terry 'I likez em young' Bean (who founded the most powerful homosexual organization in the world: HRC), nor Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality..." Kameny who through his terror tactics was responsible for having homosexuality removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders.

In the name of your group,

Since I'm a follower of Christ, you can call "my group" 'disciples of Christ' if you wish.

you would deny them the very thing that God gave them, free will and a choice, in favor of shoving your solution down their throats.

As you recall from earlier discussions, God gives man free will, but NEVER instructs him to use it for purposes that go against His Word. 'Gay Identity Acceptance' goes against Judeo-Christian doctrine.
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Jeff Simunds is a therapist who helps people with homosexual desires from a Biblical approach. Jeff testified in front of the WA State Legislature when the ban on reparative/conversion therapy was being discussed before them. Here Jeff writes about the recent ban on conversion/reparative therapy here in Washington State:

Law Bans Conversion Therapy for Minors

Posted Mar 29, 2018

The main purpose for my writing this blog is to make you aware of what is happening in our legal system so you can be covering all of this in prayer. I know many of you have a heart for this ministry and for those struggling with unwanted LGBT issues and I highly covet your prayers.
The Washington State legislature recently voted into law a ban on conversion therapy for minors on the part of professional licensed therapists. This law prohibits any effort to change a minor’s behaviors or gender expressions or help them reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) or transgender feelings. Any counseling on the part of licensed therapists around a minor’s LGBT issues are only allowed to help them explore and develop their SSA and transgender feelings. It’s tragic that minors in Washington State can no longer get help from professional therapists to deal with their unwanted SSA or transgender issues. While this law only applies to minors it’s the first step in removing the rights of people with unwanted LGBT issues to get the help and support they need to live lives congruent with their faith.

California passed a similar law regarding minors several years ago and they’re now taking the next step, there is now a bill before the California legislature to ban all forms of help for adults with unwanted SSA and transgender feelings. As it’s currently written the bill not only applies to therapists but also pastors and lay people. This bill would also ban the sale of any literature that might help someone with unwanted SSA or transgender issues.
I don’t normally speak out politically because I don’t want to appear anti-LGBT, I want those dealing with LGBT issues to know I’m a safe person to come and talk to. However since the WA State bill would impact those I minister to I felt a need to speak on behalf of future minors who will be denied professional help when the bill was passed. Despite those efforts the bill was passed and will now become law. As California has shown this is only the first step and if the new bill passes in California we can be assured it will be brought before the Washington legislature shortly thereafter and what is currently banned for minors will be banned for everyone.
One problem with these laws is that they don’t specify what conversion therapy is. There’s no set of therapeutic steps to go through to change someone’s orientation. At Tower of Light Ministries we don’t make any claims to change someone’s orientation “ Tower of Light Ministries uses Christian discipleship; our focus is on helping people develop a deeper relationship with Christ and bringing Him into the areas of pain and wounding in our lives. Our focus isn’t on making people heterosexual but on helping people live a life that’s in alignment with their faith. While we don’t focus on making people heterosexual, many people find that their same-sex attractions diminish over time and some have reported developing heterosexual attractions.”
Again, I highly covet your prayers and the purpose of this blog is to raise awareness so you can be praying appropriately.
The WA State law: http://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2017-18/Pdf/Bills/Senate Passed Legislature/5722.PL.pdf
The California bill: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB2943



Originally Posted by MrDante
Oh look, ACW has moved the goalpost and is now lying about it.

What ARE the odds???? (well...the odds that ACW will lie is pretty much 100%)

What I am finding interesting is presented with an APA approved, safer alternative to CT/RT that allows for a confused Christian LGBT youth to reach a similar outcome as CT/RT if that is what that youth really wants, CW is now the one who wants to deny those youths help based on group politics. A complete 180.

Let's pretend for a second that Warren Throckmorton and Mark Yarhouse's Sexual Identity Therapy (SIT) isn't 'gay' affirmation therapy with a different name.

With 15? States passing legislation banning any effort to change a minor’s behaviors or gender expressions or help them reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) or transgender feelings, how would therapists that practice SIT legally go about helping youth with homosexual desires/gender confusion reduce or eliminate those desires and confusion?

If you need more time to do your homework on this fraudulent movement, I'll wait.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Originally Posted by MrDante
Oh look, ACW has moved the goalpost and is now lying about it.

What ARE the odds???? (well...the odds that ACW will lie is pretty much 100%)

Let's pretend for a second that Warren Throckmorton and Mark Yarhouse's Sexual Identity Therapy (SIT) isn't 'gay' affirmation therapy with a different name.

With 15? States passing legislation banning any effort to change a minor’s behaviors or gender expressions or help them reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) or transgender feelings, how would therapists that practice SIT legally go about helping youth with homosexual desires/gender confusion reduce or eliminate those desires and confusion?

If you need more time to do your homework on this fraudulent movement, I'll wait.

I did find it interesting that in one of the articles I read, someone expressed a concern that it might be conversion therapy under a different name. I tend to think that when you concern the activists on both sides you might be on to the right track. *laughs*


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
… With 15? States passing legislation banning any effort to change a minor’s behaviors or gender expressions or help them reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) or transgender feelings, how would therapists that practice SIT legally go about helping youth with homosexual desires/gender confusion reduce or eliminate those desires and confusion?

I did find it interesting that in one of the articles I read, someone expressed a concern that it might be conversion therapy under a different name. I tend to think that when you concern the activists on both sides you might be on to the right track. *laughs*

Since you won't answer the above question, please link the article that you're talking about as I would love to see the reasoning the author is using to not only compare SIT to conversion/reparative therapy, but to see if he or she addresses my question.

Being that LGBTQ ally Warren Throckmorton, one of the founders of SIT has written articles AGAINST conversion/reparative therapy, I highly doubt that anyone can accuse Sexual Identity Therapy of being conversion/reparative therapy in disguise.


After reading the first article in the link above, it makes me want to ask Warren Throckmorton the following question: When are you going to start being "neutral" on this subject?


I did find it interesting that in one of the articles I read, someone expressed a concern that it [Sexual Identity Therapy] might be conversion therapy under a different name...

From what little I've read so far SIT does not set out to change the patient's orientation so that is not an issue.

Without a doubt it's 'gay' affirmation therapy under another name.

Regarding your use of the world "change": Remember from the information that we've received from various sources that diminishing same sex desires is a big part of RT/CT.

That being said: Thanks for exposing yet another fraudulent movement founded by two frauds pretending to be Christians.

Warren Throckmorton and Mark Yarhouse's 'Sexual Identity Therapy'.


While looking up a quote that is credited to Christian Pastor Charles Spurgeon, I came across a quote by a man named Michael Marcavage, a follower of Christ who started an organization called "Repent America".

Here's the quote, and I plan to use it in every upcoming election and persuade others to do so as well:

"Christians must turn from the endless cycle of voting for the lesser of evils and expecting an unrighteous act to produce a righteous result. From a communist to a cultist, choosing the lesser of two evils is still evil, and never should we do evil that good may come”. – Michael Marcavage.

Speaking of Michael Marcavage: He and others were arrested at a Philadelphia 'gay' pride parade over 10 years ago for having the audacity to want to share the Word of God with proud and unrepentant sinners.

Here's what Marcavage and others were charged with:

criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct, and obstructing highways.

The charges were later thrown out of court, but this video shows whose side those that should be "punishing the wrongdoer" (Romans 13:4) are on.

I don't recall if I used this video in Part 1's "Silencing the Christians", if so, here it is again.


Kit the Coyote

New member
Without a doubt it's 'gay' affirmation therapy under another name.

Regarding your use of the world "change": Remember from the information that we've received from various sources that diminishing same sex desires is a big part of RT/CT.

That being said: Thanks for exposing yet another fraudulent movement founded by two frauds pretending to be Christians.

Warren Throckmorton and Mark Yarhouse's 'Sexual Identity Therapy'.

From the sounds of it, it seems more patient affirmation therapy, unlike RT, CT, or GAT; it appears focused on the needs and wants of the patient instead of what others want the patient to be.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Without a doubt it's [SIT] 'gay' affirmation therapy under another name...

From the sounds of it, it seems more patient affirmation therapy, unlike RT, CT, or GAT; it appears focused on the needs and wants of the patient instead of what others want the patient to be.

Then provide some documentation which shows that a patient who needs and wants to change or diminish his or her homosexual desires should go through Sexual Identity Therapy. While you're at it show how Throckmorton and Yarhouse can legally do so if the patient is a juvenile in one of the 15? States that have banned legislation that helps diminish or change homosexual desires and gender confusion.

I didn't think so.

How about you give this topic a rest for now and you can spew the same old LGBTQ lies talking points the next time this subject comes up?

Next up: Baker Jack Phillips is in trouble again for not baking a cake (and here I thought that the LGBTQ movement would respect Phillip's religious convictions after the SCOTUS ruling...yeah, uh huh).
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Kit the Coyote

New member
Then provide some documentation which shows that a patient who needs and wants to change or diminish his or her homosexual desires should go through Sexual Identity Therapy. While you're at it show how Throckmorton and Yarhouse can legally do so if the patient is a juvenile in one of the 15? States that have banned legislation that helps diminish or change homosexual desires and gender confusion.

There is no legal issue, SIT is not attempting to change or diminish a sexual orientation but help a patient learn to deal with them and the conflicts they raise in relation to what values are important to them.

Next up: Baker Jack Phillips is in trouble again for not baking a cake (and here I thought that the LGBTQ movement would respect Phillip's religious convictions after the SCOTUS ruling...yeah, uh huh).

Phillips is in trouble again because he failed to note exactly why the court ruled in his favor. He essentially got a favorable ruling on a technicality based on the inappropriate behavior by the state, not the merit of his religious freedom claim. He is even in trouble for doing something he claimed he wouldn't do, deny an LGBT person a cake for something other than a same-sex wedding.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then provide some documentation which shows that a patient who needs and wants to change or diminish his or her homosexual desires should go through Sexual Identity Therapy. While you're at it show how Throckmorton and Yarhouse can legally do so if the patient is a juvenile in one of the 15? States that have banned legislation that helps diminish or change homosexual desires and gender confusion.

There is no legal issue, SIT is not attempting to change or diminish a sexual orientation but help a patient learn to deal with them and the conflicts they raise in relation to what values are important to them.

As long as those "values" are pro homosexual/transgender.

Here's the definition of 'gay' affirmation therapy. Like I said, SIT is GAT in disguise.

Gay affirmative psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy for non-heterosexuals, specifically gay and lesbian clients, which focuses on client comfort in working towards authenticity and self-acceptance regarding sexual orientation, and does not attempt to "change" them to heterosexual, or to "eliminate or diminish" same-sex "desires and behaviors".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Next up: Baker Jack Phillips is in trouble again for not baking a cake (and here I thought that the LGBTQ movement would respect Phillip's religious convictions after the SCOTUS ruling...yeah, uh huh).

Phillips is in trouble again because he failed to note exactly why the court ruled in his favor. He essentially got a favorable ruling on a technicality based on the inappropriate behavior by the state, not the merit of his religious freedom claim.

You are partially correct. The SCOTUS ruling (as shown in earlier posts) didn't protect religious freedom. The real reason that Jack Phillips is "in trouble" is because homosexuality and transgenderism are legal and a protected status under the law, i.e. religious liberty and sexual deviancy can't 'coexist'.

He is even in trouble for doing something he claimed he wouldn't do, deny an LGBT person a cake for something other than a same-sex wedding.

I don't recall Phillips ever commenting on whether or not he would make a cake for a man who was celebrating having his genitalia surgically removed (genital mutilation) and now pretends to be a woman.


Baker Who Was Targeted by Colorado Civil Rights Commission for Refusing to Make A Same-Sex Wedding Cake Strikes Back in Counter Suit

August 16, 2018

Colorado: Jack Phillips, owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop, was targeted by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding but, eventually, won his case before the Supreme Court. On the same day the Court agreed to hear his case, attorney, Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to create a cake to celebrate a gender transition from male to female. As expected, Phillips refused, because the cake would have delivered a message about sex and gender identity that conflicts with his religious beliefs. Scardina then filed another discrimination complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, and the Commission ruled that Scardina belongs to a protected class based on her sex and transgender status. Now Phillips has filed a lawsuit against the Colorado Civil Rights Commission claiming he was bullied and targeted for his religious beliefs. The baker’s lawsuit accuses the Commission of violating his constitutional exercise of free speech, due process, and the right to equal protection. The lawsuit names the director of the commission, Aubrey Elenis, to hold her personally liable for any financial judgment the court might award, and he is requesting an additional $100,000 punitive judgment against her.

Read more: https://needtoknow.news/2018/08/bak...-sex-wedding-cake-strikes-back-counter-suite/

A couple of things to note:

The ever so 'tolerant' LGBTQ movement will continue this relentless assault against religious freedom until Jack Phillips has to close his business down (like other Christian business owners who stood up for their faith before him).

As stated in my previous post and as shown in the article above: As long as homosexuality and transgenderism are legal, thus the individuals engaging in those acts/behaviors are protected under the law, Phillips and anyone who tries to deny these lost souls/proud and unrepentant moral degenerates service, will be on the losing end.


The Berean

Well-known member
So I have some questions. How would re-criminalizing homosexuality actual be brought about? Would it be federal law? State law? What exactly will be criminalized? Just homosexual acts? Having attraction to the same sex? What happens to someone caught of a homosexual act? Will they executed? Sent to prison? Offered counseling? How exactly will the state find homosexuals? Spying on people?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So I have some questions. How would re-criminalizing homosexuality actual be brought about? Would it be federal law? State law?

yes and yes

What exactly will be criminalized? Just homosexual acts?

homosexual acts and the promotion of homosexual acts as "normal"

What happens to someone caught of a homosexual act? Will they executed?

swiftly, publicly and painfully

How exactly will the state find homosexuals?

same way they find people who molest children

Kit the Coyote

New member
As long as those "values" are pro homosexual/transgender.

The values are those of the patient, that is the difference. If the patient's religious values are more important to them than their same-sex desires then the outcome would likely not be pro-homosexual.

You are partially correct. The SCOTUS ruling (as shown in earlier posts) didn't protect religious freedom. The real reason that Jack Phillips is "in trouble" is because homosexuality and transgenderism are legal and a protected status under the law, i.e. religious liberty and sexual deviancy can't 'coexist'.

You are correct though it doesn't mean they cannot necessarily coexist but there is clearly a conflict between the religous freedom and the civil rights protections represented in public accomodation laws. As someone who embrasses civil liberties this is a difficult subject for me since I have sympathies for both sides of the issue.

To me the best solution is to recognized that we are talking about primarily an individual right in religious freedom, though it can become collective in selected cases such as churches. As such, I think the best answer for this in the law is that Jack Phillips does not have to make this cake if it violates his religion but his business does have to provide said cake if it provides such a cake for others. This best honors the civil rights issues on both sides.

One would assume that he has plans for when he is sick or otherwise unable to do work and can assign the work to someone else or contract out the work.

Kit the Coyote

New member
So I have some questions. How would re-criminalizing homosexuality actual be brought about? Would it be federal law? State law? What exactly will be criminalized? Just homosexual acts? Having attraction to the same sex? What happens to someone caught of a homosexual act? Will they executed? Sent to prison? Offered counseling? How exactly will the state find homosexuals? Spying on people?

It was previously done through state sodomy laws but the problem that arose was that there is nothing homosexuals do in the bedroom that heterosexuals don't also do. States found it increasingly hard to enforce sodomy laws against heterosexual couples who objected to the government intruding into their bedrooms. So the states stared just enforcing the laws against homosexuals. The courts eventually ruled this violated the Constitution's protections requiring equal treatment under the law. Thus sodomy laws became unenforceable.

The privacy issue combined with the equal treatment requirement means to recriminalize homosexuality would require reimposing sodomy laws on everybody, not just homosexuals and the general population will not stand for it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It was previously done through state sodomy laws but the problem that arose was that there is nothing homosexuals do in the bedroom that heterosexuals don't also do. States found it increasingly hard to enforce sodomy laws against heterosexual couples who objected to the government intruding into their bedrooms. So the states stared just enforcing the laws against homosexuals. The courts eventually ruled this violated the Constitution's protections requiring equal treatment under the law. Thus sodomy laws became unenforceable.

The privacy issue combined with the equal treatment requirement means to recriminalize homosexuality would require reimposing sodomy laws on everybody, not just homosexuals and the general population will not stand for it.

Even aCW knows it will never come about and it's effectively only hardcore religious zealots and nuts that advocate it regardless. Society has progressed past the dark ages for the most part nowadays. Additionally, it couldn't be policed without wasting manpower at the expense of actual crime as well but hey...

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