Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Never heard of him.

He's the current owner of TOL through Kgov.com

I have not seen Trump spread any gay smut around, so it sounds like a fake news lie to me.

It's not.

Bob is one of the most trustworthy men on the face of the planet, imho.

But then again, fake news lies are your specialty, right?

Unfortunately, Bob Enyart, Pastor of Denver Bible Church, and host of the shows "Bob Enyart Live," and "Theology Thursday," and co-host of "Real Science Radio" on Fridays, all on KLTT in Denver, is not lying about Trump in regards to homosexuality.

I strongly recommend you read the article UN posted.

Oh, and in case you're confused, no, I'm not a liberal like User is (or whatever he identifies as...).

God's Truth

New member
Amen back.

I think he does

I can hardly believe how we are being led by idiots in high positions.

For instance, Rod Blagojevich might have done wrong, but what is WORSE is the JUDGE in his case and the jury foreman.

We have corrupt dummies in charge of everything everywhere.

Just look at our medical industry, such as hospitals, and doctors, and even the hospital licensing board that are supposed to be our advocate.

So much corruption EVERYWHERE.

I like it that Trump sees that and speaks against it.

God's Truth

New member
Quote from Pastor Bob Enyart: "Christian supporters of Trump know something that they don't know that they know, how Trump is smothering Christians in the smut of homosexuality..."


Source: https://kgov.com/trump-homosexualizing-christians

I don't think Bob Enyart ever debates here?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Debate this

There is nothing to debate. It is good that some homosexuals are putting country ahead of their gender issues and supporting Trump. Your picture is childish and stupid and means nothing.

Jesus came not for the righteous but for sinners. If he were here today he would ignore the self-righteous like you and dine with the gay people, and through love teach them the ways of God.

Jesus used love to persuade. You use hate to attack. That's why nobody likes you.

God's Truth

New member
"Donald Trump homosexualizing Christians and getting the most politically active of them to stand and cheer for homosexual pride... And he's remaking the courts alright for example by putting on the 9th Circuit a "married" homosexual." -- https://kgov.com/superfluous-list-of...ives-going-gay

I don't go off to links. Take the main part of that link and post it here so we can see what point you really want to make, then I will reply to it.

By the way, pastors of certain denominations are accepting homosexuals as if it were okay. Trump goes against it! He says Christians should be able to say no to homosexuality.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
By the way, pastors of certain denominations are accepting homosexuals as if it were okay. Trump goes against it! He says Christians should be able to say no to homosexuality.

Doesn't Trump also say that "pastors of certain denominations" can say yes to it if they want to?


Well-known member
Talk more about sexual freedom and gender identity. Are you only talking about homosexuality or are you including the other sexual orientations such as incest, bestiality and man boy love? (my bad, pedophilia and pederasty are a huge part of homosexuality, so I was being redundant).
Don't try and bolt crimes to freedoms.

So sexual freedom only pertains to those who engage in acts of homoseuxality and transgenderism (i.e. genital mutilation)? What about the other 'sexual ortientations', shoud they be locked up for 'being who they are'?
Stick to the LGBTQA list!

I'm curious, for the vast part of US history, homosexuality was a criminal act. Were those laws equivalent to laws that are found in Muslim countries and some Christian countries today?
No. Islamic countries sentence convicts to biblical punishments.

Redemption doesn't play a part in Islam, it's the core tenet of Christianity, which were the purpose of laws that prohibited homosexuality in the US (not only to prevent moral decay in society, but to help those that are sexually confused).. BTW, you are aware that Islam prohibits abortion on demand as well. What do you think about Islamic Laws about abortion?
So.....? Do you acknowledge Islamic countries' legislation about the above, or not?
Come on! You rant on about homosexuality, and now abortion, and here we have a whole bunch of countries that follow your exact wishes, true? And yet you distance yourself from them?
Of course redemption plays a part in Islam! Where do you think that Muslims believe that they go after death? That's a redemption, isn't it?

You are aware that the rainbow flag waving churches that you're talking about don't follow the teachings of God on human sexuality aren't you?
They quote from similar bibles to yours. Must have a different interpretation, I guess. The local Riverside Church (has a rainbow emblem) is packed full for services, but the more puritan churches are mostly empty. Just sayin'......

It would be nice if proud and unrepentant homosexuals would read this thread, as hopefully they would open up their eyes to the lie that they're living and pushing onto society. Pass the word amongst your L/libertarian allies please!
Followers of Christ and those who stand for decency need to read it even more, as they need to know what they're up against.
Maybe President Trump should read you?
Maybe he should debate you?

]Libertarianism leads to slavery, not freedom, not only for the people who engage in it, but the society that embraces it.
Didn't Paul; support slave ownership?


Someone at the phony Christian website Charisma News told me this overused lie the other day and I hear it frequently from both secular humanists and ignorant Christians:

"Stop expecting non-believers to act like Christians".

Say what? Just because true followers of Christ don't murder, rape, steal and engage in sexual sins somehow means that we shouldn't expect that of others?

That's why we have laws, if not, we'd have a nation of anarchy, which we're seeing today.
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