Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorSexual Anarchist
What category does sexual anarchist* fall under?
A school of philosophy and other thinking that belives that anyone should be free to have sex with anyone else.from one's relatives,minors,or any other person ect. ...
You didn't answer my question. You stated in your post
Quote: Originally posted by eider
"I won't be listening to any more jibes about all supporters of LGBT rights being commies, socialists, Democrats and Lefties.",
implying that countries that embrace homosexuality, i.e. sexual anarchy/moral chaos can be fiscally/economically sound. Why do you think that all of the westernized countries in Europe and here in North America (Canada) that embrace sexual perversion are socialist or socialist leaning?
I did a section in an earlier WHMBR! thread entitled
"The High Cost of Sodomy"
WhileI don't have that segment available to link, this article explains why sodomy, i.e. homosexuality is economically costly to the nations that willfully embrace it.
I understand that you L/libertarians think that you can throw moral social order out of the window and still have a nation that is economically sound, but as we've seen here in America since homosexuality was made legal, be it under a Democrat or Republican controlled President and Congress, including the Presidency of Donald Trump, America is slowly drifting into socialism.
You can tell your...ahem...significant other that God has been very good to me.
Fair enough,..... to your answer about my wife's question.
Where I live we have had four Conservative governments consecutively and discarded an extreme Left party absolutely in our last election, yet we have had a good health system for all, and reasonable subsistence support for unemployment, sickness, disability and poverty since the last big war.
You are clearly terrified of countries that care about their disabled ,sick and poor and certainly traumatised by our insistence upon freedom of choice in religions, cultures, sexual identities, relationships and so on....
We tend to look upon your ideals and values as real dark ages stuff, and I would guess that visits by most Brits to your thread would be driven by similar forces that draw them to Madame Tussaud's Chamber of Horrors , for example.
We are not frightened of personal freedoms here, but we would come out in to the streets in uprising if any politician tried to ban sexual freedoms or subsistence fior the poor, disabled and sick.
So your attaching LGBT freedom to socialism just promotes Socialism as the way to go.. Whereas you are promoting countries like Saudi Arabia, it seems.