As we've seen time after time, and most recently with homosexual activist Candace Owens, the homosexual movement has permeated the conservative movement. It's become so insane that even (alleged) conservative websites publish articles such as this where the author compares the Puritans of early America to today's homosexual movement. Yes, for those of you that can't believe your eyes, I'll say it again:
It's become so insane that even (alleged) conservative websites publish articles such as this where the author compares the Puritans of early America to today's homosexual movement.
How Americans of Conscience Can Co-Exist with the LGBT Community: A Possible Path Forward
April 12, 2019
by Amy Haywood
"...If the LGBT movement is viewed through the lens of religion—instead of comparing it to race, a legally and historically faulty analogy—we might be able to find a peaceable way forward where orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews and others will not be forced to affirm LGBT ways of life, and, conversely, where religious people would not be able to force LGBT citizens back into the closet...
Unless a meaningful accommodation is reached, and if laws like the puritanical Equality Act are passed, we will likely see history repeat itself as orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc., will be forced to confess with their word and deed that they affirm an ideology that goes against their conscience and millennia of practice, and they will be forced out of their jobs and ultimately, the public square...
Under the First Amendment, Americans need not abide forced indoctrination, whether by Puritans or progressives. And hopefully, today’s progressive agenda on sexuality goes the way of the Puritans’ harsh penal codes. Until then, the question is whether we will reach an accommodation before our social fabric becomes too torn to repair. Nothing less than the fate of our ordered liberty hangs in the balance.
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In a nutshell, so that we can all 'coexist', Amy Haywood believes that the 'gaystapo' should be treated as a religion and laws should be passed to keep their 'religion' out of public places.
Amy Haywood: LGBT activist/pretend conservative writer for Townhall
It's become so insane that even (alleged) conservative websites publish articles such as this where the author compares the Puritans of early America to today's homosexual movement.
How Americans of Conscience Can Co-Exist with the LGBT Community: A Possible Path Forward
April 12, 2019
by Amy Haywood
"...If the LGBT movement is viewed through the lens of religion—instead of comparing it to race, a legally and historically faulty analogy—we might be able to find a peaceable way forward where orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews and others will not be forced to affirm LGBT ways of life, and, conversely, where religious people would not be able to force LGBT citizens back into the closet...
Unless a meaningful accommodation is reached, and if laws like the puritanical Equality Act are passed, we will likely see history repeat itself as orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc., will be forced to confess with their word and deed that they affirm an ideology that goes against their conscience and millennia of practice, and they will be forced out of their jobs and ultimately, the public square...
Under the First Amendment, Americans need not abide forced indoctrination, whether by Puritans or progressives. And hopefully, today’s progressive agenda on sexuality goes the way of the Puritans’ harsh penal codes. Until then, the question is whether we will reach an accommodation before our social fabric becomes too torn to repair. Nothing less than the fate of our ordered liberty hangs in the balance.
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In a nutshell, so that we can all 'coexist', Amy Haywood believes that the 'gaystapo' should be treated as a religion and laws should be passed to keep their 'religion' out of public places.

Amy Haywood: LGBT activist/pretend conservative writer for Townhall