Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, your secular humanist Courts have decided that people of faith (i.e. Christians) have to go to the back of the bus when it comes to dealing with the LGBTQueer movement.

Thanks for acknowledging that the two can't 'coexist'.

You mean "special rights" like parents being able to take their sexually and/or gender confused child to a therapist to help them overcome their confusion so that they don't end up dead at an early age like many homosexuals and transsexuals do?

Considering the abuse that goes on with these "therapists" it sure is a special right for parents to ignore child abuse law and have their child physically and emotionally abused for their own perverse sexual gratification.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean "special rights" like parents being able to take their sexually and/or gender confused child to a therapist to help them overcome their confusion so that they don't end up dead at an early age like many homosexuals and transsexuals do?

Considering the abuse that goes on with these "therapists" it sure is a special right for parents to ignore child abuse law and have their child physically and emotionally abused for their own perverse sexual gratification.

Uh huh, because the pedophiles and pederasts of the homosexual movement know what's best for children.

Wasn't it NAMBLA, the pedophile/pederast organization founded by homosexual activists that coined the phrase:

"Get em (the child) at 8 (years old) or you're too late"?


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean "special rights" like parents being able to take their sexually and/or gender confused child to a therapist to help them overcome their confusion so that they don't end up dead at an early age like many homosexuals and transsexuals do?

Uh huh, because the pedophiles and pederasts of the homosexual movement know what's best for children.

Wasn't it NAMBLA, the pedophile/pederast organization founded by homosexual activists that coined the phrase:

"Get em (the child) at 8 (years old) or you're too late"?
"Sex by 8 or it's too late!" was their motto.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Considering the abuse that goes on with these "therapists" it sure is a special right for parents to ignore child abuse law and have their child physically and emotionally abused for their own perverse sexual gratification.

aCW was clueless where it came to what went on in these "therapy centers", probably still is and likely still doesn't care. Their closure and illegality is all because of *the gay agenda*...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Uh huh, because the pedophiles and pederasts of the homosexual movement know what's best for children.

Wasn't it NAMBLA, the pedophile/pederast organization founded by homosexual activists that coined the phrase:

"Get em (the child) at 8 (years old) or you're too late"?

"Sex Rape em by 8 or it's too late!" was their motto.

Why not call it what it is?


Originally Posted by MrDante
Considering the abuse that goes on with these "therapists" it sure is a special right for parents to ignore child abuse law and have their child physically and emotionally abused for their own perverse sexual gratification.

aCW was clueless where it came to what went on in these "therapy centers", probably still is and likely still doesn't care. Their closure and illegality is all because of *the gay agenda*...


Sigh...if only two homosexual activists (who are too ashamed to admit that they're homosexuals) would come forward and tell their true life experiences of what it was like for them to go to a reparative therapy center...

I'd tell them something like "If it didn't work for you in your teens, try again until you get it right".


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Uh huh, because the pedophiles and pederasts of the homosexual movement know what's best for children.

Wasn't it NAMBLA, the pedophile/pederast organization founded by homosexual activists that coined the phrase:

"Get em (the child) at 8 (years old) or you're too late"?

Why not call it what it is?
Good point.

"Rape by 8 or it's too late!" it is.

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New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean "special rights" like parents being able to take their sexually and/or gender confused child to a therapist to help them overcome their confusion so that they don't end up dead at an early age like many homosexuals and transsexuals do?

Uh huh, because the pedophiles and pederasts of the homosexual movement know what's best for children.

Wasn't it NAMBLA, the pedophile/pederast organization founded by homosexual activists that coined the phrase:

"Get em (the child) at 8 (years old) or you're too late"?
You should know.


New member
Originally Posted by MrDante
Considering the abuse that goes on with these "therapists" it sure is a special right for parents to ignore child abuse law and have their child physically and emotionally abused for their own perverse sexual gratification.

Sigh...if only two homosexual activists (who are too ashamed to admit that they're homosexuals) would come forward and tell their true life experiences of what it was like for them to go to a reparative therapy center...

I'd tell them something like "If it didn't work for you in your teens, try again until you get it right".

Still holding onto the fantasy that I'm gay? You are a sad little man.

Even if i were my parents would never have let me anywhere near a conversion therapist, only child abusing degenerate perverts would want a child any where near one of those people.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Sigh...if only two homosexual activists (who are too ashamed to admit that they're homosexuals) would come forward and tell their true life experiences of what it was like for them to go to a reparative therapy center...

I'd tell them something like "If it didn't work for you in your teens, try again until you get it right".

Still holding onto the fantasy that I'm gay? You are a sad little man...

When someone posts something like this, it seriously makes one wonder:


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sigh...if only two homosexual activists (who are too ashamed to admit that they're homosexuals) would come forward and tell their true life experiences of what it was like for them to go to a reparative therapy center...

Which two people would that be aCW? Be specific and detail how you know that they're homosexual along with being apparently ashamed to admit it. Else one would have to conclude that this is yet another manifestation of a real bizarre fantasy on your part...

I'd tell them something like "If it didn't work for you in your teens, try again until you get it right".

Just as well you aren't in a position of care as you obviously have no problem with the abuse that's recorded as going in these places. Why do you suppose they're being made unlawful aCW?

When someone posts something like this, it seriously makes one wonder:


Hmm, a bit like when a supposedly straight guy has a what, a now four years plus blog on homosexuality containing all sorts of unnecessarily graphic material and innuendo that isn't going to change anything whatsoever and yet continues to source salacious stories and perpetuate it?

That kinda thing?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sigh...if only two homosexual activists (who are too ashamed to admit that they're homosexuals) would come forward and tell their true life experiences of what it was like for them to go to a reparative therapy center...

Which two people would that be aCW?...

You and ...Dante claim to be experts on reparative therapy, but really know nothing about it or are purposely lying (I'll go with the latter). Since we initially talked about it in Part 1 4-plus years ago and I admitted that I knew very little about it, (other than the LGBTQueer movement using scare tactics to demonize professionals that help those with homosexual desires change), I've educated myself about the process that involves both spiritual and psychological counseling. Now it's your and others that know absolutely nothing about it turn to learn:

Curriculum Vitae
Biographical Information
Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D.
Dr. Nicolosi graduated from the New School for Social Research (M.A.) and received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles. He is licensed as a psychologist in California.
In 1980, he founded the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic in Encino, California, and has served since then as Clinical Director. Although he works with a wide variety of clients, his specialty is the treatment of men who wish to diminish their same-sex attractions and develop their heterosexual potential.
Dr. Nicolosi is one of three founding members--and former President--of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), a 1,000-member professional association founded in 1992 (www.narth.com). NARTH’s goal is –
To support mental-health professionals who work with same-sex-attracted clients seeking change.
To promote respect within the mental-health profession for worldview diversity—whether a person seeks to identify as gay, or to work toward developing his heterosexual potential.
The NARTH website is viewed by over 100,000 visitors each month. It is the only secular group in the U.S. which protects the rights of therapists to counsel clients with unwanted homosexuality.
Dr. Nicolosi’s Published Books
Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality, 1992 (published by Jason Aronson, Inc.)
Healing Homosexuality, 1994 (Jason Aronson, Inc.)
A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, 2002 (Intervarsity Press)
Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy, 2009 (InterVarsity Press)
Read more: http://www.josephnicolosi.com/


Note at around the 4 minute mark how Dr. Nicolosi states that the client must be motivated.

It's that free will thing that God created mankind with. If you want to change, you can.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You and ...Dante claim to be experts on reparative therapy, but really know nothing about it or are purposely lying (I'll go with the latter). Since we initially talked about it in Part 1 4-plus years ago and I admitted that I knew very little about it, (other than the LGBTQueer movement using scare tactics to demonize professionals that help those with homosexual desires change), I've educated myself about the process that involves both spiritual and psychological counseling. Now it's your and others that know absolutely nothing about it turn to learn:

Curriculum Vitae
Biographical Information
Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D.
Dr. Nicolosi graduated from the New School for Social Research (M.A.) and received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles. He is licensed as a psychologist in California.
In 1980, he founded the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic in Encino, California, and has served since then as Clinical Director. Although he works with a wide variety of clients, his specialty is the treatment of men who wish to diminish their same-sex attractions and develop their heterosexual potential.
Dr. Nicolosi is one of three founding members--and former President--of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), a 1,000-member professional association founded in 1992 (www.narth.com). NARTH’s goal is –
To support mental-health professionals who work with same-sex-attracted clients seeking change.
To promote respect within the mental-health profession for worldview diversity—whether a person seeks to identify as gay, or to work toward developing his heterosexual potential.
The NARTH website is viewed by over 100,000 visitors each month. It is the only secular group in the U.S. which protects the rights of therapists to counsel clients with unwanted homosexuality.
Dr. Nicolosi’s Published Books
Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality, 1992 (published by Jason Aronson, Inc.)
Healing Homosexuality, 1994 (Jason Aronson, Inc.)
A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, 2002 (Intervarsity Press)
Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy, 2009 (InterVarsity Press)
Read more: http://www.josephnicolosi.com/


Note at around the 4 minute mark how Dr. Nicolosi states that the client must be motivated.

It's that free will thing that God created mankind with. If you want to change, you can.

Never claimed to be an expert but it was blatantly obvious that "conversion therapy" was bunk and worse still, potentially very harmful. It's quack pseudo-science at 'best' and downright abusive at worst. It's no wonder the practice is roundly condemned by health organizations around the board but of course you won't consider any of that cos in "fundie world" you can just 'pray away the gay' right? Here's to when these crackpots won't be able to practice their rubbish under law full stop.






Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Note at around the 4 minute mark how Dr. Nicolosi states that the client must be motivated.

It's that free will thing that God created mankind with. If you want to change, you can.

Never claimed to be an expert but it was blatantly obvious that "conversion therapy" was bunk and worse still, potentially very harmful. It's quack pseudo-science at 'best' and downright abusive at worst. It's no wonder the practice is roundly condemned by health organizations around the board but of course you won't consider any of that cos in "fundie world" you can just 'pray away the gay' right? Here's to when these crackpots won't be able to practice their rubbish under law full stop.


Had you watched the 1 hour and 27 minute video by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi you would have learned a lot Art. Had you looked into the dozens and dozens of video and written testimonies by EX homosexuals that are available in page 1's index, you would have learned a lot as well. But alas, you continue to do what your LGBTQueer allies are doing: Hating those who can change their unnatural sexual desires almost as much as you hate God.

I can't help but note that your first link attempting to debunk therapy for the sexually and gender confused is by an organization who founder (Terry Bean) likes to rape underage boys.



Like I've said many times before: If sexually confused youth are able to understand why they have same sex desires and are able to get help to change them, who would homosexual elders like Terry Bean, Peter Tatchell and the very long list of homosexual pedophiles and pederasts rape?

When it comes to your hatred of therapy for the sexually confused: It's funny that someone who goes out of his way to try and prove that he's not a sodomite, someone who has said dozens of times "Who would want to be gay?", doesn't support those who are trying to do something about it.
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