Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're in a political forum, but I'll make exceptions.
You're correct, my bad. I meant I'm less interested in talking about politicians (like Cruz) and more about your opinions on the topic.
My "opinion" isn't what matters here. If I were to change my mind on homosexuality this instant it wouldn't change the fact that amongst other things:
1) It's an extremely destructive behavior.
2) Since it was decriminalized, homosexuals (and their allies) have created an agenda that is destroying invaluable institutions.
3) Without repenting, those who engage in it will spentd eternity in damnation.
4) A nation that doesn't honor God will not be blessed by Him.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm simply stating that people who have accepted Jesus Christ into their life and are obedient to His Word, have a freedom that you and other proud and unrepentant sinners can't relate to.
That's very much possible. To each his own. That's why I'm not going to criticize your actions with regard to christian doctrine about sin and which commandments in the bible you don't actually follow.
From my perspective: it's your life and your choice. All I'm asking is that you treat others in the same way and don't interfere with their lives.
If I stand by and allow people to destroy their lives knowing that they can be helped, I'm neither loving God with all of my heart, soul and mind, nor am I loving my neighbor as I'd love myself (i.e. I can't call myself a follower of Christ).
Matthew 22:36-40
If I weren't a Christian and had the knowledge that I do about homosexual behavior and amongst others things the child molesting/indoctrinating agenda that goes along with it and stood by and did nothing about it, I'd have to look at myself in the mirror and call myself what I'd be:
"A pervert".
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Companionship, sex and procreation. Those who engage in homosexuality fail at all three.
You couldn't be more wrong.
But as we all know, a picture is worth a 1000 words, so enjoy
[TheDuke posts a picture of Madame Elton John, some guy he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall and 2 beautiful children that they're indoctrinating.]
I talked about Elton John and his new 'toys' (adopted children) in earlier threads.
12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children
I would like nothing more than to discuss all 12 points and how they relate to the Madame that you seem to admire so much.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think God-hating liberals defend Islam so much?
"Their common foe is . . . Christianity."
I'm really amazed at how you live in a bubble. Has it ever occurred to you that there are plenty of religious liberals?
There very well might be plenty of religious liberals (Buddhists and other pagan religions whose morals 'evolve' from time to time), but there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian". Amongst other things Holy Scripture defines morality, and those who believe in God's Word "conserve" His teachings.
Has it ever occurred to you that not all are defending islam? (pro-tip: listen to Hitchens) Has is ever occurred to you that muslims hate EVERYONE? the Sharia for instance allows for people with other religions to live under it while they pay a tax, whereas atheists are to be beheaded instantly?
Muslims do in fact hate anyone that doesn't bow to their false religion. Secular humanists (in this case those who embrace the homosexual agenda) hate anyone that doesn't bow to their iron fisted agenda.
I could talk about how homosexuals hate themselves, but we're trying to keep our post's shorter (which we're not succeeding at).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't you find it rather...ahem...queer that heterosexuals aren't afflicted with it in westernized countries but for some reason it runs rampant amongst heterosexuals in Africa?
Thanks for proving my point with your own data
My "data" being a CDC chart showing that those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately are infected with HIV/AIDS (90+% vs 3% of heterosexuals, and those heterosexuals were mostly black women who became infect by black bisexual males who were on the "down low").
Again: Do your own research on AIDS in Africa until I get to that segment (I have a couple articles sitting in wait, but I'll hold off on that topic as other more important matters must be dealt with first).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you rather have a General Practitioner do heart surgery on you or a specialist? Therapists who have studied what causes homosexual desires have and continue to help people who wish to change.
I'm well aware of the propaganda the LGBTQueer movement has used to smear reparative therapy. I've covered it numerous times and have a fairly extensive list of articles in page 1's index on the subject (feel free to educate yourself).
If I were gay, I'd stay the hell away from them!
No one can force you to change, but if you really wanted to, there are many reputable organizations that have helped so many people with homosexuality. Unfortunately the child molesting LGBTQueer movement is doing everything in their power to put them out of business.
God bless those organizations that help people with same sex attraction!
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that you used the term "gay christians" above, so I strike my earlier comment.
Wait, does that mean you really think that there is no such thing?
Oh the wishful thinking......
At least be fair and give "adulterous christians", "incestuous christians", "bestial christians", etc. etc. etc., equal time.
All sarcasm aside: Homosexuality (along with other sexual behaviors outside of traditional marriage) is, has been and will always be a sin.
Repentance (turning away from sin) is required to be a Christian. I've talked about how the LGBTQueer movement HATES God so much that they're bastardizing His Word to meet their own selfish desires. That's hatred of God, not loving Him.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
He loves mankind so much that He died a horrific death for us. He wants us to repent and accept Him as our Savior instead of spending eternity in damnation. If that isn't love, nothing is.
Well, interesting. But how does your answer relate to my question?
PS: That is one wretched kind o' love. "saving" us from the very hell he created. Great!!!!!
Hell has many forms: Look at the HIV/AIDS chart again and tell me that those who engage in homosexual behavior aren't living a "hell on earth".
God has rules to live by (a righteous society and the government that represents them enforces those rules) and rules that will allow mankind to spend eternity with Him.