Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I haven't seen someone take this thread so personal since Art Brain and WizardofOz aka GFR7 aka patrick jane posted in it.
Tell the many readers of this 4 part thread what personal ties you have to homosexuality.
Not like you think, I don't care about homos, I care about MY personal freedom that is threatened by those who toil towards moral dictatorship over the rest of us because they read a book.
The supposed "freedom" to engage in immoral behaviors isn't freedom, it's being enslaved.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Moral absolutes have everything to do with this topic.
No, I told you not to start this subject, but ok, if you wish:
Moral absolutes do not exist!
If you think otherwise, please give me a list with a reason for each of your supposed absolutes.
Let's stick with the topic of human sexuality. Moral absolute: One man, one woman, united in matrimony (for life, with a couple of exceptions allowing for divorce).
When man strayed from that absolute, moral decay followed (abortion, homosexuality, pornography, cohabitation/no fault divorce, etc.)
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The Roman Empire is one example.
While some do compare the US to good old Rome, your ludicrous simplicity in thinking that empires collapse because of homosexuality is baffling. Let me guess, you think that every great empire in the history of the world would have survived if only they would stone homos?
You asked for an example, and I gave you one that mirrored our laws and culture today (homosexuality/pederasty, abortion, adultery). Moral decay doesn't strengthen a foundation, it only weakens it and total collapse is inevitable.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Comparing Islam with Christianity. Your ignorance is duly noted.
I gave 2 examples, one was with christianity.
PS: BTW whether you like it or not, Islam has borrowed so heavily from your bible, that the 2 religions are indeed very comparable
I've pointed out numerous times throughout this 4 part thread that Islam and the LGBTQueer movement have so much in common: Their out and out HATRED of Judeo/Christian doctrine and pedophile/pederasty being two commonalities.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're been sniffing the lies that Obama's lamestream media has been promoting for the past 7+ years. Come up for some fresh air and face reality.
What? You're not defending the lying prostitute media nor the baby murdering-sodomite-Marxist tyrant that has misused the office of the President of the United States for the past 7+ years? Surely you aren't ashamed of both are you?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You should thank your lucky stars that there are conservatives/Christians out there that look out for you.
arrogance & ignorance do go hand in hand.
What can I do to make you stop looking out for me?
Memorize this quote:
"All societies of men must be governed in some way or other. The less they may have of stringent State Government, the more they must have of individual self-government. The less they rely on public law or physical force, the more they must rely on private moral restraint. Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet. It may do for other countries and other governments to talk about the State supporting religion. Here, under our own free institutions, it is Religion which must support the State."
-Robert Winthrop to the Annual Meeting of the
Massachusetts Bible Society
Boston, Mass; May 28, 1849
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Review the table of contents for the amount of Christians (and even non believers) that have been persecuted for speaking out against homosexuality.
I've often said if the inbreds at the Westboro Baptist Church didn't exist, the LGBTQueer movment would invent them. I've seen them up close here in Seattle, they've done more to promote the LGBTQueer cause than to harm it.
yeah, and I don't disagree, as previously said, but you're focusing on the wrong point, I was giving you an example of free speech.
You gave one example of the freedom to act stupidly. I have a long long list showing that there is no freedom when it comes to taking on the LGBTQueer 'gaystapo'.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
African AIDS is a scam. You can do your own investigation into the matter or wait until I get to that segment (there's HUGE $ in AIDS).
Oh, of course it is, so obviously the disease is only to be found in our hemisphere, right?
Don't you find it rather...ahem...queer that heterosexuals aren't afflicted with it in westernized countries but for some reason it runs rampant amongst heterosexuals in Africa? Again, do your own research or wait until I get to that segment (hopefully lovemeorhate aka Pete will return to comment).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see, they're all liars except for the proud and unrepentant sodomites who live across the street from you and are close friends?
Well I wouldn't really call them close friends, but we get along very well.
No, personal testimony is not automatically lying, but it cannot be taken as a more significant evidence, than actual clinical evaluation.
Let me ask you this, when you get sick, do you visit a doctor, or a witch doctor?
A medical doctor can't give someone a pill and cure someone who has had underlying sexuality issues since childhood.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Jesus is the reason for the season. I thought you weren't sure if God/the Son of God exists?
I can still celebrate, even if I don't believe, right?
Xmas, was expropriated by christianity, used to be another holiday before
Why not celebrate other atheist/pagan holidays instead, like the SCOTUS ruling on Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges? I'm sure that you could get your friends across the street to come over and decorate the tree with condoms (Safe sex!)
BTW, I'm not sure if god exists, but I'm absolutely confident God doesn't. Hope you see the difference now.
Again: At least you're not stating that God approves of homosexuality. If there is anything 'honest' about your eggnosticism/atheism, it's that.