Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I speak only the truth. Most who come into this thread are uncomfortable with the truth, you're no different.
There you go again with that unbearable arrogance of a person possessed.
Is it so difficult to use actual arguments?
Is it so difficult to accept that you may be wrong?
I haven't seen someone take this thread so personal since Art Brain and WizardofOz aka GFR7 aka patrick jane posted in it.
Tell the many readers of this 4 part thread what personal ties you have to homosexuality.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That is why there must be one set of morals that never changes. Yours can change from day to day (homosexuality is normal today, incest and bestiality tomorrow, man-boy "love" the next, etc. etc. etc.). There must be moral absolutes or mankind will destroy itself.
1) Moral absolutes have nothing to do with the topic, we can also discuss this proposition, if you wish, but I'd rather not stray from the main issue.
Moral absolutes have everything to do with this topic.
2) It is such a primitive view that you hold. What can I do to make you see the big picture, I wonder?
This 4 part thread has painted the "big picture". While Part 1 & 2 have been deleted (I still have copies of the table of contents from both threads), Part 3 and now Part 4 tell the truth about the behavior and agenda that you're defending.
Refute anything in Part 3 and Part 4 (you can't).
Maybe an analogy will suffice:
Freedom of religion is normal today, religious law will be tomorrow, theocracy then next, and before we know it, we'll be burning witches again. There must be forced secularism, or mankind will destroy itself.
Terrible analogy, but why ruin a perfectly good track record?
Jesus' 2nd greatest Commandment is to love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself. Legislating righteous laws and returning to cultural mores' that promote decency will only help homosexuals, not physically harm them (they're doing great harm to themselves and society since homosexuality was decriminalized).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God set the guidelines for human sexuality in Genesis: One man, one woman, united in matrimony. Societies that acknowledge that Truth and legislate accordingly prosper. Those that don't, destroy themselves (review history).
Care to give a few examples, maybe?
The Roman Empire is one example.
Gay Marriage—Nothing New Under the Sun
May 22, 2012
Gay marriage and homosexuality were part of the moral landscape faced by the first Christians in Ancient Rome.
Because I certainly can, a society that bases their rules on a holy book is truly the most horrible place to be in. Look at Europe during the mediaeval time, look as ISIS today.
Is that what you wish for?
Comparing Islam with Christianity. Your ignorance is duly noted.
PS: It seems the answer to my question is indeed, that you are solely motivated by your faith. I guess that means, I'll never be able to convince you to change your mind
As mentioned, my faith plays a huge role in this culture war, but if I were to look at it as a non-believer, I couldn't deny the harm that homosexuality does to the individual as well as the harm the homosexual agenda has done to society as a whole.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
All of the above can be resolved by strengthening the 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of man: The Church, the Family and Civil Government. All three are in dire straights, when they're strong, individuals and society as a whole will prosper.
How romantic, yet you still seem to overlook that our society today is as prosperous as humanity has ever been.
You're been sniffing the lies that Obama's lamestream media has been promoting for the past 7+ years. Come up for some fresh air and face reality.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You do realize that you just wrote a prescription for chaos and anarchy don't you?
I'm currently looking out the window, .......nope, no chaos & anarchy yet. But I'll keep on looking for them.
The foundation is rotting away. It's only a matter of time before it implodes on us all. You should thank your lucky stars that there are conservatives/Christians out there that look out for you.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I were to tell a fellow employee that proudly engages in homosexual behavior that what he is doing is wrong, I'd be fired in a second for harassment. If I did the same to strangers on the street, I very well could be charged with a hate crime.
Possibly, but that's not the point, if I were to tell you in person that you have a serious mental problem because you believe in fairies, I'd be fired as well, and for the same reason.
The great achievement of our society is that we can express our views as long as we don't forget about basic rules of mutual respect, especially while at work.
Review the table of contents for the amount of Christians (and even non believers) that have been persecuted for speaking out against homosexuality.
E.g. look at the Westboro people, they are the extreme example of religious bigotry and yet they are not being arrested for expressing their views, right?
I've often said if the inbreds at the Westboro Baptist Church didn't exist, the LGBTQueer movment would invent them. I've seen them up close here in Seattle, they've done more to promote the LGBTQueer cause than to harm it.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of homosexuals who have died from AIDS and are currently living with HIV/AIDS, solely because of the behavior that they choose to partake in.
Really, and the 100000s of heterosexuals who contract HIV, especially the African communities having been blessed by the pope's personal visit.
African AIDS is a scam. You can do your own investigation into the matter or wait until I get to that segment (there's HUGE $ in AIDS).
How about the lesbians, who have a considerably reduced change of getting Aids. eh?
Many lesbos are bisexual and are at risk. I've pointed out many times that Black heterosexual women have been infected solely because the had sex with Black men "on the down low" (bisexuals who won't tell their heterosexual partner that they're a practicing homosexual).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I worked a vice detail years ago where I spent time arresting those who engage in homosexual behavior. I've not only met homosexuals, I've seen up close their mentality and the lifestyle that they engage in.
you must have very different experiences than I have. What I'm not sure I understand, is what exactly you mean by "arresting"
May I inquire about the details of what your were doing?
Enforcing public decency laws. It's a sick culture that you defend.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While you're at it you can review testimonies of both people who have gone through spiritual and psychological therapy to leave homosexual behavior (and often times desires) behind, as well as those who still proudly engage in the behavior (they'll tell you that they were either molested or grew up in a dysfunctional home).
]Testimonials is the weakest evidence you can possibly have, just look at the scientific literature about the topic. But you know, I'll do you the favour and ask the successful lawyer/banker couple who live across the street, whether they had a bad childhood. I'll talk to them when they have their families over, let's see how the reactions will be.
I see, they're all liars except for the proud and unrepentant sodomites who live across the street from you and are close friends?
Have them sign up to TOL and I'll ask them many questions myself.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How do you strengthen the nucleus of society (the traditional family) which is in a world of hurt already (due to no fault divorce laws, etc.) by acknowledging that something that is inherently perverse/immoral is normal?
Yet again, you're beating around the bush.
Tell me what makes you think, that the traditional family is in peril?
How about we start with over 1/3 of children grow up in a household with only one parent?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is the shift button on your keyboard not working? If you push it down when typing the letter "g", you'll correctly spell "God".
Hope you're not offended, but we don't talk about the same god, hence I don't capitalize.
I have to give you credit: unlike many homosexualists do, you don't bastardize God's Word to meet your own selfish desires.
Jesus is the reason for the season. I thought you weren't sure if God/the Son of God exists?