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Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay and Trash Ex-Gays Booth at Fair
"Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair last week, according to an ex-gay educational and support group.
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table."
It appears that tolerance is a one way street for the Gay Mafia.
you mean the horrible attack on those poor ex-gays that not one of the hundreds of people at the fair say?
The violent disturbance that Jackie Abrams, Vice Chair of the Arlington County Fair stated: "no physical altercation occurred, police were never called and no one was ejected from the fairgrounds...It did not happen."
then there was the worker in the booth next to PFOX Insurance agent Vania Villanueva says that late that Saturday afternoon, a woman stopped by the PFOX booth while a young man was working there and " the woman became angry about what the young man was saying." She indicates couldn’t hear him well enough to understand what that was. Then the woman left. Villanueva said she saw no physical attack, no destruction of property nor did she see any police, fair officials or anyone being escorted off the property.
And Officer John Leslie of the of the Arlington County Police Department, says that the police has no reports of any disturbance at the Fair, no record of any complaint and at no time was law enforcement summoned to the Arlington County Fair.