Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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ACW, I will ask you this again,

Why are you focusing on advocating criminalization of homosexuality? It's not going to happen. Continue resisting the LGBT lobby but we are losing and we need to recognize that. We are living in a post-Christian America and you still seem to think that Bible-believing Christians can take back the government despite being a minority.
Practically all of aCW's gay misinformation is derived entirely from hate group propaganda, gay activists and miscreants, to which he uses to "argue" his erroneous case against all homosexuals. He doesn't seem to care if heterosexuals do very similar things.

Of course criminalising homosexuals is a thing of a bygone age and religiosity, and imo aCW knows it too, it's just his excuse for doing something that he likes to do, something that imo even the most enthusiastic straight Christian has very little interest in.


New member
You seem intimidated by the thought of recriminalization, why it that?

I'm not.

To answer your question: amongst other things righteous laws legislated and enforced by a righteous government is a biblical commandment.

But we don't have a righteous government. And we won't until the hearts and minds of the American people change.

You must have not received my memo: I'm not asking for your or any other Libertarian's help.

In a country that has rejected Christianity, why wouldn't you want the government to be less powerful?

By what method?

By not being afraid to tell the truth and to refuse to recognize the lies. And, when possible, political resistance at the state and local level.

Hence the reason for this 4 part thread and showing the cure for the disease.

I'm asking people who have an ounce of decency in their bodies to fight, not just "Bible-believing Christians". There are a lot of people out there who haven't accepted Christ into their lives but are still good decent people. My message goes out to them as well.

I'll use the analogy of a war, since this is called a culture war. You're fighting on the wrong battlefield. Calling to criminalize homosexuality in 2015 is like if the Lakota who had survived the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 declared that they were going to capture Washington and put their chief in the White House.

Now don't you have a Libertarian Party meeting that you need to attend? While you're there, find out what the true ideology behind Libertarian doctrine is, as I don't believe you answered that during your last visit to the thread.

In a few decades libertarians will probably be the only people defending religious freedom.


Originally Posted by Lexington'96
ACW, I will ask you this again,

Why are you focusing on advocating criminalization of homosexuality? It's not going to happen. Continue resisting the LGBT lobby but we are losing and we need to recognize that. We are living in a post-Christian America and you still seem to think that Bible-believing Christians can take back the government despite being a minority.

Practically all of aCW's gay misinformation is derived entirely from hate group propaganda, gay activists and miscreants, to which he uses to "argue" his erroneous case against all homosexuals.

Have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me that he doesn't identify with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. "collective" and in 3 easy steps I'll show this person to be a liar.

But since absolutely no one on TOL is a proud and unrepentant homosexual (cough cough), then I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.

He doesn't seem to care if heterosexuals do very similar things.

Of course I don't care if heterosexuals do immoral and unnatural things, I frequently defend adulterers and out of wedlock fornicators. Since my memory seems to be failing Al, perhaps you could show me where I have?

Of course criminalising homosexuals is a thing of a bygone age and religiosity, and imo aCW knows it too,

When it comes to sexual perversion being embraced in America:

Without a doubt "you've come a long way baby, to get where you got to today...".

it's just his excuse for doing something that he likes to do, something that imo even the most enthusiastic straight Christian has very little interest in.

You know I always value your God-hating opinion Al, thanks for sharing it again.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You seem intimidated by the thought of recriminalization, why it that?

It just goes against your religion (Libertarianism) where people should be allowed to what they want with their own bodies, right?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
To answer your question: amongst other things righteous laws legislated and enforced by a righteous government is a biblical commandment.

But we don't have a righteous government. And we won't until the hearts and minds of the American people change.

The foundation is there, and there are a lot of good people in politics, it's just a matter of getting them elected and staying on them to make sure that they legislate wisely.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You must have not received my memo: I'm not asking for your or any other Libertarian's help.

In a country that has rejected Christianity, why wouldn't you want the government to be less powerful?

It would be, people like Kim Davis wouldn't be arrested; the long list of Christians and others who simply stand for decency wouldn't be intimidated, fined and lose their livelihood because of immoral laws; parental rights wouldn't be stolen away from a mom and dad who simply want to do what's morally best for their sexually or gender confused child, etc. etc. etc.

Are you paying attention to what this government is doing and how out of control it is by pandering (both legislatively and financially) to the LGBTQueer movement?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
By what method?

By not being afraid to tell the truth and to refuse to recognize the lies.

This thread and the people I frequently quote and use their websites to share the truth are doing just that.

And, when possible, political resistance at the state and local level.

Political resistance? You surely aren't talking about legislation are you? And yes, social conservatives need to take control of government at the local, state and federal level.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Hence the reason for this 4 part thread and showing the cure for the disease.

I'm asking people who have an ounce of decency in their bodies to fight, not just "Bible-believing Christians". There are a lot of people out there who haven't accepted Christ into their lives but are still good decent people. My message goes out to them as well.

I'll use the analogy of a war, since this is called a culture war. You're fighting on the wrong battlefield. Calling to criminalize homosexuality in 2015 is like if the Lakota who had survived the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 declared that they were going to capture Washington and put their chief in the White House.

Are you by chance imbibing in one of those many substances that you Libertarians want legalized?

Regarding the recriminalization of homosexuality, adultery, abortion, pornography and cohabitation laws: It took decades for the sexual anarchist/LGBTQueer movement to change our laws and cultural mores', it won't be reversed over night. This thread simply points out what has happened since the decriminalization of those behaviors, and the cure for the disease that has engulfed America:

Moral relativism.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now don't you have a Libertarian Party meeting that you need to attend? While you're there, find out what the true ideology behind Libertarian doctrine is, as I don't believe you answered that during your last visit to the thread.

In a few decades libertarians will probably be the only people defending religious freedom.

Maybe in a few decades you'll be able to define what Libertarianism is, as you sure haven't yet.

BTW, if you happen to see your fellow Libertarian drbrumley (aka Steve), tell him that I'm still waiting for his post defending Laurence Vance's article where he belittled Kim Davis.


New member
Of course I don't care if heterosexuals do immoral and unnatural things, I frequently defend adulterers and out of wedlock fornicators. Since my memory seems to be failing Al, perhaps you could show me where I have?
I think you must have deliberately missed the point again aCW. :rolleyes:
This was about you offering supposed "evidence" against all homosexuals while ignoring similar actions by heterosexuals.
It wasn't about you defending the "un-Christian" sexual activities of heterosexuals, rather it was about you hypocritically having no interest at all in showing a similar gusto for criminalising all heterosexuals because of the actions of clearly many more than just a few.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course I don't care if heterosexuals do immoral and unnatural things, I frequently defend adulterers and out of wedlock fornicators. Since my memory seems to be failing Al, perhaps you could show me where I have?

I think you must have deliberately missed the point again aCW. :rolleyes:
This was about you offering supposed "evidence" against all homosexuals while ignoring similar actions by heterosexuals.

Not "all" homosexuals Al, just the proud and unrepentant ones (those struggling with homosexual desires keep it themselves and most likely don't back the LGBTQueer agenda).

It wasn't about you defending the "un-Christian" sexual activities of heterosexuals, rather it was about you hypocritically having no interest at all in showing a similar gusto for criminalising all heterosexuals because of the actions of clearly many more than just a few.

Why on earth would anyone want to criminalize a behavior that is inherently natural as seen through the Eyes of God and keeps the human race going, as opposed to one that is unnatural, disease ridden and something that God detests?


New member
Not "all" homosexuals Al, just the proud and unrepentant ones (those struggling with homosexual desires keep it themselves and most likely don't back the LGBTQueer agenda).
Sorry but I still don't see how you can rationally use the selected actions of a minority to condemn the majority selectively simply as a convenience as and when it suits you to. If something is wrong then it is wrong whatever their sexual orientation happens to be.
You can't use something similarly done by both gay and straight people as an argument only against homosexuals.
However, are you now claiming, as it seems here, that provided gay people keep whatever they do together private then that is no longer a problem for you?
But sadly I suspect that your sympathy only extends to those who choose to struggle against their sexual desires but who don't actually act on them.

Why on earth would anyone want to criminalize a behavior that is inherently natural as seen through the Eyes of God and keeps the human race going, as opposed to one that is unnatural, disease ridden and something that God detests?
I've only ever pointed out that you don't have an argument against an entire group of people because of the actions of some of them. If you don't want to tolerate the actions of an activist sub-group then that is up to you to deal with them on those specific issues.
Perhaps the vast majority of human sexual activity is not intended to produce babies, so why you think it matters who is doing what with whom, but then again only if they're gay, probably owes rather more to your bigoted hypocrisy, unless you've recently seen the light of course.


New member
So did you go through the archives of the pro LGBTQueer LA Times, the NY Times, and the Washington Post and found nothing?
Still haven't found anything have you?

My response says that in order to waste my time looking for specific documents that in your mind would validate the information written in Pastor McIlhenny's book, that first I would have to believe that it is a lie.
I'm just saying that a church firebombing should have been news in San Francisco if not news outlets across the country.

We've seen how intolerant and violent the LGBTQueer movement has been over the years, beginning with homosexual activist group ACT-UP! back in the 80's (refer to Scott Lively's book "The Pink Swastika" to see how ACT-UP! took ideas from Mein Kampf in order to terrorize any opposition).
Is there really anyone anywhere stupid enough to believe Scott Lively?


New member
Have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come forward and tell me that he doesn't identify with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. "collective" and in 3 easy steps I'll show this person to be a liar.

But since absolutely no one on TOL is a proud and unrepentant homosexual (cough cough), then I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.
None of which addresses the fact that all you do is present propaganda from hate groups, fake studies and false witness.


The near 100 percentage of homos being bi is not fake.


Let me guess: Due to that yet discovered "Bisexual gene"?

And yes, many of those who were psychologically damaged as youth due to sexual molestation or a dysfunctional upbringing (overbearing mother, absent or distant father) and find themselves having same sex desires, do experiment with heterosex (and as we've seen, after therapy end up living happy lives as a husband or wife and father or mother). I'm not sure where you came up with the 100% figure though.

patrick jane

Let me guess: Due to that yet discovered "Bisexual gene"?

And yes, many of those who were psychologically damaged as youth due to sexual molestation or a dysfunctional upbringing (overbearing mother, absent or distant father) and find themselves having same sex desires, do experiment with heterosex (and as we've seen, after therapy end up living happy lives as a husband or wife and father or mother). I'm not sure where you came up with the 100% figure though.

i've already summed this up acw. gays and trannys are sick and mentally ill. they choose 'feeling good' over God and common sense. they start at an early age and think it's normal. bi-sexuals are just selfish confused and drug/alcohol addicted perverts.

there, that's the story of homos in the world, now as far as your thread topic of re-criminalizing it, how would we do that ac dub ?


i've already summed this up acw. gays and trannys are sick and mentally ill. they choose 'feeling good' over God and common sense. they start at an early age and think it's normal. bi-sexuals are just selfish confused and drug/alcohol addicted perverts.

Gee, I must have missed that summary in this post:

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well. Meshak is right -

there, that's the story of homos in the world, now as far as your thread topic of re-criminalizing it, how would we do that ac dub ?

How about we start with something simple like not having supposed Christians accuse the author of this thread of being a closeted fag?

Quote: Originally posted by patrick jane
...you are the one constantl gazing at, downloading and posting gay men and trannys, you are fixated on gay guys ! admit it ! you ARE in the closet, and you on the other you are right i have nothing in the closet, whereas you probably have dozens of closets in your little house of horrors. there's the response


New member
i've already summed this up acw. gays and trannys are sick and mentally ill. they choose 'feeling good' over God and common sense. they start at an early age and think it's normal. bi-sexuals are just selfish confused and drug/alcohol addicted perverts.
So what you are basically saying is that some people have gay sex because it makes them feel good, that they actively seek it out because that is what they desire, right?
Would that make you feel good too, that only your Christian beliefs are what stops you from seeking out gay sex?

there, that's the story of homos in the world, now as far as your thread topic of re-criminalizing it, how would we do that ac dub ?
There but for the grace of God and the moral leash of the Christian faith perhaps goes both you and ac dub?
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