Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So let me get this...ahem..."straight" (please forgive my use of a word that without a doubt is obscene in the LGBTQueer so-called "community"), are you saying that the firing of a homosexual organist named "Kevin" by Pastor Charles McIlhenny and the following lawsuit(s) didn't happen or that the various cases of vandalism, rape and death threats and the firebombing of their church/home never happened?
When Gays Fire-Bombed a Church: 'Gay Rights or Gay Riots.'
no one else seems to have noticed a church being firebombed. Church bombings are rare things and when one happens it generated interest at the national news level.
So did you go through the archives of the pro LGBTQueer LA Times, the NY Times, and the Washington Post and found nothing?
Again, check with both the San Francisco Police and Fire Depts., for a small fee I'm sure that they'll send you a copy of the incident.
But even if we just accept McIlhenny claim that his church was firebombed there is the problem of the lack of police involvement. So no one was ever arrested in connection with this 'firebombing' and no charges ever filed not even a suspect floating around.
Hence a cold case.
So if no one knows who did the firebombing, then no one can say the perpetrator (s) were gay.
(Pssst, you didn't hear this from me, but I believe it was those damn Seventh Day Adventists behind the terrorist act).
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So let me get this...ahem..."straight" again (and again my apologies for using such a filthy word); you went through the archives of both the San Franswischo Chronicle and San Fransicko Examiner and various other periodicals that were being published in San Francisco back in the late 1970's and early 1980's and found nothing?
Are you also saying that you went through the records of the San Francisco Police Dept. to see if Pastor McIlhenny filed one or more police reports and found nothing?
And your response here says you couldn't find anything either.
My response says that in order to waste my time looking for specific documents that in your mind would validate the information written in Pastor McIlhenny's book, that first I would have to believe that it is a lie.
We've seen how intolerant and violent the LGBTQueer movement has been over the years, beginning with homosexual activist group ACT-UP! back in the 80's (refer to Scott Lively's book "The Pink Swastika" to see how ACT-UP! took ideas from Mein Kampf in order to terrorize any opposition).
"The “gay” movement has done more than simply adopt Nazi styles and symbolism. Homosexual strategists have also embraced the terroristic tactics of the Nazi Brownshirts to advance their political agenda.
One of the most notorious groups to employ Nazi thuggery is the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) which was founded in New York by Larry Kramer and approximately 300 other activists in March, 1987. (Alyson Almanac:42). Within a few months its members had gained national attention for their aggressive actions against those whom they considered enemies. ACT-UP groups invaded Catholic churches in New York during religious services, screaming obscenities and “stomping on communion wafers” (Miller:460). Catholic churches were also targeted in Washington, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. Newspaper boxes were smashed in Sacramento to punish an editor for his views (Grant, 1993:104). One militant who later regretted his involvement was Washington, D.C. ACT-UP founder, Eric Pollard. The following is an excerpt from his 1992 letter to the Washington Blade titled, “Time to give up fascist tactics”:
This is very hard for me to write. It forces me to squarely confront my past actions and to accept responsibility for the damage I have had a part in causing. I sincerely apologize for my involvement in and my founding of the AIDS activist organization, ACT-UP D.C.. I have helped to create a truly fascist organization...The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992).
Anyway, onto your next LGBTQueer investigative assignment, as you botched this one horribly.
Update on the "Terror Tactics/Tyranny" section in the index on page 1 (do you want to see LGBTQueer hate? It's in these links).