Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think there is so much HATRED within the LGBTQ movement ...Dante? Do you think it stems from self hatred and they carry that hatred over towards others?

Child molestation, disease, domestic violence/murder, alcohol and drug abuse, I can understand why there is so much hatred within the homosexual movement.

But the good news is ...Dante: Jesus can set you free from all of that hatred, misery, disease and death.

The question is:

Why haven't you asked Him to?

Your repsonse is not just unrelated to my question it is a big diversion. Meaning you are to cowardly to answer the actual question.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The question is:

Why haven't you asked Him to?

Your repsonse is not just unrelated to my question it is a big diversion. Meaning you are to cowardly to answer the actual question.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

Are you interested in getting rid of your blindness ...Dante?
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I couldn't help but notice how iffy Moore was slandered for his dating patterns. He is married to someone 14 years longer than he is. The left has ACW for cynicism, and the right has Lawerence O'Donnell. Aren't you special ACW?


Thanks for the Selwyn Duke written New American article. Sigh, if Judge Roy Moore only liked young boys, he'd someday have his face on a postage stamp.



Kinda ironic that someone who engaged in homosexuality, a behavior that disproportionately shortens lives, would be on a "forever" postage stamp.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The question is:

Why haven't you asked Him to?

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

Are you interested in getting rid of your blindness ...Dante?

I see well enough to see when you are running away with your tail between your legs


New member
Thanks for the Selwyn Duke written New American article. Sigh, if Judge Roy Moore only liked young boys, he'd someday have his face on a postage stamp.


Continued lying won't make your claims true.

Kinda ironic that someone who engaged in homosexuality, a behavior that disproportionately shortens lives, would be on a "forever" postage stamp.

speaking of lies - Are you still trying to foist off Paul Cameron's fake research as factual? :rotfl:


I see well enough to see when you are running away with your tail between your legs

I asked you about why do you think homosexuals hate as they do, and you replied with:

If there is so much hatred within the LGBT movement is it that its the right wing making calls for the building of concentration camps and mass killings and million of dollars spent in other countries to pass laws making it perfctly legal to murder gays?If there is so much hatred within the LGBT movement is it that its the right wing making calls for the building of concentration camps and mass killings and million of dollars spent in other countries to pass laws making it perfctly legal to murder gays?

Do you really expect to me address your insanity again? Be proud that Trump's Secretary of State is the pervert who turned the once God fearing Boy Scouts of America into the Boy Sodomizers of America (Rex Tillerson). Obama's pro LGBTQ agenda throughout the world won't be undone by Trump.

Regarding Harvey Milk being a sexual predator who preyed on underage boys.
Continued lying won't make your claims true.

How many times must I show that Harvey Milk was a pederast? Surely you're not embarrassed by the lives of LGBTQ icons, the vast majority who were pedophiles and pederasts are you ...Dante?

Regarding the shortened lives of those who engage in homosexuality:

speaking of lies - Are you still trying to foist off Paul Cameron's fake research as factual? :rotfl:

I use LGBTQ sources ...Dante. Amongst other things: AIDS obituaries and the fact that you couldn't come up with a median age of death for those who engage in homosexuality.


New member
I asked you about why do you think homosexuals hate as they do, and you replied with:

Do you really expect to me address your insanity again?

I expect you to be too cowardly to answer the question and I expect you to continue posting the same tires lies.
I also expect you to put up some sort of distraction or misdirection to try to draw the attention of not very bright people away from your running from the question

Be proud that Trump's Secretary of State is the pervert who turned the once God fearing Boy Scouts of America into the Boy Sodomizers of America (Rex Tillerson). Obama's pro LGBTQ agenda throughout the world won't be undone by Trump.
Not your best distraction. Maybe you sould have goen with a basdly photohospped image of some supposed gay pride event

Regarding Harvey Milk being a sexual predator who preyed on underage boys.

How many times must I show that Harvey Milk was a pederast?
you have yet to do it once. oh you've lied about it but that is all.

Surely you're not embarrassed by the lives of LGBTQ icons, the vast majority who were pedophiles and pederasts are you ...Dante?
I'm embarassed for you and yoru continued peddling of this lie.

Regarding the shortened lives of those who engage in homosexuality:

I use LGBTQ sources ...Dante.

Amongst other things: AIDS obituaries
you mean the "study" form well known fraud Paul Cameron.

and the fact that you couldn't come up with a median age of death for those who engage in homosexuality.
Sure I can. I can make one up just like Paul Cameron.


I expect you to be too cowardly to answer the question and I expect you to continue posting the same tires lies.
I also expect you to put up some sort of distraction or misdirection to try to draw the attention of not very bright people away from your running from the question

oh you've lied about it but that is all.

I'm embarassed for you and yoru continued peddling of this lie.


(I feelz the love).

When can we talk about that little boy in Twin Falls ID who was sexually abused by some men in the community and grew up to be a God hating/pro LGBTQ monster?

Perhaps in Part 5?


For those wondering why there hasn't been much action in this thread recently:

I've spent a fair amount of time chatting with TOL's vast Libertarian community in another thread ('Explain Conservatism').

When asked to come to this thread to debate their godless/secular humanist ideology and policies, they for some reason always take a pass.

I'm currently debating a Libertarian (I'm using the word "debating" very loosely, as a Christian debating a Libertarian is anything but a debate) in a thread that I created entitled

International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Being that the LGBTQ movement and Islam have so much in common (a devout HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine as well as rampant pedophilia and pederasty), for you following this thread, the above thread is worth taking a look at.

Back with an updated table of contents and other news soon.


A few pages back I exposed some of the leaders of the new pro homosexual supposed "Right".


It appears that pro homosexual/pro Trump supporter Steven Crowder and his boyfriend like to dress up and hangout at 'gay' bars.

Skip the first part of the video, as it's just another smokescreen disavowing that Crowder and company are a part of the secular humanist movement. Go to the 3:00 minute mark and watch Steven and his boyfriend Jared have the time of their life with their fellow LGBTQ'ers.

WARNING: As with anything related to homosexuality, Steven Crowder uses profanity and crude obscene language.


Note how Crowder wasn't the least bit concerned that a underage boy (12-14 years old?) is hanging out in a bar with moral degenerates.

In fact, Crowder's drag queen boyfriend even went so far as to shake his booty in front of the boy.

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A page ago I talked about one of Alabama US Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore's biggest detractors in the Republicrat Party: Accused adulterer Senator John McCain of Arizona who divorced his handicapped wife for a very rich younger woman.



I found this article about Moore detractor Republicrat Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell. Hey, if we're going back 40 years to talk about what Judge Moore may or may have not done, why not go back to 1967 and talk about McConnell's military record?

From a post on the pro Trump/Libertarian leaning freerepublic.com:

In the summer of 1967 [Alan] Lynch [a Lexington Postal Clerk] reported for his summer active duty in the 100th Training Unit Army Reserve. The Unit did their summer active duty at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Lynch worked for S-1, the administrative arm of any army unit. Lynch worked for a Major, who was the assistant Adjutant and new to the unit. During his active duty in August of 1967 Lynch remembers coming into the office and noticed that the Major was upset. He asked him what was going on and the Major told him the following:
A new member of the 100th Army Reserve Unit in Basic Training at Ft. Knox was arrested in the barracks for sodomy. The guy is getting out of the military and the excuse will be due to an illness an eye disorder. The Major then told a joke about it saying I guess the guy couldn’t see the difference between guys and girls.
Lynch asked him how this guy could accomplish this and get a release from the army. The Major told him that the soldier had served as an intern to Senator John Sherman Cooper and Senator Cooper called the Commanding General of Ft. Knox to arrange the discharge.
At the time the Major told Lynch the name of the soldier but the name didn’t stick to his brain. Lynch said frankly it was not important at the time because the name McConnell meant nothing to him. It was not until the issue was raised in McConnell’s senate race of 1990 that he remembered the incident. Lynch provided the information to reporters with the Courier Journal and Herald Leader but they did nothing with it because they didn’t have any real evidence. They only have the story of Lynch.
McConnell has been able to brush this whole thing off as a tempest in a teapot.


The Strange and Possibly Sordid Story of Mitch McConnell's Military Service

Release your military records Senator McConnell!




From the State of fruits and nuts:

How California May be the Next State to Legalize Prostitution

Oct. 20,, 2017

Advocates of legalized prostitution may now get their chance to overturn California's 145-year-old ban on commercial sex thanks to a decision Thursday by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
Three former prostitutes, a would-be client, and the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Educational and Research Project, brought the case. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the plaintiffs argued the prostitution ban violates the right to engage in consensual sex, as described in a 2003 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned laws against gay sex.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White of Oakland rejected their argument last year, saying the 2003 court ruling only protects intimate personal relationships, not commercial sex. He also said the prostitution ban was in place to keep women safe, stop human trafficking, and limit the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
But Thursday's three-judge panel indicated times have changed and it's time to review the law again.
"Why should it be illegal to sell something that it's legal to give away?" Judge Carlos Bea asked.
Judge Consuelo Callahan agreed, saying prostitution, like homosexuality had been "subject to moral disapproval." He further argued that because the 2003 Supreme Court case dealt with "individual rights," the right to sell one's body for money could be "a natural extension of Supreme Court precedent," she said.

Read more: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2017...ay-be-the-next-state-to-legalize-prostitution

"Consensual sex", "individual rights", i.e. the right to privacy, those are the core values behind the sexual anarchist movement.

People following this 4 part thread might recall me talking about how the voters of San Fransicko defeated a measure that would have made prostitution legal back 2008.

You have to hand to the economic savvy boyz in the city by the bay: They figured why pay for something that you can get free in a public restroom toilet stall.

In any event, I foresee prostitution, like homosexuality, being a "constitutional right" sometime in the near future.




Hall of Fame
I found this article about Moore detractor Republicrat Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell. Hey, if we're going back 40 years to talk about what Judge Moore may or may have not done, why not go back to 1967 and talk about McConnell's military record?

From a post on the pro Trump/Libertarian leaning freerepublic.com:

In the summer of 1967 [Alan] Lynch [a Lexington Postal Clerk] reported for his summer active duty in the 100th Training Unit Army Reserve. The Unit did their summer active duty at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Lynch worked for S-1, the administrative arm of any army unit. Lynch worked for a Major, who was the assistant Adjutant and new to the unit. During his active duty in August of 1967 Lynch remembers coming into the office and noticed that the Major was upset. He asked him what was going on and the Major told him the following:
A new member of the 100th Army Reserve Unit in Basic Training at Ft. Knox was arrested in the barracks for sodomy. The guy is getting out of the military and the excuse will be due to an illness an eye disorder. The Major then told a joke about it saying I guess the guy couldn’t see the difference between guys and girls.
Lynch asked him how this guy could accomplish this and get a release from the army. The Major told him that the soldier had served as an intern to Senator John Sherman Cooper and Senator Cooper called the Commanding General of Ft. Knox to arrange the discharge.
At the time the Major told Lynch the name of the soldier but the name didn’t stick to his brain. Lynch said frankly it was not important at the time because the name McConnell meant nothing to him. It was not until the issue was raised in McConnell’s senate race of 1990 that he remembered the incident. Lynch provided the information to reporters with the Courier Journal and Herald Leader but they did nothing with it because they didn’t have any real evidence. They only have the story of Lynch.
McConnell has been able to brush this whole thing off as a tempest in a teapot.


The Strange and Possibly Sordid Story of Mitch McConnell's Military Service

Release your military records Senator McConnell!



Interesting timing. :plain: So your defense of Moore preying on teenage GIRLS is that McConnell was rumored to have consensual sex when he was in the military with other consenting adults?


Regarding Roy Moore detractor KY Senator Mitch McConnell being dismissed from the Army Reserve for sodomizing another male soldier:

Interesting timing. :plain: So your defense of Moore preying on teenage GIRLS is that McConnell was rumored to have consensual sex when he was in the military with other consenting adults?

(For those of you that don't understand what Sandy just said: It is alleged that while serving in the US military, now Senator Mitch McConnell was caught sodomizing another male, and as long as it was "consensual", it was perfectly normal for McConnell and whatshisname to do so).

I'm just pointing out if your secular humanist allies are interested in what Christian US Senate candidate Roy Moore may or may not have done 40 years ago (the stepson of one of the accusers says that she's lying: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...says-shes-lying-stand-behind-judge-100-video/ which makes 3 of his accusers liars)then let's open up the past to all politicians.

How about we start with Barack Husseim Obama hiding his homosexuality to become President?




We could talk about Teddy Kennedy leaving a woman to die while he ran off trying to find an alibi. Or we could talk about the adulterous sexual escapades of Teddy.


Then there's homosexual icon Barney Frank who ran a male prostitution ring out of his Boston apt.

In 1989 it was discovered that Barney Frank's boyfriend, Stephen Gobie, whom Frank had once hired as a male prostitute, was running a male-brothel out of the Congressman's home. Frank claimed he did not know about the prostitution ring in his home, but he did use the power of his office to "fix" 33 tickets for Gobie. And he knowingly wrote a misleading letter to Gobie's probation officer in Virginia. Frank received a "reprimand" for fixing the tickets. Gobie maintained that Frank knew about the prostitution ring operation in his home.

Gosh Sandy, if you holier than thou secular humanists want to talk about politicians (both democrat and republican alike) that are/were sexual deviants, I'm afraid that I'll need another 200 pages to cover those stories.

But then it's really no fun to talk about those people is it Sandy, as unlike Roy Moore they don't stand for legislation based on sound Judeo-Christian doctrine.


Hall of Fame
But then it's really no fun to talk about those people is it Sandy, as unlike Roy Moore they don't stand for legislation based on sound Judeo-Christian doctrine.

You mentioned the guy who is accused (with plenty of evidence) of being a CHILD predator. Considering this is the FOURTH installment of your Homosexuality-Recriminalized thread where you consistently insist that homo's are child predators, perhaps you can explain your defense of the guy who was banned from a local Alabama mall for harassing teenage girls. It would seem that his hatred towards gays trumps his well documented past deviancy towards teenage girls.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You mentioned the guy who is accused (with plenty of evidence) of being a CHILD predator. Considering this is the FOURTH installment of your Homosexuality-Recriminalized thread where you consistently insist that homo's are child predators, perhaps you can explain your defense of the guy who was banned from a local Alabama mall for harassing teenage girls. It would seem that his hatred towards gays trumps his well documented past deviancy towards teenage girls.

Of course you know he won't. He'll just pompously deflect like the puffed up, closeted windbag that he is. Even if Moore were to be convicted of molestation (and the evidence is damning, not least Moore's interview with Hannity) aCW would just make out it was all a conspiracy to besmirch an 'upstanding Christian man' or some such.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But then it's really no fun to talk about those people is it Sandy, as unlike Roy Moore they don't stand for legislation based on sound Judeo-Christian doctrine.

You mentioned the guy who is accused (with plenty of evidence) of being a CHILD predator.

Be more specific with who you're referring to, as every LGBTQ icon (as shown throughout this 4 part thread) has been a CHILD predator or endorsed child molestation and indoctrination.

Considering this is the FOURTH installment of your Homosexuality-Recriminalized thread where you consistently insist that homo's are child predators,

Sigh, if I could only get a proud unrepentant homosexual (male or female) to come forward and state they've never had sex with a underage minor, that would blow my statement clear out of the proverbial water Sandy. Do you know anyone that would step forward and make that claim?

perhaps you can explain your defense of the guy who was banned from a local Alabama mall for harassing teenage girls. It would seem that his hatred towards gays trumps his well documented past deviancy towards teenage girls.

Again, who are you talking about: Teddy Kennedy? (no, Kennedy wasn't banned from a mall, he just left a young woman to die in his car while he ran off trying to find an alibi).

Roy Moore liked younger women. He ended up marrying one 14 years younger than he and fathering 4 children with her. I realize that since Moore isn't a homosexual that hangs out at gay pride parades viewing 8 year old boys erotically dancing in front of him, that Moore's behavior in your world is...



Case in point:

Of course you know he won't. He'll just pompously deflect like the puffed up, closeted windbag that he is. Even if Moore were to be convicted of molestation (and the evidence is damning, not least Moore's interview with Hannity) aCW would just make out it was all a conspiracy to besmirch an 'upstanding Christian man' or some such.

A 12 year old boy approaches his uncle Art and tells him that he's having sexual fantasies about boys and men of the same sex. He doesn't want to have same sex attractions, as he knows that they're perverse and if acted upon, extremely deadly.

Uncle Art's advice:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Case in point:

A 12 year old boy approaches his uncle Art and tells him that he's having sexual fantasies about boys and men of the same sex. He doesn't want to have same sex attractions, as he knows that they're perverse and if acted upon, extremely deadly.

Uncle Art's advice:

Don't listen to pompous buffoons who are obviously gay themselves and have no issues with grown men masquerading as Christians molesting girls.

You really are a dope aCW. Get out the closet, stay out and get a life.

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