Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
A couple of things:
1). There is only one kind of Christian, i.e. someone that follows the teachings of God as seen in Holy Scripture, i.e. they conserve His values:
conserve: to use or manage wisely; preserve; save
2). If you're a Christian why the need to add the term "Libertarian" onto it?
I was pointing out that I am a Christian and I am also a Libertarian.
Tell me what the core values of Libertarian doctrine are (avoid subjective words like "liberty" and "freedom") and then I'll tell you why you can't be both a Christian and a Libertarian (I'm giving Lexington'96 the proverbial rope to hang himself with).
I'm also bilingual, under 6 foot, and live in a rural area. None of those things prevent me from being a Christian though.
And none of those things involve immoral ideology (which Libertarianism is).
Quote: Originally posted by a CultureWarrior
A righteous government (which we pretty much had up until a few decades ago) wouldn't make something a crime unless there are victims. We've seen the victims that come with the homosexual movement (children, families, invaluable institutions), and the people themselves that partake in the abominable act (disease, misery and death).
Are you saying that our government has only been unrighteous for the last few decades?
While injustices occurred in the past due to things like race relations,
the nucleus of society (the traditional family) had always been strong in our nation until we legalized things like adultery, abortion, pornography, cohabitation and now homosexuality.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course you Libertarians don't think that a person can be a victim of their own actions (so much for Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment).
I've smoked before, does that mean I should go to jail because I was harming myself.
And my latest late night gorge fest involves garlic potato chips and clam dip (which isn't helping my cholesterol), but unlike homosexuality, neither are
inherently immoral.
When we support
inherently immoral legislation by civil government (abortion, homosexuality, adultery, recreational drug use, etc.), we're are "accessories to the crime".
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But it really doesn't matter what you and your fellow Libertarians "think", it all comes down to what the proper role of government is and the basis of that role (where it comes from).
A Christian acknowledges that it comes from the Bible, such as in Romans 13:4.
Where does the New Testament give us instructions for what to do when Christians become a majority in a country?
Majority or not, the righteous role of government is seen in verses like Romans 13:4. If you believe that government should have a different foundational role, then let's hear it.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Where in the Constitution does it say that sexually confused people have a right to sodomize one another? Refer to the index under the Founding Fathers to see what they thought about the act of homosexuality. Needless to say, their original intent wasn't to give sexual deviants and people with an immoral agenda "constitutional rights".
Where did I say the Constitution guarantees that?
It doesn't, so there is no "right" to immoral behavior in our founding documents nor given to mankind by God.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Which church, the numerous ones that are performing homosexual weddings?
The true Church. False teaching has existed long before gay marriage was invented.
Which denomination is that? My point is this: How do you pull a country out of moral decay when the Church has been permeated by sexual deviants hell bent on redefining Scripture?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Besides, it's not the role of the Church to legislate laws (unless you want to live in a Muslim theocracy).
Each institution that God ordained for the governance of man has it's own role (the Church, the Family and Civil Government) and civil government's role is to legislate righteous laws as seen through God's Eyes.
Where in the New Testament are we given instructions for what laws to pass?
Passing laws against sexual sins is a no brainer.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When people like you who call themselves "Christian" harp about government staying out of areas where there are no "victims" it certainly doesn't help the cause to restore decency in America.
We don't need to arrest smokers to teach people that smoking is bad.
You Libertarians kill me, downplaying sexual perversions like homosexuality by comparing it with tobacco use.
Again, smoking a cigarette or a cigar is not inherently immoral.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I had forgotten how out of touch you Libertarians are with reality. Since the African National Congress took control of South Africa, the LGBTQ movement is flourishing.
I love how you chose the one country that was the exception. The majority of South Africans, from what I understand, don't support homosexuality. It was imposed by their Supreme Court.
Refer to my statement about Uganda below.
Also, South Africa is not the only country in Southern Africa.
Then be more specific. If you want to talk about Uganda, it's a strong Christian country in Africa that has
criminalized homosexuality.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Decide which side you're on: God's and what the righteous role of government is, or secular humanist's man's.
Many of the answers to the problems in today's society are in the title to my 4 part thread:
"Why Homosexuality MUST Be
It's not going to happen. It's like going to Iran and yelling "criminalize Islam."
Work on your analogies.
Don't get me wrong, this thread wasn't written for moral relativist Libertarians. We who stand for decency will get the job done without you.
Your major concern right now should be when you meet God on your judgment day and what do say to Him when He asks you:
"Why didn't you love Me with all of your heart, soul and mind, and why didn't you love your neighbor as you loved yourself?"